Meow~? (XIII)

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After informing his father the old King, of what happened and what he found out, Regnier contacted the human's official to have a meeting with their King. The ten ranked were-cats were also called to meet up in the city residing right in between the two factions, Alteria.

When Rose had gotten back to her home, she was informed of her engagement to Prince Rowley and she almost fainted from the news. She begged her father not to let it happen, she told him of what happened in the were-cat territory. Archduke Weisis was at a lost to what he had just heard.

He informed the servants not to let Rose out and confined her to her room, while he left to the royal castle. Archduke Weisis request an emergency meeting with King, but he was turned away. He was busy preparing for the meeting with the were-cat's King in two days.

Many times, Archduke Weisis would try and gain an audience with the King but every time he was sent away.

On the were-cat side, the news of the malevolent and barbaric Prince Rowley had spread throughout the were-cat's territory. They were furious and demanded justice to be served.

The ten ranked were-cats had already arrived in Alteria and were awaiting for the humans.

1st rank - King of the Beasts, Regnier

2nd rank - Silver Reaper, Sairi

3rd rank - Exalted Lion, Rainald

4th rank - Crazed Tiger, Dryon

5th rank - Tyrant Killer, Lance

6th rank - God Speed, Oliver

7th rank - Red Rose, Lyra

8th rank - Consul Paragon, Wiscard

9th rank - Apostle of Misery, Ada

10th rank - The Devourer, Izaak

When the next morning arrived. The were-cats all arrived at the designated building for their talks earlier than scheduled. The humans arrived two minutes after their supposed time of arrival, this left a bad impression on the newer ranked were-cats. They felt that they weren't being treated with the same amount of respect that they had given the humans.

Once everyone was gathered there. They were all sitting in a large room around a big circular table. The air was heavy and the pressure was immense inside of the room. Many of their murderous auras were released inside. Only Sairi and Regnier remained calm, the others were filled with anger.

They could only feel disgust towards those feeble creatures that didn't uphold to their terms. Were-cats took promises and oaths very serious and if someone was to break it, they lost their trust and couldn't be trusted once more.

The human's King sat in his chair with a calm face but he was sweating buckets.

Regnier started speaking, "King Charles, I first want to address that your son has violated the peace treaty that we signed. He has funded killers and plunderers who came into our land. They killed and captured many of my people."

King Charles brought his hands together so that others wouldn't see them shake in fear, "What do you mean, King Regnier? What has my son done to violate the terms in the peace treaty."

Regnier raised his hand and signaled, Lance left the room and came back with the crippled base leader. Regnier pointed to the man, "Tell your King, of the wonderful deeds you've done."

The base leader bowed in shame and retold what he had told Regnier to King Charles. King Charles sat there in disbelief and shock. His son couldn't be responsible for such crimes. He shook his head, "This is preposterous! How can you slander my son, Prince Rowley like that?!"

Regnier coldly sneer, "Preposterous? Slander? Were you even going to investigate if the claims are true or not?"

King Charles, "I'm sorry King Regnier, but I know my son. He's not the type to do this."

Regnier signaled again, this time a row of people came in, "He is only one of the many."

Regnier pointed to the group of men, "Will this be enough evidence? They are all base leaders of the poachers that plundered my land."

One by one they were told similar stories to the first base leader. Some even were only paid to kill. The denounced everyone who was their backer, not only was Prince Rowley involved but the bishop, the pope, six viscounts, four dukes, ten earls, two counts, and even seven of his generals were involved.

King Charles face paled, "H-how can this be?"

Regnier leaned back in his chair with his legs crossed and his arms on the armrest. He exhaled the aura of a king, making others want to kneel down to him. He rested his chin on his hand, "What do you have to say, King Charles?"

King Charles was still in denial, "There must be some mistake? How can this happen?"

Regnier raised his eyebrows devilishly, "This isn't enough evidence for you?"

King Charles stammered, "N-No. I don't mean that King Regnier!"

Regnier tossed out a scroll onto the table and it unrolled, "These are my terms:

First and foremost, those who are involved will held accountable for their crimes. They will all be publicly executed, and their crimes will be read out loud for everyone to hear.

Secondly, you will be stripped of your powers as monarch and only act as a standing king. I will finalize the decisions that need to be made

And lastly, every month half of your resources will be sent over to the were-cats as payment."

King Charles' face had been changing from white to green to red, while Regnier was stating his terms. King Charles crushed the terms of agreement in his hands. He abruptly stood up. His face was beet red from the anger and humiliation he felt, "How dare you, King Regnier!"

Regnier laughed but it didn't reach his amber eyes, "How dare I? How dare you, King Charles? How dare your people disregard the terms of the peace treaty! My people have upheld the words of the treaty and they get mercilessly slaughtered and captured like animals.

All that was asked was repayment for what your people have done. If you want to blame someone, you can blame yourself. A ruler should know his people and what goes on in his land. Instead of investigating, you blatantly deny everything.

If you do not accept my terms... then you can prepare yourself for war. I will not hold back until every last one of the humans are erased."

King Charles was afraid, very afraid but the terms of the new agreement were outrageous. King Charles clenched his hands, "There has to be some other way, King Regnier. These terms are too unreasonable!"

Regnier stood up, his stature towered above, "You have until the end of today to decide."

With that, the were-cats left the room. Many of them scoffed at this impotent human King. King Charles held his head in his hands. What should he do? He cannot afford a war with the were-cats. Humans were simply too weak! He also can't agree to those terms, he wouldn't be able to look at his own people anymore.

King Charles sat in his seat with a desolate face, his advisers surrounded and started bombarding him with questions. Some of the older ones wanted him to wage war against the were-cats, what was there to be afraid of? While some of younger ones wanted King Charles to accept King Regnier's terms of agreement.

Even thought they had to throw down their dignity, at least they would still be alive. Voices echoed throughout the room and could be heard from down the hall. King Charles felt his head swell, if he chose one he would become a laughing stock to his people but if he chose the latter it could cost them everything.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry in his situation.

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