2. Great, Just Great

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"Dude, this is so stupid," Jace rolled his eyes at Alec's door where they could hear music blasting. "Tomorrow we'll just complain and get you switched."

"It's fine, really." Alec shrugged as he put his key in the lock. "We got off on the wrong foot but I'll win him over."

Jace cocked an eyebrow at him. "You do realize that it's you, not me, we're talking about right?" 

"If you had just done it my way he might not have been so pissed." Alec pointed out with a smirk. 

"Can you two stop yapping?" Magnus asked as he yanked the door open, pulling Alec with it. "Some of us are trying to have an unpacking dance party."

"Night, Alec." Jace snorted at Magnus who was in a kimono with a giant tiger embroidered on it with only tiny black briefs on underneath. 

"Night." Alec wiggled his key to get it out of the lock and watched as his friend left him to the angry guy who was glaring at him.

"Co-dependant much?" Magnus rolled his eyes and did a twirl, letting his kimono swirl around him. "Come on, out, or in." Magnus waved Alec inside making sure to glare at a guy who walked past them. 

"I can't get my key out," Alec admitted finally. "Sorry." 

"Idiot." Magnus shoved Alec out of the way and twisted the key. They both flinched when there was a clinking sound. "And now our lock is broken. Great."

"I almost had it." Alec's irritation was growing. He generally stayed very calm and ignored his anger. In Magnus's case, he was already to the level of plotting his murder. That was some fast-moving in Alec's mind. 

Magnus slammed the door shut after pulling Alec inside. "Good thing it was your key. I'm not paying for it to be fixed."

"You're the one who broke it!" Alec shouted which was rare for him. 

"And you're the one who forced me to." Magnus turned off his music with a mad flourish of his hand. "Look, we've gotten off to a bad start. How about we start over?"

Alec looked at the hand outstretched to him and considered it. Normally he would be quick to at least pretend to forgive, but with this guy, he seriously wanted to piss him off even more. There was a sort of joy it brought him. He couldn't explain what he was feeling except that it was a new thing.

"Come on, pretty boy." Magnus winked at Alec and took a step towards him. "I've seen you checking me out. I may hate you but, I'm not too angry to admit you have a certain thing I'm interested in. So, let's start over, and then we can be friends."

Alec looked at Magnus's lips because watching his golden eyes roam up and down his body was far too much for him to handle. Alec shook his head. "How about you stay to your side and I stay to mine?"

"Feisty." Magnus smiled deeply reminding Alec of a cat hunting its prey. "I do like a challenge."

"What are we going to do about the lock?" Alec demanded.

"We?" Magnus laughed loudly as he took a seat on his bed and pulled a sketchbook out from under his pillow. "It's your key and we're not friends."

"You broke it!" Alec snatched the sketchbook out of Magnus's hands and chucked it at the door. It bounced off with a loud thud. Magnus jumped to his feet and stood chest to chest with Alec. 

"Pick it up." Magnus hissed.

"Make me." Alec pressed against him causing Magnus to stumble back one step before catching himself by grabbing onto Alec's shirt. At that moment, they both froze, looking down at Magnus's hands on Alec's chest. 

Alec grabbed Magnus's shoulders and pulled him closer as their mouths met angrily. This wasn't a kiss of passion; it was filled with anger and frustration. Magnus's hands went to Alec's hair and he pulled it, hard. Alec shoved Magnus's so they fell on the bed with a creak. Magnus ripped Alec's shirt off him and Alec pushed the kimono off Magnus's shoulders. His mouth followed the movement and he bit Magnus. 

"Ouch!" Magnus yelped then moaned as Alec licked it better. "Shit."

That brought Alec out of the momentary mind explosion he had just gone through. He leaped up, leaving Magnus laying on his bed, fighting to catch his breath. Magnus had a different look on his face now. He was hungry.

"Tell anyone about this and I'll kill you." Alec walked to the door and without a single look back gripped the doorknob. "Damn it! By the Angel!" Alec tried the doorknob again then kicked the door.

"Can't leave?" Magnus smirked, the hunger barely hidden in his eyes by arrogance. 

"Nope." Alec threw his hands in the air. "Of course not." He turned on Magnus. "Because you broke the damn lock!"

"What?" Magnus jumped up and pushed Alec out of the way so he could try it himself. The door didn't budge. 

"Idiot." Alec cursed and threw one of his boxes onto his bed so he could find his bedding. This was going to be a long-ass semester.  

"What are we going to do?" Magnus demanded as he continued to try the door.

"We?" Alec cocked an eyebrow at Magnus and used his own words against him. "You broke it and we're not friends." 

"Neither of us can leave, dumbass." Magnus started to shake the door. 

"There's always the window." Alec shrugged and proceeded to make his bed.

"We're on the third floor." Magnus looked out the window as Alec got into his newly made bed. 

"Observant." Alec snorted. "Turn the light off."


Alec grabbed a shoe from a box and threw it at the lightswitch and Magnus who was standing right next to it. "Turn the damn light off."

"Do it yourself." Magnus went to his own bed knowing that if he had to he could sleep with the light on because there was no way in hell that he'd turn it off.

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