A New Beginning

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Hello Lovelies! 😙😙😙 I've figured out my shit and am finally really coming back to writing. I hope some of you are still around. I'm going to possibly start posting some original stuff but I'll still keep up on Malec. Just because the show is ending doesn't mean this will.

"Alec, she needs our help." Jace said with the stubbornness that Alec secretly admired.

"She's an annoying mundane that is just going to slow us down." Alec demanded with fierce jealousy hidden behind loyalty to the job.

"Alec, as you already know she's one of us." Jace flipped his hair back and cast a longing glance at the red head whom Alec despised more than Izzy's cooking.

"Just because you tattooed her and she didn't become a forsaken doesn't mean she's one of us." Alec chewed on his lip when he saw a flash of annoyance in Jace's eyes. Sure Jace got annoyed with him often but it was never over a girl, an annoying child sized girl at that.

"Alec, that is literally what it means." Jace rolled his eyes.

"What my impolite brother is trying to say is that she is someone who is going to need a lot of help." Izzy stepped in, placing a hand on Alec's chest as a warning. Alec wanted to argue that he really meant that it was a waste of their time seeing how the girl seemed to find herself in the middle of deadly situations. Their help or not the red head would probably end up dead and it would be better if they weren't attached.

"Wow, Alec," Jace scoffed sarcastically. "You're tone sure has changed."

"Do whatever you want. Just know that I don't approve." Alec turned away from them.

"Isn't that shocking. Alexander Gideon Lightwood doesn't approve." Jace and Izzy laughed.

Alec turned around and waved his hands wildly as he spoke. "While you guys are playing house with the mundane I'm going to actually try and find Valentine. You can laugh but we all know that I'm the one who has the brains when it comes to this."

"Alec, helping people isn't about brains." Izzy said lightly knowing that they had pushed Alec too much. She knew that it was killing her brother to see Jace pine after someone.

"But staying alive is." And with that said Alec strutted out of the institute. He needed a drink, of course he didn't drink. But he assumed this would be the type of situation that would merit having one.

"Ooph." Someone yelled as Alec slammed into them.

"Does personal space mean nothing to you?" Alec hissed loudly as he pushed at the person who was still pressing against him.

"You do realize that you walked directly into me right?" A deep, brooding, yet somehow chipper voice said with a tinkle of laughter.

"And you realize that it's a sidewalk not a sidestop wherever the hell I want too, right?" Alec snapped back then froze when his icy blue gaze met a tawny one.

"Feisty." The man smiled cockily. "Let's get drinks."

"What?" Alec shook his head trying to focus.

"Drinks, you, me, maybe some tacos as well." The Magnus said patiently.

"Oh, uh." Alec cleared his throat. "That's a hard no."

"Ouch." The man clutched his cheat dramatically. "Feisty and cruel. I think I'm in love."

"I think you're insane. Please leave."

"Only if you come with me." The man winked.

"By the angel!" Alec blushed and tried to remember that this was a complete stranger, a crazy one at that.

"I love that bar." The man linked his arm with Alec's and an hour later Alec still couldn't explain even to himself how he he ended up sitting in the living room of a guy who's name he still didn't know. So much for staying alive, Alec was probably about to be killed and skinned or something. But, before he could think any further the man started talking again and Alec lost track of everything else.

Magnus smiled at the young man as he snored lightly on the couch next to him. He knew he should wake him, or at least check the shadowhunters phone to find out his name, but it felt like somehow that would ruin the magic of the night.

When Magnus woke up the next morning he knew before he opened his eyes that his shadowhunter was gone. He knew also that he'd be dreaming of the kiss that he had wanted to plant on his pink lips but never had.

Much to his surprise, not a week later he saw the same shadowhunter shoot an arrow with perfect accuracy right in front of him. He was going to get that kiss, sooner or later, he'd get what he wanted. He always did.

Question: Any requests?

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