End of Arc 3: Catastrophe (XXIV)

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(A/N: Last chapter of the arc! ARGH.... I can't believe I'm here.... Just a heads up, this ending is a little rushed sadly as I ran out of ideas. I tried to think of things to write but I couldn't..... Please forgive me. Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting! I appreciate all of my readers!)

True to Allen's suspicion, he really didn't get out of bed.... for the week. He had lost count of where they did it and what positions. He also found out that Noel had a weird fetish.... Allen would sometimes wear one of his stockings back from when he first left the city to base B.

When Allen would be asleep, Noel would pay a visit to the hidden underground room.

As for Lucas, when he first heard the rumors he gave her the benefit of the doubt. She looked so harmless, rumors that had floated around how she was a vicious person must be false, right? That was what he believed until the voice clips came on. He denounced any ties or connection he had with her. Clearly stating that he had only met her a handful of time when she had arrived in the base, there relationship wasn't anything further than what she had claimed.

Mina had a lot of 'fun' in the hidden room. Noel thought that since she came looking for death, he would gladly give it to her. He didn't directly inflict the pain on her as he found her too dirty to touch. Instead, he had people who were willing to do it do so.

They tested out a lot of their 'toys' that they hadn't gotten the chance to before. The heretic's fork, thumbscrew, and then finally the rack. Currently all of her limbs were dislocated and she was nothing but a pile of wasted fat. There were flies and maggots all around her and inside of her wounds.

Noel found out that he had been too 'lenient' before and this time he wouldn't let her escape. Mina's days continued in hellish torture until she eventually died, but by then her body was almost unrecognizable.

Irvin and Kyle eventually hooked up which surprised everyone. Irvin was the flirtatious type, while Kyle was the bro-con maniac. Where did the two have time to get together? Every member that was single ate dog shit looking at the happy couples. First it was Rolf and Wolfrik, then Allen and Noel, then two lilies, Evonne and Cheryl, finally Irvin and Kyle. They wanted to dig there eyes out and curse to the heavens why they weren't lucky. Especially Ricardo and Nikolaus.

(A/N: Why don't you just hook up together then? I mean like... I'm waiting....)

It took Allen six years to develop the vaccination for the Z-virus. Unfortunately, it did not work on those who were already infected. The vaccination would only work on those who were bitten and hadn't turned into a zombie, once turned there was no saving them. The vaccination was called the 'R-serum'.

During Allen's time of conducting the research, he balanced out his schedule and made sure that he spent most of his time with Noel. After successfully creating the R-serum, he pulled back and became a full-time 'housewife'. Allen had also gotten the V-virus injection during his time working under the military as a researcher. This *ahem* made things easier for Noel in bed....

His days were spent leisurely just like in his previous life (without the fighting), he took walks around the base and was warmly greeted by the people, he gazed at the stars at night with Noel, read books out on the balcony, and spent time with his brother and his (K's) family.

Humanity was finally starting to stand back on it's feet. Although they were still under the threat of the mutated zombies, more and more people started to volunteer and join the special forces so that they could eliminate the zombies faster. There were at least 30 squads that contained at least four members, all of them were V-virus injected soldiers. The researchers were now able to receive the V-virus as a form of self protection, but they had to undergo a combat training as well.

The bases started to expand in size, they were almost the size of a regular city. More jobs started opening up and the economy and society were becoming stable. After a couple of years, the military was able to recover some factories and farmland and work production flew through the sky.

Every time Noel went out, Allen would wait up for him. Sometimes he would even fall asleep waiting and whenever he did come back, Allen would always welcome him home. A year after the R-serum was created, same sex marriage was legalized and Noel immediately took Allen and got their marriage certificates.

They had a small wedding just with family and friends. That night, Allen wore clothes that were especially prepared by Evonne and Cheryl. They didn't leave the house until *ahem* five days later. Allen took many photos of their life, their friends, their family, and their home. He created many photo albums that Noel had to buy another two shelves to store them.

Irvin and Kyle eventually stepped aside from the military and retired. They adopted a little girl name Eva and spent the rest of their days peacefully as they enjoyed the 'countryside' part of the base. After spending 15 more years working for the military, Noel finally retired. The moved to a more quiet part of the base.

It was now 20 years later. Allen sat in a rocking chair as he looked through his photo albums. The corners of his mouth were curved and he held an very elegant smile. He touched the photos and reminisced about the past. There was a faint sadness in those obsidian eyes.

As he was looking at the photos, the front door opens. Allen looked up to see Noel come in. Even at the age of 68, Noel's looks were still immaculate. He was wearing a three piece black suit that beautifully outlined his fine body. He gave a soft peck on Allen's cheek, "Looking at the photos again?"

Allen's face bloomed with a smile that could match up the arrival of spring, "En."

Noel wrapped his arms around Allen's shoulder, "Tomorrow is your birthday. What do you want to do, my love?"

The light in Allen's eyes dimmed a little but it quickly reverted back to normal. Noel didn't notice the abnormality in Allen, when he said those words. Allen placed his hand on Noel's cheek, "To spend time with you."

Noel chuckled, "En."

They spent the rest of the day as they usually did, besides one another. Whether it was cooking, reading, watching, or bathing they didn't separate. Once night fell, they were lying in bed with each other. Their room had a large window that had a perfect view of the night sky. Allen laid in Noel's embrace as usual. He placed his head right above where Noel's heart was and listened to it.

Allen called out to Noel, "Do you remember the first time that I met you?"

Noel, "Yes, I couldn't believe that an angel fell out of the sky."

Allen let out a small laugh. He looked up and ran his fingers through Noel's hair, "I though that your hair was dazzling and bright just like the sun."

"Your beautiful blue eyes were as clear and deep like the ocean. It reminded me of the beauty the world held."

Allen, "Noel.... You know that I love you right?"

Noel was a little confused to why Allen asked but he replied without a thought, "Of course, my love."

"I will always love you and will continue to love you forevermore, Allen."

Allen's voice was quiet as he nuzzled his head into Noel's chest, "En. Forevermore."

Noel, "Tired?"

Allen closed his eyes, "Mmn."

Noel showed his rare smile and kissed Allen's forehead, "Then, let's go to sleep."

As soon as Noel's breathing evened out, Allen's eyes that were closed opened. They didn't hold the normal cheerfulness that they usually had, instead there was a deep sadness that rippled in them. Allen outlined his lips, his nose, the arch of his brows, the contours of his face, and the highlights.

Allen carved this beautiful man's features into his soul. His lips turned up into a sorrowful smile as his eyes glistened with tears, "I cannot spend tomorrow with you.... It seems that my time is up, my love."

Allen gently kissed Noel's lips as a single tear slid down from his eyes, "Thank you for being the light in my world.... This is goodbye, Noel."

Chasing You (Arcs 1-7)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora