Fluffy, Fluff

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A/N Before continuing with the song one-shots I figured we could use a bit of fluff, or maybe a whole bunch of fluff, hopefully, sweeter than Cotton candy! 

"I can't believe you!" Alec threw his hands up in the air as he stepped out of the restaurant with Magnus close behind. "How could I have been so stupid? I seriously thought that it would work out with a guy that I barely know; a guy who only cares about himself!"

"You can't believe me?" Magnus shook his head and Alec tried to ignore Magnus's hair falling across his eyes. Alec wanted to sweep it out of the way and kiss him but now wasn't the time.

"What's that supposed to mean?"Alec stood up taller with his fists clenched at his side, the take out bag crumpling in his grip. "You're the one who started this. I'm just doing what you expected. You're the one who said I'd overreact over something and well here you go!" Alec tossed the plastic sack with the leftovers in it at Magnus and turned to leave.

"Wait," Magnus said softly and looked past Alec to his left.

"No, you can't keep screwing up and then begging me to forgive you. This is over." Alec turned around and slapped Magnus in the face.

Magnus's hand shot up to cover his already red cheek. "Bitch!"

Alec turned around and didn't bother opening his umbrella as he stepped out into the rain, leaving the restaurant and Magnus behind. Just as he turned the corner to the left he felt something press against his back.

"Go away," Alec sighed as he clutched the umbrella handle even harder.

"Hand it over and I won't kill you." A man hissed into Alec's ear. His eyes watered from the smell of wafting from his attacker's mouth.

"Listen, man, can I call you a man?" Alec rolled his eyes and turned around to face the confused demon, "I've already had a hard enough night without you wasting my time so either leave now or I'll make you regret it."

The demon looked taken aback for a moment then hit Alec's chest with a powerful hand. "Give. It. To. Me." He sneered

Alec chuckled as he shook his head, grabbed the demon's arm, and twisted, hard. The demon yelped when his shoulder snapped out of place. Alec lifted the umbrella that turned into a sword with a flash of blue light.  The demon hissed and tried to bite Alec. 

"Jace," Alec called out into the darkness at the end of the alley. His voice sounded bored. "Could you hurry up? I have a date to get back to."

"How do you  always get to have all the fun?" Jace asked as he emerged from the darkness with a frown on his face. "I'm going to assume this is a tag and bag mission again?"

"Nope," Alec smiled as he shoved the demon at his parabatai. "You can do whatever you want with this one."

"What about questioning?" Jace yanked on the demon's already hurt arm and shoved him to the ground so he could step onto his back.

"He thought I had the cup so he doesn't know anything." Alec shrugged. "Go crazy!" He walked away knowing that Jace would handle the demon along with the other one on the roof. Alec quickly sent Jace a heads up through their bond just in case he had somehow missed it. He hadn't, Alec knew as he heard a deeper screech from the other demon.

"Was the slap really necessary?" Magnus hugged Alec and rubbed his sore cheek. 

"Was calling me a bitch necessary?" Alec shot back as he wrapped his arms around Magnus to pull him in closer. "I'm sorry for slapping you." Alec kissed the still red cheek and smiled when the color disappeared. 

"Wow, it's like you have magical, healing kisses," Magnus whispered as he turned his head to meet Alec's lips with his own. "I can only imagine what they'll do to my lips." He said as his lips brushed against Alec's.

"Get a room!" Some random guy yelled, interrupting their makeout session. 

"I am the high warlock of Brooklyn!" Magnus shouted back at him and Alec felt the heat rising in his boyfriend. Alec gripped Magnus's hands to stop him from blasting the idiot.

"And I'm the queen of England!" The guy yelled back. "Dumbass druggies!"

"I was going to stop him," Alec cocked an eyebrow at the guy who looked a tiny bit scared. "Go ahead." Alec gave Magnus a pat on his butt and kissed his hand before letting him walk towards the guy.

"I did want a new cat," Magnus tapped his chin and then flung his hand out at the man. The blue light surrounded him. It slowly dissipated leaving a tiny, brown kitten. "Awe, look at the cutie." Magnus rushed forward and picked the kitten up, scratching behind it's ears.

"We can't keep him." Alec scolded as he pet the kitten. "He's so soft."

"She," Magnus smirked. "He said he was the queen of England. I just gave him what he wanted."

"Mags," Alec gave his boyfriend a knowing look and Magnus sighed.

"Fine. I'll turn him back but you owe me." Magnus winked and Alec blushed.

"I think I could find a way to pay you back." Alec's hand moved from the kitten, up Magnus's arm, to his chest before starting to make slow circles on it.

"We need to go." Magnus chucked the kitten just as he snapped his fingers and it became a terrified man again. "Now."

Alec was already tracing the correct runes to make him faster, stronger, and invisible to people. "Race you!" He took off. "No portals!" He added just as Magnus started moving his hands. 

"Cheater!" Magnus ran after him, catching up easily.

"You're the one using magic!" Alec yelled at him over the sound of the wind in his ears.

"You used runes!" Magnus called back.

"Fine. Stop!" Alec stopped as quickly as he could which caused him to stumble. Magnus caught him easily and bent him backward to kiss him like a princess. 

"How many times am I going to save your beautiful ass?" Magnus asked before kissing Alec again lightly and letting him stand up again.

"As many times as it takes for you to fall in love." Alec winked and took off running. "No magic!"

"Your runes are still glowing!" Magnus called after him, laughing. Magnus took a deep breath and swung his hands out in front of him. He jumped through the portal and continued running ahead of Alec. "Sucker!"

Once they got to Magnus's apartment they were both breathing heavy. Magnus fell onto the couch face first and tried to catch his breath. Alec, who was a minute behind him kicked the front door closed and jumped on top of Magnus, making sure to spread out and make himself extra comfortable.

"Ouch!" Magnus complained as Alec's knee dug into his thigh and his elbow slammed into Magnus's shoulder. "Get off."

"If only." Alec purred into Magnus's ear and nibbled on it.

"You're playing with fire, Alexander." Magnus turned over so he was facing Alec who was still on top of him. 

"We both smell terrible." Alec laughed and got up. "Can I use your shower?"

"It's really hard to use actually, I'll probably need to help you." Magnus sat up and held his hands out so Alec would pull him up. Magnus used the momentum to capture Alec with his arms. He kissed him. "Yeah, I'll definitely need to help you."

"It's for the best." Alec nodded against Magnus's lips. "I'd hate to break something."

"But first," Magnus swung his leg out from under Alec causing him to fall into Magnus's arms completely. Magnus slowly laid him out on the tile floor and continued kissing him. "A little more."

"I love you," Alec said moments later at they were both catching their breath.

"I love you too." Magnus kissed Alec's forehead and hopped to his feet gracefully. He held his hand out for Alec. Alec took it and jumped to his feet not as gracefully. "Even if you're as graceful as a newborn giraffe."

"I prefer cows," Alec said with a chuckle. "They're adorable."

"All right, cow-boy." Magnus made a cowboy hat appear above Alec's head. It landed on his hair with a plop. "That looks better than I imagined it would." Magnus tapped his chin. "We'll need to keep that."

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