Bad Day, Week, Month

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"Yeah, that sucks." Alec forced his eyes to remain open. He had been sitting there for over an hour with Jace and he had yet to say more than those 3 words. Jace and Clary were back to fighting and she was off with Simon. They had been talking about her for months. Jace could be a great friend and brother but lately, he had been terrible. Alec was fighting his inner battles completely alone while Jace was receiving as much support as possible. 

He had planned to tell Jace about what had happened to him; about Magnus, but the opportunity had yet to present itself. He was still stuck being him, quiet and unbothered by anything. Alec had never really cried but he felt more on the verge than ever before. Weren't the people close to you supposed to notice that?

"Are you even listening to me?" Jace hit Alec's knee with his own as he leaned in closer. They were on Alec's bed so he couldn't even get away from him.

"Yeah." Alec heard in his voice, the pain, and annoyance.

"If you don't want to help me just tell me." Jace was frustrated.

"Jace." Alec was so ticked off. His sadness grew to anger. "You have been telling me the same things for weeks! I need a break. You haven't even asked me anything for this whole hour. We haven't done anything but talk about her and work."

"By the angel." Jace cursed. "I'm stressed and I thought you'd help me." 

Jace went to stand up but Alec placed his hand on his parabatai's arm. "I miss my best friend."

"Yeah, well I miss him too." Jace went back to talking about himself. "I know it's hard because you've never dated or had a broken heart but it's killing me."

Alec gulped in a breath. It felt like he had been stabbed in the chest. Could Jace be that self-absorbed that he couldn't even feel Alec's pain through their bond? "I need to go check the weapons."

Alec stood up and practically ran out of the room as a single tear fell down his cheek. Damn! What the hell was wrong with him? He pulled out his phone and wasn't surprised to see that he had no new notifications. He had told Magnus that he needed time. But why? It wasn't like time was going to make it any easier. He just couldn't face saying goodbye.

"Hey, Alec." Izzy smiled at him and looked into his eyes deeply. 

"Hey." He nodded. "Are you back?"

"No. Just had to get a couple of things and back to London. But, I'll be back by the end of the month." She gave him a hug. "I miss you, big brother."

"Miss you too." He shrugged and walked away from her into the backroom. 

"Iz!" Jace's voice rang through the room. 

"Jace, how are things?" She sounded quiet, unlike Izzy. Her voice was so gentle. 

"I miss her so much." Jace sighed.

"I know. It's hard."

"Alec doesn't get it. He just keeps getting annoyed with me."

"Well, my brother is many things, but openly emotional is not one of them." She chuckled and Alec saw red.

Now they were talking about him behind his back? He tried to focus on cleaning the weapons but it was impossible. He needed to breathe. He needed a break!

He strode out of the backroom and walked straight into Jace making sure to slam his shoulder against him. Then he strode out towards the door of the institute.

"Alec?" It was Raj. 

"What?" He snapped at him.

"Geez." Raj glared at him. "The council is looking for you."

"Why?" Alec could feel a serious headache coming on.

"Hell if I know," Raj muttered. "Trusting a Lightwood."

"Have a problem?" Alec took a step towards him and he jumped back. 

"Chill," Jace called out from down the hallway. "Sorry, Raj. Alec is having a day."

They both laughed and Alec imagined himself beating them both to an inch of their annoying lives. Instead, he shook his head and hurried outside. He was having a day? A day? More like a fucking month! He had been stuck inside for a month because of everything and he just needed someone to actually talk to him, not just at him.

"Alexander?" Magnus's voice sounded through the intercom. 

"I'm sorry I just need-" Alec cut off because he honestly didn't even know what he needed. "I don't know where else to go."

The buzzer buzzed and he walked to Magnus's door. It was open and Magnus was standing in all his glory with a martini glass in hand. He had on bright gold shorts, a black shirt, and a multi-colored kimono. 

"Alexander, how are you?" Magnus asked after ushering him inside and closing the door. Alec was near tears at that simple question. How long had it been since someone had actually asked him that?

"Fine," Alec whispered through the lump in his throat.

"I think we have very different definitions of that word." Magnus's drink disappeared with a snap of his fingers and he sat down on the couch. He patted the cushion next to him. "Tell me what's going on."  

Alec sank into the couch and slumped against Magnus. Magnus wrapped his arm around him and pushed him down so Alec's head was resting on his lap. Magnus started to play with his hair as he waited for Alec to open up. 

"I'm sorry for bugging you," Alec said and Magnus pulled his hair causing him to yelp. 

"That was for saying something stupid." Magnus smiled down at him and soothed the spot with his dancing fingers. 

"It's just been a bad day." Alec chuckled. "Week? Maybe month?"

"I'm sorry, darling." Magnus continued playing with hair and Alec felt more at peace than he ever had been before. He never wanted to moment to end.

"How are you?" Alec asked him, looking into his bright yellow eyes.

"Not right now." Magnus waved his hand in the air before going back to playing with Alec's hair. "This is your time. You need it, deserve it."

"I don't even know what to talk about," Alec admitted. When he thought of saying it, it just sounded so silly.

"Well then, just relax." Magnus leaned down to kiss his hair and then leaned back while still twirling Alec's hair. "You have perfect hair."

"That feels nice." Alec let out a sigh of relief. It was amazing to not have to pretend. He was just himself at that moment. Just Alec. 

Alec wasn't sure how long they sat like that but he finally had to move. His arm that was under him was completely asleep. He slowly sat up, worried that the moment would be destroyed but Magnus just smiled.

"I've never seen your eyes look so blue." Magnus cupped his face. "Why are there unshed tears in those beautiful eyes?"

Alec blinked. How could he see them? How, when no one else had been able to had Magnus seen him? 

"Who are these because of?" Magnus wiped a finger across Alec's cheek causing him to notice that the tears had started falling freely.

Alec wanted to apologize but he couldn't get the words out. He wasn't sorry and he could feel with his soul that it would offend Magnus if he apologized for being honest. This was a sacred and true moment. It was a moment of connection and love. Not a romantic love; something deeper.

"Come here." Magnus wrapped his arms tightly around Alec and he melted into him. 

A/N Hey, sorry it's been forever! Hope you're all doing well with all the craziness going on right now! I figured this would be a great time to get back into writing more again. Let me know how you're doing!

Also, do you want another part of this one or just more one shots?

Love you all! 

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