Catastrophe (II)

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The figures eventually caught up to the girl and the surrounded her. Her screams went an octave higher and it seemed to keep increasing. But soon a gurgling sound replaced her opera singing. Blood seeped from the center of the horde.

Ains leaned against the window. It seems that this world that he had transmigrated to, had danger lurking in the dark.

<System, what kind of world is this?>

<Oh sh*t Host~! Bao Bao is scared! Why did we end up here of all places? Bao Bao... Bao Bao almost fainted from seeing something so ugly my eyes went blind.> Ahhh~! That thing didn't even seem to have brush it's teeth, they were so yellow it was like the rising sun! Thank god Bao Bao can't smell their breath of else maybe I would've been knocked out by it.

(A/N: I don't think that's what you should be worrying about Bao Bao... I don't know maybe you should be worrying about your host starving to death instead or I don't know those 'things' that were outside?)


<Oh. *cough* Let Bao Bao send host the information on this world.>

This is a post zombie apocalyptic world. The body Ains is currently in is called, Allen Reeves. He was just a high school student when the sudden occurrence of zombies appeared. He didn't have any parents and only one sibling, his older brother Kyle Reeves. The two were as close as two peas in a pod.

Kyle took over the parenting role and single handedly raised Allen by himself. But because he was so busy working, the time they spent drifted apart. Kyle had gotten himself enlisted into the army and left Allen by himself.

Allen was a loner kid and he was an introvert and didn't know how to interact normally with other teens his age. He was the skinny kid that everyone left out of everything. He would always be the last to be assigned to a group, and no one knew of his name, they would always be asking him for it again and again. But he was an exceptionally bright student, even though he was only fifteen he was already attending the 12th grade and this year he would've graduated if not for the zombies coming out.

He was at school when the outbreak occurred. It was a normal day at school, until one of the students opened the door to their classroom to leave and a zombie came in. Everyone was panicking and running away from the door. Many students were screaming and some even pushed others in front so that they could get away.

The teacher was soon taken down and more and more zombies came in. Wanting to escape they opened the other door only to reveal more zombies. Everyone thought that it was the end of the world and started crying. Just as their hopes diminished the zombies were taken down by the other senior class.

Everyone banded together and moved around, as usual no one noticed Allen. He was the only one left out. He was worried about his brother and decided to give him a call and see if he was okay. Mina Esters, one of the popular girls heard Allen call his brother and her eyes glimmered.

She decided to bring Allen to her group, if she could then she would be rescued as she heard Allen say that he would wait for him to come. Mina started asking him some talking to him and asking him some questions regarding his brother. Like a fool Allen responded to everyone of her questions honestly.

As they were heading down to the main floor of the building, zombies chased after them. As a couple of seniors were fighting off the zombies, but they were slowly being overwhelmed by the zombies as more came. Mina had gotten too scared and grabbed Allen's hand and took off. She had to live, and he was her ticket.

Mina didn't know where she was running to, but she didn't care as long as it was away from those monsters. Mina and Allen ended up on the west wing of the building, in the teacher's lounge. Mina locked the door and turned to Allen, she demanded that he tell his brother the hurry or else they would die.

Allen felt touched that she would take him, no one else but his brother had done so. He was just air to them. Allen did as he was told, he felt indebted to her somehow. But when he called, the other line wasn't picking up so he left a message.

The two of them stayed inside of the teachers lounge and waited for rescue. As days went by, the food in the room started to run low and they needed to get more supplies. Mina wanted to send out Allen to gather supplies by herself but if his brother came at that time, wouldn't he only take him? What about her then.

So Mina decided to go with Allen, they both grabbed any blunt object they could use to defend themselves with. They carefully went from room to room in search of food, but they couldn't find anything. Mina stomped in frustration, she wanted to eat. Her stomach ached from not eating and drinking for a day.

She shot Allen a look of irritation. If it weren't that she had to feed him too, she would've had her fill. She regretted saving him now.

As she wasn't paying attention a zombie came out of one of the open doors and charged at her. Mina screamed, out of shock and swung the metal ruler in her hand. Because the end had been broken a little, it sliced into Allen's leg.

Allen pulled her hand and swung the baseball bat that he had found and hit a home run. The zombie fell backward. They both were relieved that they had managed to survive but that was short lived. Because of the commotion and noise, it drew in more zombies.

Mina and Allen were at the staircase and ran up. Allen's speed was much slower because his leg was injured. The blood also seemed to excite the zombies as they scurried after him. Mina saw that they were targeting Allen more and made a choice at that moment.

As they reached the third floor, Mina snatched Allen's phone and pushed him down the stairs. She then turned around and fled. Allen almost got knocked out from the fall but miraculously he didn't. He didn't have time to wallow his own thoughts. He quickly stood up and climbed the rest of the stairs.

The zombies were just an arm away from him. Scared Allen ran into an empty classroom and barricaded himself inside. He touched his pockets and felt for his phone, but he had forgotten that Mina had taken it when she pushed him.

Allen would stay inside of that room and never come out. His wound would've festered and got infected and he would've died because of it.

As for Mina? Rescue came just right on time, Kyle had finally arrived in the area. He wanted to make sure that his brother was alright but he didn't see him but Mina instead. Mina cried wolf and told him that Allen had pushed her away, and to save her he fought off the zombies.

Kyle cried at the news. Since his younger brother wanted to protect this girl, he would protect her. The only memento he had of his brother was the key chain strapped onto his cellular device, they had gotten it during a festival in the summer three years ago.

Mina arrived in base A safely under Kyles protection. She was given a good lodging to stay in. There she spent the rest of her days in peace as Kyle found her an easy job that didn't require too much effort. She worked as a front desk nurse, all she had to do was check in the survivors.

Mina met a young lieutenant named Lucas Kavka. They got married and had two kids, one boy and one girl. The two lived until the age of seventy eight when they both passed away.

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