Pissed Off

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Alec jumped out of his bed so fast that his foot tangled in the sheets causing him to face plant onto the hard floor of his room. He had been waiting for today for what seemed to be his whole life. It was finally here and the only thing keeping him from dancing around the room was his foot being trapped.

"Get off." He glared at his bed full judgment. "I know you're jealous, but seriously. Clingy much?"

"Are you talking to your bed?" Jace teased from where he stood in Alec's doorway, leaning against the wall.

"My sheets," Alec explained without a hint of embarrassment. Of all the things Jace had seen, this was far from being the worst. Alec, lying face down on his floor with his left foot tucked into his sheets, shrugged at Jace.

"Only you would make that distinction." Jace snorted and didn't make a single move to help Alec.

Alec looked up at him from the floor. "Mighty big word coming from the blonde." Alec winked with laughter in his voice.

"Are you seriously mocking me right now?" Jace stuck out his foot before tucking it up against the wall behind him.

"Mocking?" Alec faked a look of innocence. "Clearly it's a compliment." Alec whooped loudly once he finally freed his foot. He hopped to his feet.

"Why are you always so mean to me?" Jace shook his head. "I simply walk into your room after I hear you fall and this is the thanks I get?"

"By the angel." Alec clutched his chest with both hands. "My knight in shining armor." He bowed deeply and grabbed Jace's hands in his own, pleading. "How will I ever repay you?"

"To start you can never do this again." Jace chuckled and pulled his hands away. "Ever."

"But you did such a wonderful thing for me," Alec smirked, "wonderful is a big word for good."

Jace rolled his eyes and snorted, annoyed with his best friend. "I know what wonderful means. I'm not a complete idiot."

"Of course not." Alec tapped Jace's nose with his finger and jumped back quickly to keep from being wacked by his parabatai. "You're only mostly an idiot."

"What are you two on?" Izzy asked before releasing a sleepy yawn. "And why do I not have any of it?"

"We're high on life." Alec offered as Jace said, "All the drugs."

"You two are idiots." She smiled. It was a rare treat to see her brothers so relaxed and happy.

"Only him." Alec stuck his thumb out at Jace as Jace did the same to Alec.

"I wish Clary and Magnus could see you two like this." Izzy shook her head, yawned again, and pulled her robe tightly around her to keep out the morning cold. "You'd be single and the world would be right again."

"Now Izzy," Alec practically danced forward to kiss her cheek. "It's far too early for you to be this bitter. I mean I like black coffee, but even that needs some cream and sugar to be enjoyed."

Jace groaned and clenched his fists. "For the last time, Alec, it's not black coffee when 90% of it is cream and sugar!"

Alec chuckled. "Big words and math? Our parents must be so proud."

"They are," Jace stuck out his chest, proudly, "because I'm not a raving lunatic."

"Seriously, what is going on with you two?" Izzy demanded and made a point of looking into both of their eyes as if the answer would be right there.

"Iz, do you really not know?" Alec asked his sister, finally looking serious.

"Of course she doesn't." Jace looked from her to Alec with a frown and then wiggled his eyebrows. "She's just so sad that she's the one who is single that she can't remember the single best day of the year."

"Poor thing." Alec pouted. "She's as helpless as a mundane."

"She," Isabelle clenched her fingers and her whip started to slide down her wrist, "can kick both of your asses."

"All right." Alec held up his hands in surrender.

"Don't get your whip in a bunch." Jace rolled his eyes playfully.

"It's-" Alec started to explain but was cut off when Magnus strolled down the hallway dressed in one of Alec's favorite shirts. At least that's what he'd tell Magnus because he honestly didn't really pay attention to what was covering up his boyfriend. "Magnus!"

"Alexander." Magnus grabbed Alec's arms and kissed him softly on the lips. "Izzy." He smiled at her and then shrugged at Jace. "Other one."

"I love it when you're nasty to him," Alec whispered loudly, making sure that they all heard him.

"I know." Magnus kissed Alec again. "And it's just so fun."

"By the angel!" Izzy exclaimed as she looked between them all. "What the hell is going on?"

"She doesn't remember?" Magnus asked with shock in his voice.

"Doesn't remember what?" Clary's voice alerted them all to her presence before anything else.

"Little girl," Alec smirked as Magnus smiled. "Biscuit."

"Hey, you." Jace wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her neck.

Izzy, finally beyond frustration threw her arms up in the air. "I give up!" She stormed off and the other four laughed.

Alec felt a tiny bit guilty. "Maybe we should have just told her."

"Told her what?" Jace asked.

"Why we're so excited." Alec pointed out.

"Wait, there's really something?" Jace's eyebrows shot up. "I was just playing along to piss her off."

"Seriously?" Alec smacked him. "It's our day."

"What day?" Jace asked as he got smacked again, by Clary this time.

"It's the anniversary of our first double date." Magnus shook his head in disappointment. "Today is the day that we're going to celebrate by going to my island, only the four of us."

"No demons," Alec started checking off the list on his fingers, "no mundanes, no Isabelle cooking, no work, and best of all, day drinking."

"You hate drinking." Jace pointed out.

"I do, but Magnus loves it and he's always fun when he's buzzed." Alec hugged Magnus closer with one arm.

"I love you." Magnus kissed him again.

"I love you too." Alec kissed him back.

"Are you sure you don't want to just go alone," Jace asked, looking between the lovebirds.

"If you insist." Magnus winked and made a portal. "See you tomorrow!"

Jace stared at the disappearing portal, then looked to Clary. "Did they really just leave us?"

"It looks that way."

"Maybe we should have just told them that we wanted some alone time." Alec felt a tiny bit guilty for ditching his best friend.

"They'll be fine. Honestly, it's my fault for suggesting we invite them in the first place. They are fun, but you're much more fun to spend time with." Magnus winked and wiggled his eyebrows. Alec laughed at Magnus' eyebrows. It got him every time.

"Who would have thought that would work so well?" Alec asked through his laughter as he sank to the sandy beach along with Magnus.

"I honestly had my doubts about your acting skills, but you were the star." Magnus cupped Alec's face between his hands and leaned over to kiss him. "You were incredible."

"You weren't so bad yourself." Alec smiled and pushed Magnus back so he laid back. Alec covered Magnus in kisses as he sprinkled him with compliments. "You're amazing. Beautiful. Sexy. Magical. Mine."

Alec stopped talking and lost himself in Magnus. Magnus wanted to say something, tell him how perfect he was, but instead, he let Alec have control. They had all the time in the world to talk. Right now they would just be.

Question: I know I've asked this before, but what are some one shots you want to see?

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