Well, That Was...

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A/N This is Part 3, connected to the last 2 chapters.

"Well, that was..." Alec's voice trailed off. What even could he say? He wrapped an arm around Magnus, pulling him even closer and kissed his bare shoulder. When he looked up Magnus's eyes flashed to their natural cat state before going back to the golden brown they were. Alec reached up and brushed his fingers through Magnus's hair. 

"Delectable?" Magnus winked and kissed the top of Alec's head. "I told you that I gave great haircuts." Magnus spun the chair around and Alec chuckled. 

"You did, but I didn't know a scalp and shoulder massage would be part of it." Alec still had his arm behind him, around Magnus. "Also, the views weren't so bad either."

"By the angel, are you trying to flirt?" Magnus burst out laughing. "Alexander, you are many things, but flirtatious in not one of them."

"What do you mean?" Alec got up from the chair so he could look at Magnus straight on. "I'm great at flirting."

"Oh really?" Mangus waved his hand in the air between them and the salon set up was replaced with a table covered with a multitude of things. Chocolates, stuffed animals, flowers, a bow, and arrows. 

"Woo me." Magnus challenged and haughtily walked to the couch. He took a seat and put his arms out on the back of it. "Come on Lightwood. You say you can flirt, prove it."

"Flirting doesn't just happen on the spot." Alec sputtered, his cheeks were bright red, he knew it.

"That literally is flirting. The point is that it's on the spot." Magnus teased with a twinkle in his eyes. Alec would be angry and embarrassed if it was coming from anyone else but Magnus was playing a game with him. He wasn't making fun Alec, he was having fun with him.

"Okay." Alec looked at the table of items with a finger on his chin. He reached down to pick up the chocolates. People like chocolate right? It was a gift. Was a gift flirting?

"Ah, ah, ah." Magnus tsked. "Those are for you, from me." He winked and Alec blushed even more. 

"You cheated." Alec pointed out. "That's not fair."

"Ah, yes." Magnus raised his eyebrows. "You have passed the first test. Flirting isn't fair. You're tricking the person into liking you."

"Tricking?" Alec was worried. Was this all a trick?

"That's probably not the right word. It's more like using all you can to get them to like you. I have magic, so by the angel, I'm going to use it as often as I can to get you closer." As Magnus said the last word a breeze hit Alec in the back, pushing him to the couch. He stopped right in front of Magnus. "See?"

"You are very talented." Alec winked, trying to mimic Magnus. "You, darling, are a wonderful teacher."

"Be still my beating, immortal heart." Magnus clutched his chest. "The boy can flirt!"

Alec laughed and sat down. It hit him once again just how much he had needed to have a moment like this, not romantic exactly, just fun. He hadn't had fun in so long and he hadn't consciously realized how much he had missed it. Magnus had known. He saw Alec when even he didn't see himself. 

"You need to talk." Magnus patted the cushion next to him. "Tell me what's been going on."

Alec explained how he just felt so alone. He had been mostly trapped inside and Izzy was out of town. Jace was sad about Clary and Simon. And it was just all about work and other people. Alec even told Magnus about missing him and the dark nights that he laid in bed hoping to just drift to sleep and not necessarily wake in the morning. It was so hard to be a tough, soldier when you were dying inside. It hadn't been all bad, but the majority of it had been so lonely. 

"Why didn't you call me?" Magnus asked.

"I deleted your number," Alec admitted and then yelped as his hair was tugged.

"You could have gotten it though."

"But what was I supposed to say? My friend is being mean to me, but not really?" Alec sighed.

"He was being a complete dick," Magnus growled angrily. "He has been selfish and horrid. No one should ever make you feel that way. I'm going to take it that you didn't tell him that."

"I tried. It didn't go well. He's right though. He's hurting and I have no reason to be upset. I have nothing really going on. He has so much."

"Alexander, don't make me rip out that newly cut hair of yours. I don't care if you have literally nothing going on that does not make someone else's troubles more important than yours. You can feel sad or happy because of anything and you should never have to hide that because someone doesn't like it. You need to be open. I know you've been trained to not feel things but that's all a lie. You are human and you have to accept that. Jace needs a good kick to the ass, Izzy has been away, but even she should have noticed."

"Jace hasn't even noticed through our bond," Alec admitted the part that hurt worse than anything else.

"That idiot." Magnus pulled Alec closer and kissed his forehead. "As much as I'd love for you to stay, you need to go talk to him, beat him up, stab him, whatever because if you don't I'll do something you probably won't like."

"Or I could just stay here." Alec winked.

"No more flirting, Lightwood." Magnus winked back though. "Get to work and come back anytime you want." Magnus handed Alec a key. "I had to actually change the locks because I lost the keys to this place over a decade ago."

"Oh, thanks." Alec looked at it.

"I'm serious." Magnus kissed Alec. "Anytime."

Alec left and got back to the institute. The whole time he had been planning what he was going to say. He took a deep breath and walked inside. Jace was there. 

"Alec, where have you been?" Jace hugged him. Alec felt better. Maybe they had just needed some space.

"I-" Alec started to tell him but Jace cut him off with a wave of his hand and words. 

"Clary and Simon just came by. Clary kissed me, but then still left with him. She said they are back to being just friends but doesn't want more from me." Jace groaned. "What the hell does that even mean?"

"I honestly don't care!" Alec shouted rather than just speak. "I'm sorry, no, you know what? I'm not. You have been a selfish prick this whole month. We've only talked about you. Day in, day out. It's all about you. What about me? You haven't even asked me about me in who knows how long."

"You've been selfish too," Jace said with a sneer. "I'm sorry that I've been struggling, but I thought as my friend you would help me. It's not like I have anyone else to go to."

"But you do! Also, no one cares! Jace just either get with her or shut up!" Alec turned and left the institute as quickly as he had gotten there.

"I did it." Alec said as he opened Magnus's door. Magnus looked up from the floor where he was lying with at least 7 cats.

"Ah, hello Alec." Magnus grinned and got up. "Sorry about that." Alec forgot all of his anger and the tension instantly released from him as he started to laugh. He sank to the floor because all of his strength disappeared with his laughter. 

"Tell me the truth," Alec said through tears. "This is what you're doing when you're busy." Alec made air quotes and mimicked Magnus's voice. 

"You know what?" Magnus said through his own laughter. "Sometimes, yes."

"I love you." Alec stopped laughing and froze.

"Love you too." Magnus grabbed Alec's foot and pulled him closer to him. 

A/N Well that was.... *Fill in the blank* 

Anything else you want to see with them. It's been a long time so I'm open to requests or I'll just keep writing random ideas that pop into my head!

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