2. -sweet

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Answer: Snow! I love being inside and getting to watch it and you can make snow ice cream.

Magnus threw his phone down on the couch and then saw that Alec's boots were still on the floor. The poor guy was out there without his boots. Magnus debated just pouring a drink but with a sigh he picked up the boots and walked to the door.

Magnus slowly opened the door and saw Alec sitting down at the bottom of the stairs with his head down and covered with his arms.

"Hey," Magnus whispered as he took a seat next to him. He still was careful to not touch Alec, but he did put his arm behind him so he was ready for him.

"I forgot my boots." Alec muttered without looking up.

"I know, darling." Magnus whispered. "Can we go to the roof? We don't need to talk but I need to know you're okay and I don't like the way that rat's looking at you."

"Rat?" Alec's feet went up. Alec smiled weakly at Magnus.

Magnus stood up and held his hand out to Alec. Alec took it after looking at his boots and considering running. Alec stood up and they walked up to the roof.

"It's beautiful up here." Alec said and stood by the edge.

"Yes, and so relaxing." Magnus stood next to him trying to see what Alec could see.

"But, it could be taken in an instant." Alec said and Magnus was sure he hadn't meant to speak out loud.

Magnus remembered that Alec had said he could die quickly. Was he afraid of death? What had happened to him? Alec at least wouldn't be left alive alone. Magnus felt his anger swell, the boy was being so selfish.

"Magnus, I think we need to end this, whatever this is." Alec said motioning between them but still not looking at Magnus.

"Whatever this is?" Magnus snorted. "You're selfish and arrogant. Alec, I should have known you were the same as all the other shadowhunters. Have you found yourself some perfect girl to marry or something?"

Alec looked at Magnus and Magnus instantly felt like a man who had kicked a puppy before punching a baby.

"I almost died today." Alec admitted and then tears streamed down his face. "No, don't touch me."

Magnus frowned and pulled back.

"I almost died and I could only think of one thing." Alec said and wiped at the tears.

"What? That you didn't want to die?" Magnus asked.

"No, I couldn't care less about dying. What I thought about was the fact that I'd be hurting you. That I would be ripping something away from you. But when I realized I was fine, I hated myself." Alec blinked at Magnus and Magnus started to speak but Alec stopped him.

"I hated myself becuase who am I? Who am I to think that my death would hurt a single person. I mean, that's what mortals are here to do, to die. What makes me so special?" Alec leaned against the wall and covered his eyes.

"Alexander, what makes you special is that. You are special and that is why I love you. That is why the world would be an entirely different place without you. I would rather lose you a hundred times then to never have met you." Magnus gently pulled Alec's hands away from his face and kissed each of his closed eyelids. Then he kissed the corners of his mouth.

"Alexander, never belittle yourself. You are the only being in this world that I have met in all of my years that I actually would consider dying for. You are the one that I would also choose to live for. We don't know what will happen so do not give up because you are afraid of the possible outcome." Magnus said and Alec opened his eyes. So blue and so lost.

"Magnus, I'm sorry." Alec said.

"I know, baby." Magnus wrapped his arms around him and then felt the snow start to fall. "How about we have some hot chocolate and watch as the world becomes pure and beautiful?"

"Is that your way of asking if I want to snuggle and watch the snow fall?" Alec smiled.

"Yes." Magnus smiled back at him.

"I'd love to." Alec kissed him.

Question: what side of the bed do you sleep on?

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