2. Out of the Closet, or Should we Just Stay in?

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A/N So today I got to go to Comic Con and not for work, well maybe an hour of work... It was so fun though! I dressed as a shadowhunter, with the runes and weapons, and mostly black. Lots of black! It was just a bummer that I couldn't find any Shadowhunter things. I did get a picture with life size cutouts of Dean, Sam, and Hook! And I saw Crowley! I bought some fun Disney art and Groot shaped chocolates.

"Are you ready for that?" Alec asked Magnus even though they both knew Magnus would be willing to send a postcard to the whole world announcing how he felt about the cautious shadowhunter. 

"I don't want to rush anything, but I mean I'm kind of stuck in your room." Magnus flashed his yellow eyes at Alec, "not that I mind. We have plenty of fun in here."

"But?" Alec asked knowing that there was one.

"But, it could be fun to spend time with you out of the closet." Magnus brushed Alec's messy hair with his perfectly manicured fingers.

"We're not in a closet." Alec cocked a confused eyebrow at him. "This is my room."

Magnus chuckled softly. "Yes, Alexander, it is. It's a different closet that I'm talking about."

Alec still looked confused, but Magnus just thought he looked beautiful and pure. "Mags, we couldn't fit in my closet. If you want to go in a closet we could use Jace's or Izzy's?"

"Forget the closet." Magnus touched Alec's bottom lip. Magnus loved how Alec leaned into his touch. "Let's just worry about us."

"I could do that." Alec's eyes brightened in the little light coming from outside. "I would really like to do that." 

Magnus touched his lips to Alec's meaning for a feather, light kiss, but he should have known better. Alec and he were anything but light. Alec pressed against Magnus and his tongue darted out of his mouth to caress Magnus's bottom lip. Magnus knew what he wanted but he kept his mouth shut, waiting to see how badly his shadowhunter really wanted it. A moment later, he felt a light bite of Alec's teeth against his lip and chuckled as he opened his mouth. 

Alec's tongue plunged inside Magnus's mouth only to find his tongue ready to fight. Their tongues warred as Magnus slowly pushed Alec backwards. Alec yelped into Magnus's mouth as he fell onto the bed. Magnus fell on top of him with a laugh. 

"Did the mighty Alexander just yelp?" Magnus asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"What?" Alec blushed. "Of course not. I don't yelp. I am a man."

"Yeah, a man who yelps," Magnus kissed Alec then pulled away so he could add, "very cutely, I might add."

"I'm not cute." Alec fake pouted.

"Keep pouting and I'm going to bite that lip, young man."

"Come at me, old man."

"Now, that's just hurtful."

Alec responded by rolling his eyes.

A knock at the door made them both jump. "Hurry up, Alec! Izzy is threatening to make a fire and cook over it. She's bad enough with a microwave and stove."

"Do you think if you stay quiet he'll leave?" Magnus whispered, tickling Alec's ear with his breath.

"Probably not." Alec said just as Jace kicked the door.

"I will break this door down if I have to. Get your ass out here!" Jace demanded.

Alec groaned and Magnus rolled off him. "Fine, but I'm coming out under protest."

"That's nothing new." 



Magnus covered his mouth to keep himself from laughing. Alec smacked him lightly. 

"Are you coming?" Alec asked him and held out his hand.

Question: What are you doing this weekend? Anything fun? Delightfully boring? Sleeping? Tell me it all! 

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