Meow~? (III)

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Because the data given to Sairi did not state where he would find Rose, Sairi had to explore the forest. His hearing and sense of smell were heightened because the innate ability of the were-cats. His body was very agile in speed and swiftly move through the forest with ease.

Sairi had Bao Bao head in the opposite direction so that he could assist in searching for the female lead. He would grumble along the way on why he didn't want to find that women. Bao Bao had a feeling she was going to be nothing but trouble for his host, his sixth sense was tingling.

Sairi spent half of the day looking for Rose, when he came across a creek in the middle ring*. Sairi had been mentally mapping the forest's topography while he was on his 'adventure'. It was easy for someone to become lost in this vast greenery.

(A/N: The forest is separated into three regions, inner ring, middle ring, and outer ring. The inner ring is where Sairi resides.)

Along the way he met other creatures the inhabited this forest as well. A six foot black bear, six armed fanged ape, two horned wolves, scaled man-eating deer,... They were all creatures that were native here and they were all... hostile. The moment they spotted Sairi, they would launch an attack at him.

Luckily, Sairi had learned martial arts and with his hereditary instincts as a large predator he won each fight but that didn't mean that he came out unscathed. He, of course earned some wounds from the battles but he would simply 'heal' himself by licking it.

His ears perked up as he heard a faint labored breathing of something else not far from the other side of the creek. Sairi narrowed his sapphire eyes to try and see what 'it' was, but didn't find anything. Sairi leaped across the running creek and landed gracefully on the other side.

Sairi spotted a brown lump behind a large tree and went over. He found 'Rose'. She had short auburn colored hair with a pink cherry blossom flower hair pin. She had a small slim nose with pink pouty lips, skin that was very fair and looked extremely smooth, and round cheeks like a chipmunk. She was wearing a large brown cloak and had thigh high black leather boots.

Sairi frowned, there was a faint smell of blood in the air. Sairi flung Rose over his shoulder contacted Bao Bao.

<System. Come back, I've found her.>

<Ah, finally! Bao Bao can come back and look at you!> Ah, my host is so handsome in this world. His long silver hair, his peach blossom sapphire eyes, that sexy teardrop birthmark underneath his left eye, that jawline~, and those lips. Ah~ so ikemen*!

(Ikemen - damn good looking guy. Japanese term to use to describe hot dudes.)

Bao Bao hurriedly flew back to Sairi. He hadn't taken enough photos and videos of his host. He had to flaunt it to the other systems how wonderful his host was. In the previous world, he had already taken at least 1,000+ photos of his angelic looking host. His collection is growing.

It took Sairi an hour to find a safe place so that he could tend to Rose's injury. It was a small cave by the Serene lake. Sairi carefully laid Rose down and touched her forehead, she was running a small fever.

He touched her abdomen and it was still wet with a deep red liquid. Sairi tore at the side of Rose's dress. She had a deep gash that ran at least an inch deep. Sairi licked his fingers, making sure that there was enough of his saliva on it and coated her wound with it.

You could see the her muscles reattaching slowly and when it finally closed up all the way, her bleeding stopped.

Sairi spent the next three days taking care of her, he would go out and search for berries and for her. Mashing them up and feeding it to her. He would only hunt for food for himself, after he took care of her.

At first Sairi was a little appalled having to eat raw meat but he soon adapted to his diet. Sairi had just finished taking down a prey, he was in his feline form. His silver fur with black spots was a magnificent sight. He had snapped the neck of the six horned deer.

Sairi licked the blood from his lips. He then tore into the six horned deer and devoured everything but the organs and the bones. He looked so elegant, so refined as he was dining. His sapphire eyes could captivate anyone's soul from just looking at them.

Sairi also had a chance to practice his shifting ability. He felt strange at first walking on all four, he even stumbled here and there but as he continued to stay in the form he became accustomed to it. On the second day, he mastered his feline form.

In the morning of the fourth day, Rose's fever finally subsided.

Sairi placed his hands on top of Rose's forehead to check her temperature. As he touched her forehead, Rose had woken up and her eyes slightly opened but her vision was hazy. Rose saw a glimpse of her savior, he was breathtaking. His long silver hair was dancing in the breeze, his serene sapphire eyes were enchanting and calm, and the perfect curvature and arch of his nose.

It was just at the right moment where the sunlight shone from behind Sairi and made him look like a deity that had just descended on upon this earth. His long lashes drooped as he was looking down on her. She gazed at his pale red lips that were pressed into a thin line.

She could smell his scent, it had a slight mix of ylang ylang, frankincense, and jasmine*. It was like a drug, intoxicating and addicting. His touch was ever so gentle and felt tender to her. She felt at ease with his presence besides her. She wanted to stay awake longer but her drowsiness overcame her and she fell back asleep.

(A/N: I researched the aromas but I actually don't know how they smell like... don't really take my word for it. I kind plugged in what sounded good together.)

The next time she awoke, she was alone in the cave. Rose quickly stood up with a sense of alarm and searched for the man that she had seen. After searching everywhere for him, she couldn't even find a trace of him as if it was all of her imagination. She felt a sense of dread inside of her, as if she had lost something very important.

As for Sairi, he had left the moment he knew that her fever had subsided. He never took one look back at the cave. With this good deed of his, he would've completed the side mission.

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