Bearer of Thy Oath (XXIII)

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Placing his hand over Kasimir's heart, Uriel started the invocation. Layers of magic circles appeared and encircled his arm, the illuminated brightly as the runes moved in shape of the magic circle. His hand calmly entered his thoracic cavity, the first circle entered inside.

Instantly, there is resistance and he's met with Kasimir's energy. Having the same energy as Lucifer, it held a sinister and draining feeling to it. It acted in defense and tried to wrap around and strangle the assailant. It's branch like strands came into contact with Uriel's hand.

Within seconds, the first circle shattered and created a barrier. It coiled around the barrier, enshrouding it in darkness.

Uriel finally hit the core of Kasimir's heart. The Emblem of Athanasia suddenly bloomed and translucent dark grey runes sprouted from it. As Uriel continued to chant, the petals of emblem expanded. The tips began to fuse with Kasimir's soul, blending smoothly into one.

As the process continued, Uriel's vision began to blur. Every so often his vision would suddenly flicker and black out. This process was consuming a much larger amount than what he had done before. As the last petal merged with Kasimir's soul, Uriel couldn't help but pull out of Kasimir's chest quickly. He covered his mouth and dropped onto his knees. Continuously, he coughed harshly. Dark crimson liquid seeped from his hand and that covered his mouth.

Feeling something larger coming up his throat, Uriel tried to repress the urge but it came up like a tsunami. Not being able to hold it in anymore, Uriel vomited. But what came out wasn't bile, but blood and some small meaty looking chunks of his viscera that was on the floor. It didn't stop there though, Uriel continued to expel his innards.

His skin was looking very gaunt and pale, almost translucent. His lips were drenched in his own blood, it made him look bewitchingly beautiful and macabre to one's eyes.

Bao Bao's blood pumped fiercely in his ears. He focused his gaze on gaze on Uriel. Bao Bao's face looked like a mess. With tear stains on his cheek and runny nose, Bao Bao looked like a sorry cut figure even with his subtle elegant elf look. He wanted to abandon the mission and eject his host out of the world, but what about everything that his host had put into the world? Wouldn't that all his effort be for nothing then? Wouldn't he had suffered through all of this for naught?

Bao Bao could empathize with his host's fear of losing someone he cherished. He had once been in his shoes at one point in his menial and dismal life. The only thing he could do now was assist as best as he could and once this was all over was to help his host recover. He didn't need his points anymore now that he had finally gotten a vessel. If he could trade up all of his points and even his vessel to save Uriel from this predicament, he would.

Uriel placed a hand over his stomach, his brows furrowed. Regulating his own breathing, Uriel concentrated on standing up. The floor of the dimension was like it was alive, Uriel's blood that covered the ground was absorbed. There was no evidence left as if it had never happened.

Cleansing his clothes of the blood, Uriel set out to complete the last part of his mission. His face impassive and his eyes clear.

Taking one last look at everything in the realm, Uriel smiled bitterly. He nodded at Bao Bao before he took one step and disappeared from the dimension.


Meanwhile outside...

The war was still wreaking havoc everywhere. With Kasimir's absence and the 'death' of Bael, the demons were under Duke Agares' authority. He ruled the eastern region in Hell and governed over thirty one legions of demon, he was one step lower than Bael.

There was no hesitation for the lesser demons and the greater demons to obey the next in the chain of commands. In a malefic manner, they toppled 1/3 of the world already.

Clashes and sparks ignited the sky, land, and sea. Like fireworks they sparked across everywhere in a variety of colors.

Their Sovereign, Lucifer was lazily sitting on his throne as he watched the domination of the world escalate. He had long luminous raven colored hair the cascaded down onto the floor, two long dark red almost black horns protruding from the sides of his head, and two dark glowing red eyes with black scleras and a glowing golden halo that encircled around his irises.

Reaching over to the bowl by his throne, he picked off a single grape and gracefully ate it. The corner of his eye slanted in amusement as he watched the vanquishment of the world occur. He longed to see his Father's face, once he sees his beloved creations get slayed like animals. The world they fought to protect so much, soiled by his and his legions of demon's touch.

There was only one person that he wanted out of everyone, even more so than getting on his Father's bad side. He lightly touched the scar on the left side of his chest, it seemed to illuminate with a golden colour and looked like a blooming yellow rose¹. The corners of his lip curved seductively. How he could still remember the pain of being pierced that day, the flames that engulfed him and turned him into a 'fallen' angel. He could still remember that face, those golden locks, and those golden eyes staring back at him. The cries of his 'pure' and 'holy' brethren rejoicing at his downfall. Lucifer's eyes sparked with a coruscation of red light.

He couldn't wait until he had gotten his hand on Mikael, his own younger brother. They had once gotten along and shielded each other's back. But on that day, instead of receiving the support he thought Mikael would give him, Lucifer had met with a knife to his back.

What a fool he was then. Though he sought to help Mikael in every way, he became blinded and did not see the darkness that had built in Mikael's heart.

When he asked him on that day, Mikael assured that he would give his backing when the time came. But when the time did approach and Lucifer shook his head and bluntly refused to acknowledge the lesser beings in front of their Father, Mikael stood by the sidelines. He watched their confrontation in utter schadenfreude. It was only then that Lucifer finally realized that his judgement had been clouded by his love for Mikael.

He could finally see the edacity swirl in Mikael's eyes. His Father's ideology that, '(we should) love one another. As (he) (has) loved (us), so (we) must love one another²' is so laughable that it wasn't even funny.

For Lucifer, he stopped caring and asking 'why' for a long time now. In those red and black eyes, it searched solely for one person.
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¹Yellow Rose: The flower means, "betrayal" and "a broken heart".

²'(we should) love one another. As (he) (has) loved (us), so (we) must love one another': original quote - "love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another" (John 13:34)

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