Meow~? (VI)

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After Sairi's match, his infamy increased and spread like a wildfire across the were-cat territory. Many of the were-cats were afraid of Sairi for his ruthlessness but many also admired him for his fierceness.

Challenges sprang from left to right to Sairi, some wanted to confirm the rumors and others thought that he had gotten lucky against Ivon. But in the end, Sairi proved his strength by demolishing his enemies as if they were nothing but ants in his eye.

Many people began to call Sairi, 'Silver Death' because of his color and that anyone who entered the ring never came back out alive. Sairi also didn't forget about his task and when he had the chance he would seek out the other ranked were-cats and climb the ladder.

By the end of the month, Sairi had rose to third rank and many were too afraid of the blood trail that he left behind to even dare to challenge him. He was like an asura war god that wish to bathe the world in blood. Because of his distinctive colors, he was easily recognized by all the were-cats.

His reputation also managed to spread to the human's territory and scared many of them. The were-cats were already terrifying enough and up sprung a demon. Naturally, Rose heard of Sairi's notoriety and she became scared as well. That was until she heard people gossip on how charming he looked and described his looks.

The first thing that came to her mind was the man that had helped her when she had gotten injured in the illustrious forest. Though she was afraid of him, her longing overcame that fear. She set out on a journey to find Sairi.



A large liger* was sent across the floor and slammed into a building nearby. The body fell limply onto the ground with blood smeared everywhere. A beautiful silver head of hair could be seen in the middle of the ring. His sapphire eyes were as clear and calm as day as if the massacre that just happen wasn't done by him.

(Liger - crossbreed between a lion and tiger.)

His face remained impassive, not even a hint of haughtiness or form of conceitedness was there. Sairi had just defeated the second rank. He was titled, "Bearer of the Hybrids" and his given name was Raoul.

Sairi tilted his head, "Anyone else?"

It wasn't that he was being cocky, it was just that he needed to find the number ranked were-cat, Regnier. Titled, "King of the Beasts". He held his position for over twelve years in a row and had never lost a match before.

Sairi wanted to defeat him and claim the position as the first ranked, so that he could focus on finding his mate afterwards.

Sairi had asked Bao Bao, how he would know if he found his mate. Bao Bao just gave a simple answer, your heart will tell you. But Bao Bao had forgotten that his host was a new player in the game of love. He didn't know why his (S) had sped up for Long Zixi, he didn't know why it made his heart feel like it was floating on air being next to him (LX). It just did, it felt right. Sairi's only relationship was with Long Zixi, and Bao Bao knew that even though his host had feelings for Long Zixi and cared for him. He still didn't understand this crazy thing called love.

It was something that can't be defined or isn't something that had a guide to it.

Bao Bao felt that he was more of a personal love counselor than a system. In the previous world, without Bao Bao's guiding and explanations to Sairi, this block of wood would've have no idea that Long Zixi was in love with him. His host was too dense..... Just like a black hole, sucking up things *ahem* feelings without even knowing what they are.

How Long Zixi should thank and kowtow to Bao Bao for his hard work and effort that lead the two of them together.

As soon as Sairi put back on his cloak, a swarm of female were-cats surrounded him. The shyer and more timid ones were on the outer ring, while the bolder and more brazen ones were in the inner ring. Sairi only swept his eyes over them once before breaking through the 'wall' of were-cats.

He ignored their calls and didn't even bother to pay any attention to them. They couldn't make his heart 'ache' like his system said, so why would he waste his time?

As Sairi was just about to turn the corner and enter into the inn he had been staying at, a small thing bumped into him and fell backwards from the impact. Instinctively, Sairi reached out and grabbed the lump, so that they wouldn't fall onto the floor.

Bao Bao's voice sounded in Sairi's ears. <Host, that's the female lead...> What is she even doing here? Shouldn't she have been with her little 'gang' of followers and prancing around like a proud little princess?

Bao Bao fluttered around, wondering why this crazy power-craving harlot would be here of all places and her minions were all gone! Then a thought hit Bao Bao. This... hussy couldn't be aiming for my baby because he's all strong and powerful now, could she?

Bao Bao immediately went on the defense like a tigress protecting it's cub, but instead it was a white ball of fluff that can't do anything to physically hovering in mid-air in front of Sairi.

Rose stammered in the native tongue, felidalis , "Ah, I.. I'm so-sorry! Please fo-forgive me."

Rose had picked up on the felidalis language in hopes of attaining Sairi's attention and raising her impression with him. She took a whiff of Sairi's alluring scent, it smelled just as it did before.

Sairi already knew that Rose wasn't his mate since the first time he laid his eyes on her. Sairi didn't bother with a new addition to the annoying flies that flew around him, what is the problem if there was one more. Sairi stepped to the side and then continued to walk.

Bao Bao snickered as he followed Sairi. He was dying of laughter on the inside. Pfft! In your dreams! Ahahaha! You just got 'curved'!

(A/N: Wae~ Bao Bao, you're learning a lot of knew slang terms...)

After Sairi's figure disappeared, Rose's mouth was still gaped open. How could he just brush her off like that? Was this encounter not 'different' enough that he couldn't care less about it? Rose had been spying on Sairi for the past couple of days and knew how those pestering women had approached Sairi and he took no notice of them.

She concluded that he didn't like that 'type' of women, so she tried another approach. Rose was racking her brains to find out what had gone wrong with what she did. Little did she even think that maybe.... he simply wasn't interested in her. Not even a tiny bit, but she had been used to people admiring her at all times and she did not take Sairi's rejection well.

Rose started to think of ways to get Sairi's attention. Should she make handcrafted things for him? Should she bake him something? Should she be bold? Should she be more modest in her approach?

If Bao Bao heard her thoughts, Bao Bao would've slapped the human out of her and knocked some common sense into this egotistical dimwit. How dare she lust after his child? No one.... well maybe only one person can do it but definitely not her. Her level of devotion and commitment to someone is like ring, there is none there.

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