1. Secrets

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Answer: I have to babysit for my sister. 

Alec was exhausted. He had gone to sleep tired, and now it was worse. He winced at the sound of his alarm as he opened one eye to find it and turn it off. It was time to get up. He not only had to be at the briefing in 10 minutes, he had to run it. This was one of the very few moments where he thought about how nice it would be to be a mundane. They usually had to be at work after the sun had risen and in the movies, he had been watching with Magnus, they usually got fed.

"Alec?" Jace's tired voice called through his door.

"It's unlocked," Alec responded as he finally forced himself out of bed. He was pulling on a well-used, worn pair of black pants as Jace entered. He turned and buttoned them up then picked a shirt up from the ground that he had gotten the pants from. He sniffed and tossed it towards the laundry basket.

"Here." Jace threw a shirt from Alec's closet.

Alec caught the shirt and thanked him as he pulled it on.

"You look as tired as I feel." Jace said with a brush of his fingers through his hair.

"I wouldn't doubt it." Alec sat down and slowly fumbled to put on his socks and shoes. "I think I got maybe two hours." Alec yawned and Jace followed suit.

"Sounds about right." Jace closed the door and walked closer to Alec. "We need a better system."

"Why?" Alec asked with a shrug. He knew the answer of course. This was killing both of them, not even that slowly. It had been going on for only a couple of weeks and they both were constantly exhausted. "Maybe Iz could take a couple of the shifts."

"That wouldn't make it any better for you." Jace pointed out.

"Right." Alec stood up. "I'll think about it; figure something out."

"Or you could just, I don't know, tell the truth." Jace said with a serious look. He knew better than to think that it would simple. Jace knew his best friend better than most and he knew their world. It wasn't going to be easy, but they couldn't live like this much longer. He was willing to do anything for Alec, but Alec shouldn't have to do this much just to be happy. Was he even that happy?

"It's too early for your jokes, Jace." Alec looked sad and tired. "Better go."

"This is one with the downworlders, right?" Jace asked as they started walking to the meeting.

"Yes." Alec smiled just a tiny bit. Jace wouldn't have even noticed if he hadn't felt the change in Alec's emotions through their bond.

"Magnus-" Jace started to say and Alec smacked him. "Shut up."

"Hello Alexander." Magnus smiled like a wolf that had just spotted his prey. He looked ready to pounce.

"Magnus Bane." Alec responded and couldn't hide his smile.

Jace let out a sigh of relief. He didn't have to worry about this anymore. If anyone saw them together they would know that they were a thing, or at the very least, they were into each other.

"You left your shirt." Magnus whispered so even Jace couldn't hear him. "I put it into your room. Also, here." He held out a small vile filled with green liquid.

Alec didn't even ask; he just drank. "Thanks. By the Angel!" He exclaimed as he felt his body adjust to no longer being exhausted.

"Good right?" Magnus purred. "I thought you might be tired."

"What about the friend who helped out?" Jace asked as he took a step closer to them.

"Baby." Magnus teased and tossed him another vile. "I thought you were the toughest, badass around here."

"I am." Jace chuckled. "And I'm the most tired and not because of extracurricular activities."

"Poor thing." Alec teased as Magnus nodded his head and gave him a look of pity. "The poor thing is jealous that we get to have fun and he just has to cover."

"You two better be nice to me." Jace said and then finally swallowed the liquid. "Damn, this is amazing. What is it?"

"Mistake." Alec said as Magnus smiled.

"It's-" Magnus started to say then was cut off by a group of shadowhunters. "Well let's just say you don't want to know."

"Whatever." Jace shrugged.

"Also, there are some side effects." Magnus gave a guilty smile. "Actually it will be more fun for you to find out for yourself."

"What the hell does that mean?" Jace asked with a worried and angry look.

"Don't worry about it." Magnus almost took Alec's hand, but stopped himself.

"You're terrible." Alec said as they walked away.

"It's just too easy and so fun." Magnus glanced back at Jace who looked pale.

Alec's expression changed and Magnus knew they were finished joking. "I can't do this."

"I know it's not ideal." Magnus agreed and wanted to talk more but they were in the room. He went and took his seat on the side of the table as Alec took a seat at the front of the room.

The briefing was normal, boring, and long. Alec droned on about all the things on the agenda and listened to what were mostly complaints. Every once in a while he would catch Magnus' eyes and would feel a spark of hope. It was worth it. It was going to all work out.

"Everyone, I have an announcement." Alec said just as the door opened. He ignored it and continued. "Magnus Bane and I are dating."

"Alec?" His mother was standing in the doorway with his dad. They looked horrified.

A/N There will be at least one more part to this. 

Question: What's something that you've kept secret from everyone but your best friend, or even from them too?

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