Long, Hard Day

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Answer: The beach and Ireland among other places. I wouldn't tell a single soul for a little bit. I'd let my friends and family know I was alive but other than that I'd be alone and free. 

Magnus walked into the institute and instantly felt the cool disregard of the high and might shadowhunters inside. They hated him and only saw him as a useful tool that should never be seen or heard. Maybe that was part of the reason for his constant need to wear sparkly, crazy outfits. Or maybe that was just because he liked them. Honestly, it was probably a mixture of both. 

One thing was for sure;  if not for Alec Magnus would not be there, period. It had been a whole week since they had seen each other and it was killing Magnus. Sure, they texted and talked on the phone but Alec was terrible at both. Magnus had decided to surprise Alec but when he saw his father he regretted the decision. 

"Magnus Bane." Robert said as if he was saying the word vomit. 

"Robert." Magnus bit his tongue and stayed pleasant. "How are you?"

"What are you doing here?" Robert ignored Magnus's pleasantries and cut to the point. 

"I'm here to see Alec. Is he in?" Magnus asked with a tight smile. 

"He's busy." Robert said gruffly. 

"I see. Well, I'll be quick." Magnus nodded and looked beyond Robert hoping to see any of the shadowhunters that weren't disgusted by him.

"No, you'll be leaving. Your kind has no purpose speaking to my son." Robert crossed his arms and anger shone in his dark eyes.

"My kind?" Magnus asked. Honestly, he didn't know what bothered Robert more; that he was a warlock or bi, well according to Robert he was probably just gay. The man had enough trouble understanding a man liking a man let alone a man who liked men and women. 

"Yes, murderers. I'm sure you know what happened this morning." Robert rolled his eyes. "Your kind killed a shadowhunter in cold blood. He had two children and a wife."

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea. Who was it? I'll take care of him right away." Magnus offered. He hated when warlocks turned bad, it made it so much harder for the rest of them.

"Of course not. He's with the clave. Alec took care of him. Now leave. You're not welcome here. My son will not speak to you." 

"I'd like to hear that from him."

"Get out."

"Where is Alexander?"

"Magnus?" Alec turned the corner into the main room and saw his boyfriend. "What are you doing here?"

"He's leaving," Robert said before Magnus could respond.

"Actually I came to see how you're doing." Magnus smiled and winked at Alec. Alec practically ran to him and hugged him tightly. He kissed Magnus's cheek. 

"Thank you. You have no idea how much this means." Alec whispered then stepped back. "Magnus, come to my office. We can speak."

"Make it quick," Robert demanded with disgust clear in his voice and on his face.

Alec nodded for Magnus to go ahead and Magnus took the hint. He gave Alec's hand a soft squeeze then skipped away to his office. 

"Father, it will take as long as it takes." Alec declared and lowered his voice to a threatening tone so only his father could hear him. "And if you ever speak to my boyfriend like that again warlocks will be the last of your problems. Do you understand?"

Robert didn't think. He slapped Alec across the face. Alec saw it coming but let it happen. "You will respect your elders, son."

"I give my respect to only those who deserve it. If you want respect then don't be such a backward, judgemental asshole." With that said Alec turned on his heel and walked to his office where Magnus was laying on his back on the couch. 

Alec groaned and laid on top of Magnus letting his weight crush him just enough to make him groan back.

"I'm sorry about my dad," Alec whispered into Magnus's chest as he snuggled in closer. 

"I'm sorry about the man you lost," Magnus whispered back and rubbed his hand up and down Alec's arm.

"He was a dick." 

"Still, it's hard to lose someone."

"Yes, but it's harder to deal with Robert Lightwood."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Magnus kissed Alec's hair.

"Do you?" Alec countered.

"How about we take a nap?"

"I would love that." Alec murmured releasing a yawn. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too."

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Of course you can."

"Thank you."

"Alexander?" Magnus asked after a few moments of comfortable silence.

"Magnus?" Alec smiled which Magnus could feel against his chest.

"What would you think about always staying with me?"

"Can I think about it?" Alec asked.

"Oh, ah yeah." Magnus tried to hide the hurt in his voice. Had he misread it? Was Alec still not that interested in a real relationship? Alec lifted his head so he could look at Magnus.

"Magnus, I'm kidding. Of course, I'd love that." Alec smirked. 

"Bitch." Magnus shook his head. 

"Jerk." Alec kissed Magnus. "We could watch more of that show with the hunters. You didn't watch any without me did you?"

"Of course not darling." Magnus kissed him back. "Now rest."

"Do you want me to move? I can nap on the floor." Alec offered, wondering if him lying on top of Magnus was getting to be uncomfortable.

"No. I like you right here." Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec.

"I do too." 

A/N Sorry for not responding to comments quickly this week. I ended up being busier than I thought I'd be. But, I want you to know that I still love them all and thank you for reading, voting, commenting, and sharing! I love you all!
Also, for the contest I'll read them hopefully today or tomorrow and announce the winners on Saturday

Question: What's something you wish you could say to someone close to you?

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