End of Arc 7: My Dear Emperor (XXXVI)

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Back at the hide out, Xu XiuLan was currently with Lin Jun Kai and Bao Bao. The lad had just returned from the front lines as he had been accompanying his lover. After their assistance to lock down the city, they set off to give moral support and ogle Wu QingJue while they were at work.

Seeing that their plan had gone successfully, Bao Bao wanted to return and congratulate his host. When he arrived at the hideout, he felt was flummoxed by what he smelled and saw. There was food made by his host.

He eyed those meat skewers with gluttonous eyes and licked his lips. It has been a day since he had been able to eat his host's cooking and his stomached ached for it.

Opening his mouth, he complained.

[Wuuu~ Host, Bao Bao is so hungry. Can host feed this starved system~?]

Xu XiuLan looked up at him, "Has your passive reset yet, Bao Bao?"

He nodded exuberantly.

[Mhmm! Just right about... Now!]

He rubbed his stomach as even the now cooled down meat smelled heavenly and mouthwatering. Just him imagining the aroma as it is cooking almost made Bao Bao drool. Without wasting any time, he clapped his hands together and enabled his passive. His feet touched the ground and like a whirlwind, he flew over to the spot besides Lin Jun Kai. A smug grin on his face as he thought about the taste of the meat.

Xu XiuLan stood up and made his way to start of the fire once again, so that he could cook some skewers for Bao Bao.

Lin Jun Kai had been attentively chatting with Bao Bao, when his stomach suddenly felt a knot of trepidation inside. His eyes automatically darted over to his mother. They had a small pine wood stick that had the tip of it soaked in sulfur and was ready to strike the match. From the undergrowth, Lin Jun Kai spotted an inconspicuous figure that distinctively resembled his father's original form. He could make out that uncanny menacing smile on their face.

His feet took off in a sprint as he tackled their legs, "Mommy! Don't!"

The momentum made Xu XiuLan fall into his butt. He looked at Lin Jun Kai in confusion and patted their head, "Xiao Jun, your laolao¹ is hungry."

Lin Jun Jai demurred, shaking his head with a rattle toy drum as he kept the hidden figure within his eyesight, "Laolao is too fat... Laolao can wait for a while."

Though it wasn't true, Lin Jun Kai was rambling some nonsensical things to stall time, until the return of Tu HuaLi.

Bao Bao felt a stab into his heart from their words. He pouted. 

[Xiao Jun, your laolao has been working hard and is hungry... Are you going to let your laolao die of hunger?]

During this time, Lin Jun Kai had secretively written the characters 'Si Wang' on Xu XiuLan's hand as he threw more words at Bao Bao, "Laolao... Can wait until daddy or uncle comes back. Mommy is tired from being 'thrown' around on the bed by daddy."

Not forgetting to give another jab at Bao Bao, Lin Jun Kai added, "Maybe laolao can lose a few pounds as laolao waits."

Xu XiuLan's vigilance increased at the speed of light. What bothered him was that he couldn't even feel their presence. He continued the act and coaxed, "Xiao Jun, be good to laolao."

As for Bao Bao, he almost fainted from the shock he received. When has his cute grandson become so rebellious all of a sudden? Ah, ah. It must be his son-in-law's fault for their sudden change in their behavior.

Putting on a pitiful face, Bao Bao let a couple crocodile tears fall.

[Ah, it hurts your laolao's heart that Xiao Jun no longer loves this wrinkly laolao.]

He slowly wiped the two droplets of tears that he could squeeze out and lowered his gaze to the floor. This made Lin Jun Kai freeze for a brief second, as he adored his cute yet idiotic laolao. Seeing them cry because they were hungry made Lin Jun Kai feel guilty... But it was all for a greater cause, his mommy.

Though Bao Bao was acting so, he was quite proud that his acting skills had advanced by leaps and bounds since he became Lin Jun Kai's laolao.

Lin Jun Kai swallowed his saliva loudly, "Laolao can wait..."

He really wanted to cover his face, but he had to keep an eye on that 'man'. He saw the impatience and displeasure ripple across their face, and it was then that he knew he had assumed correctly. Si Wang had done something to the fire pit. Inwardly, he was still scolding himself for not being observant enough that they had somehow slipped in. He had failed to notice their presence until just a little bit earlier, making him swore to keep training until he could stop these types of situations from occurring in the future.

As much as he wanted to deal with Si Wang himself, there was nothing that he could accomplish by foolishly courting death. He was only an infant compared to their long lives, he wouldn't place himself in jeopardy just to hit air. Only Tu HuaLi would be able to 'kill' Si Wang and devour powers.

Hearing the sounds of an approaching horse in the distance, Lin Jun Kai sighed in relief in his heart. He would be here soon.

That inch of distraction caused him to loose sight of Si Wang's figure.

Abruptly, he fell off of his mother's lap as they were hoisted into the air. His eyes shot up to see Si Wang holding Xu XiuLan by the neck in the air. Both him and Bao Bao called out in alarm.



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