1. When Shadowhunters Become Babies

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Answer: Antartica and South American so I can say I've been to all of the continents.

You should check out the cover of My Heart Will Go On by Caleb and Kelsey. It's beautiful and I seriously can see this as a song for Magnus and Alec (*cough* even more so if Alec *cough* dies *cough*) My I need to get that cough checked oh and my eyes are getting watery... Hmmm...

"What are you doing with Magnus tonight?" Izzy asked her brother as he packed an overnight bag which to his credit didn't include just a toothbrush. "Wait, are you taking clothes for tomorrow?"

"Well, yeah. I'm staying over." Alec cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, but always just wear the same thing." Izzy shrugged.

"She's right man." Jace said as he walked into the room.

"Wait, do both of you actually think that I wear the same thing every day?" Alec asked in all seriousness. (Throwback to when Matt Daddario threw a minor fit because people kept saying he was wearing the same sweater)

 (Throwback to when Matt Daddario threw a minor fit because people kept saying he was wearing the same sweater)

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"Maybe," Izzy pulled a face at Jace. 

"Of course." Jace nodded. "It's not like you smell bad or anything. We know you shower and wash it when it needs it."

"But I literally have a closet full of clothes." Alec motioned to the said closet that had ten shirts and six sweaters.

Jace and Izzy looked at the small amount of clothes and then at each other and burst out laughing. 

"Hey!" Alec kicked their boots. "You're jerks."

"Alec, come look at my closet." Jace grabbed his arm and pulled him to the hallway. Izzy grabbed his other arm.

"We should show him mine." Izzy declared and tried to pull him the opposite direction.

"If you two rip me in half I will need twice as many clothes so please stop." Alec grumbled.

"Oh no! You might own a dozen sweaters, by the angel, we can't have that!" Jace declared and looked at Izzy. "We want to teach him not scar him."

"Oh, right." Izzy giggled. "Guess we should start with yours."

"Alexander, what's taking you so long?" Magnus said as he walked into the hallway where he was currently getting pulled away by Izzy and Jace.

"Magnus, save me!" Alec called out and looked back at him.

"What is going on?" Magnus chuckled.

"They're trying to show me clothes or something." Alec cringed. "I don't care or want to see."

"Oh, my poor darling." Magnus used a burst of magic to push Izzy and Jace away. "Come here, Magnus has got you." Magnus pulled Alec into his arms and kissed his dark hair.

"Come on!" Jace threw his hands in the air and Izzy fixed her hair that had been pushed out of place.

Izzy glared at Magnus, "I thought we had a deal about messing with our hair."

"Well, you were messing with Alec." Magnus squinted his eyes at her. "By the way, what was going on?"

"They think I wear the same clothes every day." Alec whined and sounded like a five-year-old while his siblings burst out laughing.

"I'll get to you in a second." Magnus declared with the power that only a high warlock can command. They stopped laughing and stood still. "Now, Alec when did you turn into a five-year-old?"

"I didn't." Alec pouted. 

Magnus lifted Alec's chin. "Alexander, you know that I want kids some day but that day isn't today so I need you to grow up a little or I'm going home." 

"Fine." Alec grumbled. "I do wear other clothes though."

"I know darling." Magnus hugged him again and looked at the other two. He ran his finger across his throat and gave them dagger eyes. "You two are dismissed."

"Bye!" Jace slapped Alec on the back and Izzy kissed his cheek. "Bye, baby brother." She teased.

"Alec, why in the world did you let them get to you. Especially over something so juvenile?" Magnus asked as they went into Alec's room and he closed the door.

"It's stupid." Alec muttered and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Clearly." Magnus smiled. "But, tell me."

"Well, look at you." Alec motioned to Magnus who was dressed in tight gold and black pants, a black jacket with red and gold and multiple necklaces. He didn't have a shirt on under the jacket and Alec knew it wasn't because he didn't have a clean one or that the one he had put on had too big of a whole.

"Alec, is that really why?" Magnus grabbed his face in his hands. 

"You're always in such fun, usually too glittery, but nice clothes. Look at me. This sweater used to be black." Alec held out his slightly green, grey sweater.

"Are you sure? How long ago did you get it?" Magnus asked.

"Mags!" Alec rolled his eyes. 

"Right, sorry, that's not the point." Magnus smiled. "Alexander, you are beautiful. I honestly don't care if you're in a pair of sweats, jeans, or a 3-piece suit."

"Three piece suit?" Alec chuckled. "Magnus, there's only ever two pieces; a jacket and pants."

"Oh, darling you are lucky that you're cute." Magnus gently slapped Alec's cheek then kissed him. "Did you want me to take you shopping?"

"I don't want to wear disgusting things like glitter or color." Alec said.

Magnus laughed and wrapped his arm around Alec's shoulders. "You drive a hard bargain, but let's go."

A/N Next will be Shopping!!!!!! ......with Alec..... Yeah, it'll be interesting.

Question: If you could get one more season of any show, what would it be?

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