Meow~? (XVI)

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(A/N: Hey guys! We are so close to the end of the second arc here! There's only one more chapter left! I thank you guys so much! Enjoy!)

The next morning arrived and Sairi and Regnier were already up. They were in a meeting with the other eight ranked members and the were-cat warriors. Sairi had informed them that the humans were planning to launch a preemptive attack. Since they wanted to do one, they could too.

One thing about the were-cats were that they took their monarch's words seriously, by the end of the night everyone's heart were like one. They had finished preparing for their strike already, tomorrow would be the end of the peace treaty.


Rose who had been locked up the was paranoid, she didn't know what was going on outside. She didn't know if her father got through to their king or did things fall through. She tried several times to escape but she was always brought back.

A day later, the news that her mother told her made her cry in despair.

Rose's life currently was like hell, her marriage had been moved to an earlier date. She would be wedded tomorrow. She didn't want that demon, she couldn't imagine her future with him. It was not what she wanted. Everything wasn't going the way she wanted.

She sat in the corner of her room huddling her legs. Her eyes were bloodshot and her hair was a mess. Her throat was hoarse from her shouting and screaming. The windows to her room was all boarded up and her door was locked from the outside. The only lighting she had was the three lamps that were posted around her room.

Rose felt that this wasn't how things were supposed to develop, she should've had the best. She should've been pampered by people, protected and shielded from everything, and the love of her life was supposed to be someone strong.

Rose stayed awake the entire night, once morning came the servants unlocked her door and came into the room. The grabbed Rose and started to doll her up for her wedding. She was going to be wearing a beautiful white gown with lace roses and a sheer veil with lilies.

Rose felt numb, very numb on the inside. She pleaded her father to cancel her marriage but he would never answer her, she pleaded her mother but she too turned a deaf ear. Just in a couple of hours she will exchange her vows with someone she doesn't like. Someone who doesn't treasure another's worth and only sees them as a plaything.

Rose was lead downstairs and into the carriage outside waiting. The ride to the chapel seemed to be so quick, she only blinked once before they were there already. Rose was lifeless, like a doll.

They led her off of the carriage and into the bride's room. They changed her into her bridal dress and put on her veil. They handed her a bouquet of white and yellow flowers, Rose looked at it and tears fell down her eyes. She was dying, dying inside. Who was going to save her?

Outside the church hall's door, she could hear the music playing inside. Her arm was linked with her fathers as she held the bouquet of flowers tightly. Today was supposed to be the happiest day in her life but all that she felt right now was a never ending misery. Like a nightmare that she refused to wake up from.

The grand white doors open. She could see that the seats were all filled, many had happy smiles plastered on their faces. At the end was the pastor and her future husband. Rose's tears began to fall down her cheeks as she took step by step with her father at her side.

Just as they were going to reach the end, an alarm was sounded. They were under attack. Everyone began to panic and the whole place fell into chaos. People were all trying to leave the church and were rushing towards the exit. They didn't care about the royal wedding, they cared more about their own life.

Some of the guests fell onto the floor but they were trampled by those who had been behind them. Screams and bone crushing sounds could be heard as more and more people were stepped on.

Rose stood in place as she watched everything unfold. She felt a sense of relief that her wedding had been interrupted. Soon the hall emptied out and the only ones left were her and her father, even her mother had abandoned her. Her future husband that was supposed to be protecting her had fled, he was one of the first ones to leave the chapel.

Rose laughed as she dropped the bouquet of flowers. She slumped down onto her knees. The sounds of fighting and screams of death filled the air. The melodious music that had been playing long has been silenced.

At the entrance to the hall, there was a familiar figure standing there. Their hands were covered in blood, and their clothes were stained as well. Archduke Weisis shouted, "Protect us!"

A group of soldiers in shiny silver armor popped up and surrounded the Archduke and Rose. The figure walked closer and closer, not even caring that they were outnumbered.

Archduke Weisis shouted in fear, "Don't come any closer you fiend!"

The figure only faintly smiled but that smile sent shivers down everyone's spine. Rose on the other hand, her eyes twinkled with life once more. He had come back for her. He didn't forget about her, he was here to rescue her.

Rose tried taking step further but her father pulled her back, "What are you doing, Rose?!"

Rose tried shaking off his grip, "Let me go!"

Archduke Weisis slapped her face, "Enough! Get a grip Rose!"

Rose only glared at her father, "No! He's here for me, he's here to take me away!"

Archduke Weisis stared at his daughter, he could see that she was broken... it was too late. Rose took this chance and pulled her hands away from her father. She lifted the bottom of her dress and happily ran towards him.

A big smile appeared on her lips. Her hair bounced with every step that she took.

The Archduke shouted at her, telling her to stop, to come back. But her mind was focused on one thing and one thing only, the man that was walking towards her.

Rose didn't stop and kept running, straight to him she went. Just when she was a step merely away did she slow down. She couldn't wait to fall onto his chest. He would be her support, her pillar, and her knight in shining armor.

Just as Rose was about to reach out and touch him, she saw her own fingers fly into the air. Rose eyes widen. What's happening?

Rose couldn't even utter a sound when she saw her hand get cut off. Then it was her arm. Next, was her feet. He worked his way up until all her limbs were gone. Rose had tears spewing out her eyes and mucus coming from her nose, she was a sorry figure compared to her usual looks. When she going to call out his name, she felt a sharp pain on her chest. She looked down to find his hand penetrating the left side of her chest and blood flowing down. Rose coughed out blood more blood and uttered, "Why...?"

He looked as if he had just heard the world's dumbest joke, "Why?"

He laughed, "Do you remember what you told me in the forest that day?"

Rose couldn't even move her mouth much less answer him as she was in too much pain, tears were flowing down like a river. Her mouth quivered as blood continued to flow out of her severed limbs and her mouth. As he pulled out his hand, his eyes were cold, so cold that it could freeze someone. The mirth that had been there, was gone, "Go and die, the world only the strongest gets to survive*."

(A/N: This is what she said to a certain someone in chapter 8. Hehe... I wonder who 'him' is.... LALALALALALA~♪ Karma is a b*tch!)

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