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A/N Hello Lovelies! I've missed you all so much! I was so happy when I got an update today because now my wattpad's actually working for real I think. I know I haven't judged the contest entries yet, but I will try to read them all for real tomorrow. What do you think about starting the Halloween one though? I'm thinking I could have it go until the 2nd and just have it be a one part.

Magnus played with Alec's hair as he softly snored. This was the first time that Alec had come over and let Magnus get so close to him. Magnus hated the thought that Alec was going to wake up and get scared. He wanted to turn off the movie but the remote was on the other side of Alec and he didn't want to risk it. He didn't even want to use his magic to do it.

He looked down at Alec who was sleeping on his side, his head resting on what was now Magnus's favorite pillow. Alec shifted and Magnus froze.

"What time is it? Alec asked, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. "Is it really 3:30? I need to get back to the institute."

Alec yawned and Magnus sat up and Alec stumbled off the bed.

"Or you could stay, if you want." Magnus offered with a shy and tired smile.

"Really?" Alec smiled and blushed. "You won't murder me or anything right?"

"I won't even touch you, if you don't want me too." Magnus gave him a serious look then smiled again.

"I am tired and it is late." Alec looked at the comfy bed longingly. He had never laid on such a comfortable bed in his life.

"Turn the light off and come to bed. In fact, I can sleep on the couch of you really want me too." Magnus flipped his legs over the edge of the bed.

"No, you can stay. Just no funny business." Alec wiggled his fingers at Magnus.

"Deal." Magnus beamed up at him and patted the mattress.

Alec turned the light off and laid down. He pulled the comforter up to his chin and quickly pretended to fall asleep. Magnus stayed true to his word and didn't leave his side of the bed. Alec soon felt comfortable enough to relax a bit and let the blankets slide down his chest.

Magnus still stayed away. Alec was almost disappointed but at the same time it made him feel safe. After some time he fell asleep.

Alec leapt in the air giggling. His eyes shot open and he saw Magnus wide eyed and confused.

"Are you okay?" Magnus asked, pulling away. "I'm sorry. I sometimes move in my sleep."

"Oh, it's fine. I'm just ticklish." Alec pointed out and situated himself again.

"Really?" Magnus raised an eyebrow. "Here?"

He touched Alec's side and Alec jumped a bit. Magnus roamed around Alec's body waiting to find a place that didn't make Alec jump.

"So, I can touch here?" Magnus asked as he squeezed Alec's shoulder then hip, "and here."

"Yeah." Alec smiled over at him. "But, I need some more sleep."

"Right." Magnus pulled away and turned on his side to face the wall. "Good night blue eyes."

"You can stay where you were." Alec said so quietly that Magnus thought maybe he had made it up, but then Alec touched his shoulder. "I don't know what to do but I like you being closer."

"Well then." Magnus spooned Alec from behind and wrapped his arm around his waist. "Sleep well."

"Good night, Magnus." Alec snuggled into his  pillow and linked his fingers with Magnus's

Question: What is a fun date idea? Low-key and/or fancy.

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