1. Merry Christmas

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Answer: Malec Family Won! But I choose both so part 1 will be with the family and part 2 will be just Malec.

Merry Christmas my lovelies!

"Daddy! Papa!" Max leapt through the air and landed on top of them both

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"Daddy! Papa!" Max leapt through the air and landed on top of them both.

"Ah!" Magnus yelped as Alec simply groaned.

"It's your turn." Alec muttered and turned over.

"He's your son." Magnus whispered.

"It's Christmas!" Max jumped up and down.

"Oh, yes!" Magnus smiled.

"Daddy, open your eyes." Max pulled on Magnus's eyelids.

"Ouch." Magnus blinked. "Alexander, Christmas."

"Christmas?" Alec flipped the blanket off and he was in a full christmas unicorn onesie. "Christmas! Max it's Christmas!"

"Yay!" Max leapt into Alec's arms and Alec kissed the little blue boy's head. Magnus had been right. He looked adorable in his Christmas dinosaur onesie.

"Is your brother awake?" Alec asked.

"No, but I can change that." Max was wiggling with excitement.

"Good boy. And I'll wake up papa." Alec set the little dinosaur down.

"Deal." Max sprinted away.

"Magnus, darling, Merry Christmas." Alec leaned over the bed and slowly placed one knee on each side of his sleeping form.

"It's too early." Magnus mumbled.

"I can tell one part of you is awake." Alec bent down and nibbled on Magnus's chin gently before kissing away the bites.

"I want to sleep." Magnus said but his hands slid up to Alec's waist betraying him.

"Ah ah ah. You know the deal." Alec quickly jumped off. "First the boys get their presents then we get to have our fun."

Magnus groaned. "Boys you better hurry or I get all of your gifts!"

"No! We're here!" Max slid right into the door and Rafe chuckled. The teen tried to look annoyed but his Christmas reindeer onesie made it impossible.

"Let's see what Santa brought us!" Max raced to the family room with the rest of them shuffling behind him.

"Oh my gosh! A pony! A real pony! It's blue! It's like me!" Max continued shouting.

"Wow, a bow and arrow." Rafe shrugged. "Wait, is that? No way! Is it really? Dad, is this what I think it is?"

"I don't know. Go find out." Alec motioned to the couch filled with things for Rafe.

"It is! It's tickets to comic con and three different costumes. By the angel! It's my favorite ones. They're so kick ass!" He held up the different costumes.

"I don't know. I think you should just wear your Rudolph onesie." Catherine smiled as she walked through the portal.

"Catherine!" Max leapt into her arms. "You're a deer too."

She blushed. "Yeah, your daddy made me wear it so I could match Rafe."

"Well Rudolph does have a girlfriend." Rafe smiled and kissed her chastly.

"And isn't he lucky?" She winked.

"He is."

"Stop flirting and look at what Santa brought you." Max pushed them apart and pointed to the couch where there was a pile for Catherine.

She tried to hide the shock on her face. "For me?"

"Of course." Magnus gave her a hug.

Alec gave her a hug next. "I sent Santa a letter to make sure he knew you would be here."

"Thank you, Alec." She wiped away the tears. "I thought he forgot about me."

"Darling, I'd never let that happen." Magnus smiled. "We were just sad you couldn't stay overnight."

"Look! Comic con tickets!" Rafe showed her. "We can go for the whole thing!"

Catherine gave Alec and Magnus another hug before joining her boyfriend and Mac looking through their presents.

"Merry Christmas, Alexander." Magnus kissed him.

"Merry Christmas." Alec wrapped his arm around him. "But look Santa brought you something too."

"Really?" Magnus clapped his hands then laughed when Alec put a bow on his head.

"Me." Alec smirked. "Also, a years supply of glitter that should last you maybe a while week."

"I can't wait to use it!" Magnus scurried to his small pile of presents.

Alec felt overjoyed seeing his family so happy, especially the man dressed in a glittery narwhal onesie, the man who had given him this perfect family.

"Papa, look at this." Max tugged on his arm to get his attention and Alec was taken back to his very first Christmas when he saw the picture that Max was holding up.

Question: What's the coolest gift you got this year?

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