5. Inacoma

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Answer: Why not both?

"Your majesty, he's here again." Jace bowed slightly to his king.

"Let him in." Alec commanded and motioned to the door with a swish of his tail. It was black with flecks of silver just like his vest.

"But sir-" Jace said but was cut off before he could finish with a flick of Alec's wrist.

"Do as I say." Alec demanded.

"Right away, sir." Jace bowed again and swam to the door. He opened it and a wolf swam in.

"Leave us!" Alec's voice boomed.

"I'll be right outside." Jace nodded and gave the wolf a menacing look.

The door slammed shut and Alec circled his hands around causing the water to dissipate. His fin became legs and he smiled at the wet wolf.

"Sorry, I know you hate the water." Alec walked to the wolf and brushed his fur. It dried as he walked in a circle around him.

"Show yourself, Magnus." Alec declared as he stepped back giving the wolf space.

"Still into black I see." Magnus murmured as he became human. He cracked his neck and his eyes glowed a bright yellow.

"And you're still into glitter." Alec sneered as Magnus left a trail of glitter behind him. He continued walking until he was at the bar. He poured himself a glass of the brandy Alec kept around for such an occasion.

"I've missed you." Magnus purred.

"It has been far too long." Alec walked towards him, stalking him like his prey. He had missed the rough, yet medolic sound of Magnus's voice.

"The blonde is still just as annoying." Magnus held out a glass to Alec.

"He's just protective." Alec accepted the glass and downed the warm liquid.

"If you told him the truth he wouldn't fear my intentions towards you." Magnus said with the shake of his head. "I mean it's not like I bite."

"But, don't you?" Alec's blue eyes gleaned with sultry humor. "I mean the last time you practically bonded us."

"And I would have finished if it weren't for that annoying plankton." Magnus stepped closer and took the glass to set it aside.

"What would the kingdoms think? Two males of different races mated. A Merking and an Alpha Wolf no less." Alec touched Magnus's hand absently.

"Who cares?" Magnus countered.

"We need to be careful and smart is all." Alec kissed him.

Magnus kissed him back then pulled away with a smirk. "And this is being careful."

Alec chuckled. "I said we need to be, not that I am." He kissed Magnus again, harder this time.

Magnus's hands slid up Alec's back to his still damp hair. Alec moaned as Magnus pressed his body against him.

"Ah, my king likes that, does he?" Magnus asked as he moved his mouth to Alec's neck. He gently sucked, nibbled, and kissed his way across his collarbone.

"Alexander, please wake up."

Alec's eyes fluttered and the insane dream started to melt away.

"Alec?" Jace's worried face was the first thing Alec saw.

"What happened?" Alec hissed at the pain in his throat.

"You were shot." Magnus said and Alec blushed when he saw him becuase he could still feel his tongue in his mouth.

"Are you okay?" Alec asked when he saw a bandage on Magnus's hand.

"Are you kidding me?" Magnus rolled his eyes. "You were shot in the chest but you're worried about my cut from a piece of glass?"

"Alec, do you have any idea who did this?" Jace interrupted.

"Blondie your favorite tree must be a cactus because you sure are a prick. Give the man some space to breathe. He's been unconscious for days and I'm sure having to look at your ugly face isn't helping him. Why don't you get us some coffee?" Magnus waved his hand at the door and have growled.

"Jace," Alec drew their attention from each other. "I really could use a drink."

"Fine, but this isn't over." Jace glared at Magnus and walked out.

Question: What is something that you wish was true?

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