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A/N Sorry for taking forever to update. I've been working on the beauty in the destruction book and I decided that I'm just going to make it into its own thing. I'll post it soon. Here's just a chill oneshot. Hope you like it!

Alec sank back onto his bed letting his long legs dangle over the edge. It had been a damn long day all starting with a harsh wake-up speech from his father followed by another from his mother. They were his parents and he loved them but at the same time he hoped for them to leave soon. They had one of those relationships that was better with space between them. Not to mention the fact that they had only come back to the institute because of the annoying, little mundane.

All because of one stupid girl, his life had gone to shit overnight. If he was being honest with himself it wasn't just Clary. By the angel did he hate that name with a fiery passion hotter than hell! Izzy was playing into her hands, clearly showing her desperate need for another girl to be around. And then there was Jace. His parabatai. His best friend. His brother. His, well, the thing was that he wasn't his. That was the problem right?

Alec groaned and punched his pillow. Why did he have to like him? He knew he was straighter than a catholic priest running one of those camps to make kids straight. And yet, Alec had been stuck on him for years. He chose to stay in his shadow, watching, following, and supporting him because he loved him all the while knowing it would never be any more than unrequited love. Alec screamed into his pillow and rolled over so his face was smashed into his bed.

There was a knock at the door and Alec stayed quiet, hoping whoever it was would take a hint and leave. They didn't.

"Alec?" Jace walked into his room. Alec berated himself. He needed to remember to lock his door when he wanted to be alone.

"What?" Alec grumbled without moving. He felt the bed sink as Jace took a seat and finally Alec rolled over and sat up.

"You tell me what." Jace cocked an eyebrow at him.

"You're the one in my room, interrupting my peace and quiet." Alec glared at his friend.

"I could hear you grumbling and yelling," Jace said, meeting Alec's eyes as he rolled them.

"Good for you." Alec snorted. "Guess we don't have to check your ears."

"Alec," Jace gripped Alec's shoulder. "Talk to me. I know something's bothering you. Let me help."

Alec looked away. "That's the problem, Jace, you can't help. You're the problem. You're the one-" Alec jumped up hating that he had said so much. "Forget it. I need to leave. Patrol or something."

"I'll come."



"Jace, dammit, just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you." Alec shouted. He never reacted like that. He was the calm, cool, collected one. Jace and Izzy were the ones who shouted and ran off. Alec was the silent, brooding type. But, not tonight. He didn't even grab a jacket, even though it was the middle of winter; he just ran.

He wandered around for a couple of hours thankful for having a rune to warm him up, but it had warn off a while ago. He was started to shiver. He should go home, but he didn't want to. Alec wasn't ready for that. He was turning the corner when someone grabbed his arm. He kicked back, making contact as the person grunted and he turned around with his fist at face level.

"Back off," Alec said angrily but then the venom dropped from his voice and his anger melted. "I'm sorry."

He dropped his fist and grabbed Magnus' shoulder as he was bent over trying to catch his breath. Alec was blushing fiercely. "Are you okay?"

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