6. Midnight Talks

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Answer: watch movies, tv shows, listen to music, read...I kind of love having alone time.

"So, what are you going to do about Clary?" Alec asked while adjusting his arm under his head.

"Clary? Nothing?" Magnus responded without any feeling to Alec's surprise.

"Oh, well I guess it is her choice, you know her body." Alec was blushing and felt more uncomfortable than he had when he thought Magnus was going to kill him. He should have just stayed silent.

"Dude, why are you talking about Clary's body? Are you into her? I can introduce you two but I'm pretty sure you're not her type and I know she's not yours." Magnus turned over and sat up on his elbow to look at Alec.

"What? No, ew. I mean gross. Damn it. Uh, I meant about your baby." Alec stumbled over his words, tried to sit up, and slid off the car.

"Shit." He cried out as he fell to the rocky ground.

"Are you okay?" Magnus gracefully slid down and put out a hand to help him up.

"Ah, thanks." Alec stood up and looked at their feet.

"Are you going to spit out why you're talking about a girl who is practically like a sister to me?" Magnus asked.

"Why would you have sex with a girl who's like a sister to you?" Alec couldn't hide the disgust or judgement in his voice.

"What!?" Then Magnus started to laugh. "Oh, I thought I explained the situation. I must have just done it in my mind."

Alec cocked an eyebrow waiting for Magnus to go on. "And?" Alec finally prompted him.

"Right. My dad is a jackass when he drinks and when he's not at school he's drunk so he's always a jackass. Tonight he was pissed and kind of decided that I must have screwed up so he got it in his head that i knocked up Clary. I didn't but it was easier to just let him think that. Then he kicked me out thankfully and now we're here."

"Are you okay?" Alec stepped forward and touched Magnus's chest.

"Of course I am." Magnus covered Alec's hand with his own.

"But you're all alone and your dad is terrible."

"I don't feel alone." Magnus looked into those blue eyes that he had dreamed of for months. "Not right now."

"Get a room homos!" A guy yelled out from his car as he shot past them.

"Ah, I better get home." Alec stepped back quickly.

"Asshole." Magnus mumbled.

"Sorry, if you-" Alec felt his heart racing.

"No, not you. The guy in the car." Magnus looked back at Alec. "You are one of the few shining lights in my life."

"But you hate me." Alec pointed out.

"Or do I just hate the system?"

"What about jace?"

"Oh, yeah, I do kind of hate him. He's just always in my way."

"You cornered us in the locker room." Alec smiled. For some reason hearing Magnus say he didn't hate him made him feel better than getting over 100% on a test.

"I didn't corner you. I was trying to talk to you but your little knight in shining armor had to get in my way. He always gets between us." Magnus stepped closer but made sure to keep a distance between them still.

"Jace is just protective."

"He's annoying."

"He can be." Alec snickered and then it turned into a full blown laugh. "He really hates you."

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

Alec stopped laughing and felt guilty. "I'm so sorry. I'm sure he doesn't completely hate you."

"Alexander, relax. It was a joke. I know your boyfriend hates me."

"He's just a friend, well my best friend."

"So you're saying that you're single?" Magnus took another step closer.

"I was saying that I'm not into guys?" Alec hadn't meant for it to come out as a question.

"Playing hard to get I see." Magnus walked around him to the driver's door. "I love a challenge."

Question: Not really a question but do the thing where you use the predictive text on your phone. Type "I died" and click until you get a sentence.

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