Knocked Up (B+A) (V)

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In a fancy restaurant, on the top floor a young man was sitting alone in one of the VIP rooms. He was dressed in a well fitted three piece black and grey suit. His short black hair was slicked back and showed off his immaculate looks. With his azure peach blossom eyes and his striking refine cheekbones and jaw, he could be mistaken for a model. His suit accentuated his fit and toned body, especially his slender legs.

It has already been almost two weeks since Xie Ying had taken time off of work.

The next morning after he had gotten off of work, Xie Ying bought some pills from Bao Bao that would help fix his frail body and strengthen it. It knocked him out for three days straight. After he woke up, his body had been adjusted to it's current form. The only thing that he had to do was trim his own hair and tone his muscles. He exchanged his glasses for contacts, making his gentle demeanor he had with the glasses turn to something more aloof and mature.

He also bought a laptop and a couple of monitors that was a top tier product and started doing more freelancing jobs. By the end of the first day of working, he earned at least 1 million yuan.

From the connections he had made the on Friday and Thursday, it spread that there was an amazing freelancer. Many of his employers referred him to their friends, and their friends would refer him to their own friends. His connection increased notably. His hiring fee also increased as more and more people requested for him. Now he could live off of the money and never work. Unfortunately, this was only a temporary thing to earn money.

Xie Ying had finished paying off his debt eight days ago and it barely put a dent in his money pool. He also moved out of his crappy apartment and found a nice condo not far from his work place, it was situated in a nice spot as there were many places and stores nearby. He wouldn't have to travel far for anything he needed now.

His closet was full of clothes that would suit his body type and his fridge was always full of fresh food. He also got back to what he did in the previous world, painting. Although, he didn't do it as frequent as he did before. He found it something pleasurable to do.

Tomorrow he would go and take his driver's test, he had spent the last two days learning how to drive on his free time. He also bought a new car, tesla model S. He had wanted to buy the same car that Long Zixi had in his first world but settled on something else. Thankfully, he was a fast learner and a naturally good driver or else his instructor may have had a heart attack.

Bao Bao had notified him this moring that Tan Kang was panicking. One of the assignments that he had finished was looked at and he was called upon to go and talk about it with some of the board members. Of course Tan Kang was clueless as he wasn't the one who had done the work.

He had looked over the document over and over again, but could only understand the outer layer of it. When he went and talked about 'his' work, many could tell that he was having trouble explaining it. Many of the higher ups were upset at his incapability. Adding onto his work pile that seemed to reach the sky, Tan Kang was drowning.

Tan Kang had tried to contact Xie Ying about the report but since he changed his phone and got a newer design model, his number had changed too. There wasn't anyone from his contacts that were worth to contact or save from his new phone. It wasn't the only thing that Tan Kang was contacting him about, there was a big assignment that was assigned to him. But how would he have time to work on it, when he hasn't even touched the the third assignment?

As for his new number, Xie Ying was planning to update it when he got back to work and by then Tan Kang would be too deep to be saved.

Xie Ying rubbed the black ring with silver vines and leaf on his jade like fingers. He needed to finish his work here so that he could go find his lover, if he was here that is. Somehow his lover had always found him, but he could only recognize his lover by the items they given to each other. As much as he wished that he could automatically spot his lover, he didn't have that ability.

Xie Ying finished cutting the last piece of steak, he elegantly placed it inside of his mouth and chewed on it. He looked outside at the busy life in the city, down below were people dining outside and people walking around. Xie Ying didn't want to think about what would happen when he steps outside the restaurant doors.

After his looks changed, where ever he went out it seemed that many people were too eager to bed him. Female and male betas, even some omegas would approach him, regardless of their gender they would come at him like starving wolves looking at the last piece of meat. He would often find himself lost at what to do to get rid of them. No matter how much he declined them or ignored them, it only seemed to fuel them more to come after him. He found that people like them were annoying enough in the second world, and now he has to deal with it again in this world.

He often thought on how he had actually gotten rid of them before, but couldn't come up with anything. How did he get rid of them before? They don't seem like the type to go away on their own. What Xie Ying didn't know was that he was giving off a similar air to that of an alpha, and naturally they would flock towards those who they considered to be strong. Paired that he's wealthy, it made Xie Ying almost too enticing to let go. They tossed themselves at him.

Bao Bao also found it irking, his child was attracting unwanted pests again. The natural insect repellent wasn't around to ward off the vermin and they came in waves.

Bao Bao had also been searching for his 'son-in-law' in this world, but with limited authorization he couldn't find anything out. From Bao Bao's knowledge his 'son-in-law' always seemed to be near the male and female leads and sometime even ended up as the male lead. Bao Bao just had to make it so that they would encounter with each other. Even if they weren't 'him', 'he' would eventually show up.

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