Young Master (XX)

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(A/N: This is going to be a looooong chapter~~ over 2.5k words. Thank you for reading and voting! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧)

The next day, Wei Xiao had gotten himself dressed up in a plain white shirt and a light blue sweater with khaki colored pants. He waved goodbye to Long Zixi before heading back into the house. Yesterday, he had somehow gotten Long Zixi to allow him out of the house without his supervision. The only catch? He had to bring five extra guards.

Wei Xiao had told Long Zixi that he was going out to meet a female friend that he hasn't seen in a while and to make sure that the story stuck, Wei Yue had to put on a disguise so that the bodyguards wouldn't recognize her.

Not long after Long Zixi left, Wei Xiao also departed in another mercedez-benz car that was awaiting outside for him. The driver had been notified ahead of time and already knew where they were going and left the Long residence.

In less than thirty minutes they had arrived at Starlight Cafe. It was a small local cafe that was sadly located in the poorer part of the city. Although it's location wasn't exactly great, because of their food and drinks they were quite popular.

Once Wei Xiao entered the cafe, all eyes stopped on him. His looks were already dead drop gorgeous pairing that he had seven guards in black suits surrounding him. He looked like a prince out of a fairy tale. They could tell right away that he was someone who came from a prominent family, from his looks, to his bodyguard, to his natural graceful aura.

Some of the bolder female customers took out their phone and secretly took pictures of Wei Xiao and posted it online with the captions, 'Met an angel today!' or 'I was lucky and ran into a fairy'.

Wei Yue was seated by the corner table when she saw this, her hands balled up and her nails dug into the palms of her hands as her teeth gritted. It was always like this! Wherever he goes, he always takes the spot light.

Wei Yue tried to keep her face calm but if you looked closely, you could see the cracks on her plastic mask. She stood up and called out, "Xiao'er, over here!"

Everyone's attention turned towards Wei Yue and her heart soared. This is how things were supposed to be. Their attention should only be directed to me and not him.

She was dressed in a long white sweater dress and had on a pink coat, brown ankle high boots, and thigh high black stocking. She had no makeup on and wore a brown wig.

Wei Xiao smiled and walked over, "Sorry Jie jie, did I make you wait?"

Wei Yue shook her head, "No not at all, I just got here a little bit before you."

The workers in the cafe coughed. Liar! You've been here since eight o'clock.

Wei Xiao was relieved, "That's good then. Did you order yet?"

Wei Yue, "I was waiting for you, we can pick and choose their desserts and share them with each other so we can have more of a variety."

Wei Xiao, "Mhm! That's a good idea."

The two continued to talk as they walked over to the register to order. Customers and workers alike were sneaking glances at the two. They couldn't help but compare the two, although they slightly looked similar. Wei Yue looked more dull when Wei Xiao stood next to her, like she was a fake diamond next to the real thing.

This was Wei Xiao's first time ordering something, usually Long Zixi would have one of the guards go and order for them or it would already be ready by the time Wei Xiao arrived. Wei Xiao stood timidly at the front counter, he was looking at the menu that was behind the counter. There were many choices in which to choose from and he felt a little lost.

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