Part 4 White Roses - Greyson Chance

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"I feel like this is a dangerous game," Alec said as he took a seat on the brightly colored, circular rug that Magnus brought for the living room. It had been an hour since Magnus suggested the idea and Alec had put it off long enough. They had emptied the few boxes for the living room including an extensive collection of movies that belonged to Magnus and two different gaming systems that Alec and Jace brought. Alec even wasted the time to put some of his books out in the living room on a shelf that he brought. Sure, he planned on having them in his room but it had wasted a little extra time. When he had started organizing them by his very specific criteria Magnus had stopped him by gently, but quickly putting them on the shelves at random. 

"That's what makes it so fun," Magnus winked and took a seat across from Alec after grabbing two shot glasses and a bottle of vodka. 

"You know what's also fun?" Alec asked with a longing look towards his books.

"No!" Magnus shook his head vehemently. "Organizing books is wonderful, even enjoyable, but it's past midnight and time for bonding. We'll do the book thing tomorrow. Right now we are going to get drunk or," Magnus wiggled his eyebrows, "and get to know each other."

"Okay," Alec couldn't help but smile. He was honestly excited to get to know Magnus. He wondered if that was what normal dates were like. Was this a date? 

"I picked the game so you can go first." Magnus winked again and waited patiently for Alec to ask a question.

"Where are you from?" Alec asked him. 

"Boring!" Magnus teased. "I've never stayed in one place very long, but I guess you could say, New York."

"Really?" Alec was shocked. "I am too." 

"The city?" Magnus asked.

"Yes, not exactly downtown, but close."

"I'm downtown, in the center. I love it." Magnus poured two shots. "Now, we are going to ask good questions, juicy ones that we don't normally answer."

"Okay." Alec grimaced. "When was your first kiss?" Alec immediately wanted to take the question back when Magnus burst out laughing. 

"Damn, the boy is thirsty!" Magnus clapped his hands. "My first kiss was when I was 5, but my real first kiss, I was thirteen."

"What do you mean real first kiss?" Alec asked him confused by Magnus having two first kisses.

"Ah, uh," Magnus wagged his finger at him. "It's my turn."

"Oh, right." Alec was already blushing. 

"What are you majoring in?" Magnus asked to Alec's surprise.

"I thought you wanted juicy questions." Alec cocked an eyebrow at the most confusing and mesmerizing person he'd ever met.

"I do, but we both know you're not ready for those just yet."

"All right." Alec released the breath he had been holding. "I'm double majoring in criminal justice and linguistics."

"Ah, a smart guy." Magnus flashed a new smile, that Alec hadn't seen before. Alec felt completely different from when Lydia had complimented him. Magnus made him feel nervous and excited rather than dirty and embarrassed.

"I like learning." Alec shrugged and smiled back at him. "What is something that you have always wanted to do but haven't?"

"Now that is a loaded question." Magnus rubbed his chin. "Also, pretty open-ended.

"Sorry." Alec bit his lip. "Should I ask something else?"

"No," Magnus smirked. "There are no take-backs."

"Then stop stalling and answer," Alec smirked back. 

"Okay pretty boy," Magnus leaned forward so he was on his knees and places his hands on Alec's shoulders. He pressed closer until his face was less than an inch away from Alec's then turned so his lips were a breath away from Alec's ear. "Make bread from scratch."

"What?" Alec said after gulping greedily for air as soon as Magnus fell gracefully back to his sitting position with an evil grin. 

"Bread," Magnus shrugged, "Never made it but always wanted to. Were you expecting something else?"

"What? No, of course not." Alec rubbed the back of his neck.

"When was your first kiss?" Magnus asked and Alec's eyes got big.

"If I don't want to answer I do a shot right?" Alec asked quietly.

"Yes, but I'd save it because this is still a very easy question and we have much more ahead of us." Magnus held the shot glass out to him. "But the choice is yours."

Alec threw back his head and downed the drink. His throat didn't burn like he thought it would. He gave Magnus a confused look.

"Right. It's water." Magnus smiled brightly. "I figured it would be better to just get to know each other rather than get you wasted our first night together. But, you can't pee until the game is over."


"For fun." Magnus shrugged but he had a twinkle in his eyes. He was already having too much fun.

"How does the game end?"

"Well, my friend, it ends when one of us gives up."

"I don't trust you." Alec eyed him skeptically. "What happens if someone gives up?"

"Ah, the pretty boy really is smart." Magnus complimented him. "If you give up then you have to do whatever the other person says for an entire day."

"A whole day?" Alec was getting worried. Sure he liked Magnus, but they barely knew each other. What if he lost?"

"Yes, a whole day." Magnus looked very proud of himself. He clearly had just made up the rules but Alec didn't want the night to end so he went along with it.

"Okay. Deal." Alec held out his hand for Magnus to shake. Magnus instead took it and kissed it.

"Your turn." Magnus nodded at Alec as he placed his hand back down on his knee.

"What do you think-" Alec stopped himself from adding about me and instead coughed to pretend he needed to clear his throat. "What do you think of my hair?"

"Your hair?" Magnus gave Alec a knowing look. "I'll have to feel it to give a full thought." Magnus stood up and crouched down behind Alec. "Hmm..." He ran his fingers through it. 

His black painted nails scratched across Alec's scalp softly. Alec almost moaned at how good it felt. Then, as if it had never happened, Magnus jumped back up and sat down again across from Alec. 

"It is a lot softer than I expected it to be. It's a good length, granted I'd love to see you with hair that's a bit longer so I could enjoy the waves that I imagine it would have. It smells like coconuts and the sun."

"Wow." Alec chuckled. "I thought you'd say nice or something."

"I, darling, don't use boring words like nice or something." Magnus held his hand to his chest as if he were offended. "Now, who was your first kiss?"

Alec blushed and considered ending the game but he couldn't. Not yet. "I've never had one."

"Get the hell out!" Magnus shouted and covered his mouth. "Sorry, but no way is that possible."

"Why not?" Alec asked not meaning for it to be part of the game. 

"Because look at you," Magnus motioned at Alec with his hand. "You're damn near perfect and with that smile, by the angel, I would do so many things to you."

Those words hung between them with the weight of their two worlds attached and at that moment Alec and Magnus were the entirety of their collective worlds. There was no past, no future, and no separation. Alec got to his knees just as Magnus did the exact same as if they were tied together by invisible strings. They met in the middle, only their lips, shaking and nervous, touched. There had never been and never would be a more pure moment than that. 

Moments later they were sitting, criss-cross again and neither could explain what had happened except that it had been magical. 

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