Meow~? (IX)

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(A/N: There will be a kissing scene. Rated PG-13. Here goes another three chapters!!! Enjoy!!)

They played cat and mouse for a long time, the field where they fought looked as if there had been a war that occurred. Luckily, Sairi had caught one of Regnier's front paws in his jaws. He bit down on it harshly as he leaped upwards, trying to knock Regnier down.

He could taste the all too familiar taste of iron in his mouth, it only fueled his inner beast and his sapphire eyes darkened from the sweet taste of blood. One thing, Sairi had forgotten was their difference in size and because he had activated insanity, all his rational thoughts had flown out the window a long time ago.

Regnier had been waiting for this moment. He somehow gathered his strength from God knows where and used his weight to push down Sairi. Regnier brazenly grinned, "It's my win, kitten."

Regnier saw that Sairi's eyes weren't lucid and were still chaotic. He was still swallowed up by insanity. But who was Regnier? He was the King of the Beasts, this title wasn't just for show. He knew how to get someone out of that state.

Regnier transformed back to his semi-human form and reached behind Sairi's neck. There was a hidden part there where you could deactivate insanity. It took Regnier less than five seconds to find it.

Once he pressed on it, Sairi's pupils dilated for a second before returning to it's original size. His eyes were once again calm and clear.

Bao Bao saw this and paled. His host had lost.... now what's going to happen?? Bao Bao could clearly feel his perverseness from where Bao Bao was floating. Bao Bao instinctively felt that he wanted something from his host, and it sure as hell ain't about food!

The crowd went silently still and no one dared to breathe.

Regnier gently stroked Sairi's cheeks with his free hand, "Kitten, I won."

Regnier leaned in and whispered in a husky voice, "Now, it's time that you fulfill your part of the bet."

Sairi frowned, though he had miscalculated by a lot, he was a man of his words. Sairi let go of Regnier's arm, blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. To Regnier, it was very tempting to just lick the blood from the corner of his lips. How sweet and intoxicating it would taste with those lips.

(A/N: There's going to be an explanation for Regnier's crazy attitude. Just wait.)

Sairi lifted his claw and pressed it against his neck. It cut into his smooth flesh and a stream of blood trickled down. Regnier's eyes widen and he gripped Sairi's hand, "What are you doing, kitten?"

Sairi was confused and answered honestly, "Fulfilling my part of the bet."

Regnier rubbed the middle of his brow and laughed, "That's not what I meant, kitten."

Sairi had clearly visible a big question mark posted over his head. Regnier closed in on Sairi, "This is what I meant."

Sairi felt a pair of warm lips press against his, he was shocked and became rigid. Regnier pushed his tongue forward and pried open Sairi's teeth. He skimmed his tongue over the other's teeth and roof. Then, he proceeded to suck on the other's tongue and lips. He even couldn't resist and bit on them.

His lips taste so sweet, just like honey and addicting just like a drug.

Regnier had been watching Sairi for a long time, ever since he saw Sairi in the City of Gold, Eloris. From the moment he laid his eyes on Sairi, he knew that he was his mate.

At first Regnier found the possibility of having a mate to be troublesome, so when he finally found his he was a bit annoyed. But as he watched Sariri's battle with Ivon, he felt a sense of familiarity to him the longer he looked at the were-cat. His heart felt strange, as if something was telling him to go to him. To mark him. To make him his.

Regnier frowned at his thoughts, he didn't want his beast to overpower his own thoughts. Regnier left as soon as he could, but just outside of the city gates and he already longed to see him again. Regnier gritted his teeth, he didn't believe in that 'fate' bs, that his old men were talking about. Who he fell in love with, he wanted to choose for himself.

Regnier wanted to get away from Sairi, but he only felt himself wanting to get closer. It was like he needed to get closer to Sairi, it wasn't just wanting anymore.

Regnier finally gave in a little and decided to observe Sairi from the dark and he found some surprising things. Some of Sairi's movements reminded him of the young man he saw in his dreams, even thought their faces were clearly different he saw the similarity in some of their expressions.

In Regnier's dreams, he always saw of another world. There he would see a young man with platinum blonde hair and beautiful sparkling emerald eyes, he would see pieces of his life with that person and felt an indescribable joy. The feeling Sairi was giving off was the same as the young man from his dreams.

Regnier felt excited but he quickly calmed himself down, even if they gave off the same feeling. It didn't necessarily mean that they are the same person. Regnier decided to observe Sairi some more before he made a decision.

The more time he spent spying on Sairi, the more Regnier was convinced that the boy and Sairi was one person. He didn't know why, but he felt a soul connection with him. He made up his mind that he make Sairi his and seeing that Sairi was making his way up the ranks. Regnier knew that he would eventually come after him.

So, Regnier decided to play a little with Sairi, he would make it so when Sairi came after him and arrived at the same city. He would be challenged by other were-cats that were seeking his position and slip away, how? He released the news that the Silver Reaper was going to arrive there in the next couple of days ahead of time.

He was slowly inching Sairi closer and closer into his net. Regnier smiled as Sairi had stepped onto it the moment he challenged Regnier. He also made sure that he did background search on Sairi and found out that he didn't have a past lover, which made him happy.

He didn't know why but he knew that Sairi was a dunce at love matters. Although, he tricked Sairi into accepting his bet. He somehow knew that they were looking for each other.

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