~ Epilogue ~

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*The family is one of nature's masterpieces. - George Santayana*

Lola drove into the compound while she was making phone call with someone. She ended the conversation after parking the car in its position in the garage. She removed her Airpod from her ear and she heaved a tired sign.

She climbed down from the car and she took the back door into the house. Her heels clank on the shiny floor while she make her way to her husband sitting room. She slopped on one of the sofa in the living room feeling exhausted from the day activities. But she wasn't done yet, she still have to prepare dinner for fifty people.

That was another hours in the kitchen. Despite the help from the househelp, the workload was still much on her. And there was the kids.


Speaking of kids.

She jerk her head upward and looked around the room. And her thought went to where the children might be. There were probably with Demilade in the playroom. They better be there, she prayed.

But why have they not come down. She hoped they were where she thought they should be. She was about to stand up when Wasilla, their househelp came to meet her.

"Ma'am, welcome ma." She greeted.

"Thank you. How is the preparation going?"

"It is all going well ma. Everything is ready. We are waiting for you before we start cooking. But it's look like you need a bit of rest." Lola nodded in agreement to that. "Then we can start with the decorations. The event planner is here." She said to Lola.

"Thank God. Go and meet them. Just do as we planned. I need to go check on my husband and the kids first and change into something more comfortable." She said, picking up her handbag that was beside her on the chair. "Where are they?"

Wasilla shrugged. "I have no idea ma'am."

"You didn't monitor them again." Lola quirk a brow. The lady gave her an apologetic smile.

She can't really blame her though. The boys were very problematic. Two minutes with them is a cause for headaches. Most especially the first and last that think they are too big for a nanny.

"I just hope they have not done something annoying." Lola said more to herself than to the lady. "Thanks Wasilla, I will meet you down soon. Go attend to the event planner."

"Okay, ma'am." Wasilla said and she went away. Lola held toward the stairs.

Mid way up the stairs, she heard screaming. She knows that scream. There was only one person in the Ninalowo's mansion that could shout so much like he had been stabbed. She face-palm herself then shook her head as she continued on her way up the staircase.

"Where in God's name is Demilade?" She questioned herself as she continued her journey up the stairs, still hearing scream. She took the hallway to the second to the last room on her right and she opened the door. She was welcomed with a wet paint brush.

Someone had threw a paint brush toward the door but it landed on her when she opened the door. One of the boys had intended to throw the brush on the other one standing next to the door but he was quick to dodge it and it flew toward her as she opened the door.

The paint brush had landed on her blue and white gown and it seems like she was stained with menstruation because it was between her legs. She stared at it for a second and then she flew the door wide open, picking the brush from the floor.

She was met with another shock for the day.

And six guilty doe eyes.

The painting room had been repainted. In an indescribable way.

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