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Bao Bao started to read the information on the current world.

The world's setting was set in ancient China. The country that Ains was in was called Xuan Xing. In this world there is another race called Ger beside the female and male genders. They had the appearance of males, but they had the ability to produce children. They had an eye catching cinnabar mark located somewhere on their body. The purer and darker the red color was, the higher the Ger's fertility rate is.

The Ger's origin could be found all the way back to the origin of their ancestors. Back then they were scorned for being having such a body and were seen less than dirt. Then, humanity had suffered a calamity where the female's fertility rate suddenly dropped and they had to face the impending doom that their population would decline. At first, the humans were in denial and refused to accept that a female could not become pregnant. Over time, the population dwindled in numbers as less and less babies were birthed.

It was alarming as the world's population became dangerously low. Then the news spread about the miraculous birthing abilities of the Gers. Many women's birthing rate had the males in favor over the females, while the Ger can have female, male, and other Ger. Their offspring were also much more beautiful and healthier than those who were given birth to by the females.

Afterwards, the Ger came into popularity and became a treasure. In order to ensure the population growth would increase the emperor of Xuan Xing issued a law that all Ger were to be married by the age of eighteen. Anyone who was unmarried but were of age were to be reported to the local authorities and they would be assigned a husband.

Ains' body was a Ger called Xu XiuLan. His cinnabar mark was located on his inner left thigh and wouldn't be visible unless, one was to undress him and looked for it. He only knew of this because Tu HeJian had informed him of it when they had bathed together that one time. It was a deep and pure red color, indicating that he had a very high fertility rate.

He was a loyal follower of the initial villain, Tu HuaLi's half-brother, Tu HeJian. Although he was a Ger, he was born with complications; he was blind. His family was very poor and didn't care whether he would live or not as he was a hassle to raise. They had also missed his cinnabar mark and he was soon thrown out onto the streets. He was forced to fend for himself at the young age of seven.

Xu XiuLan lived for three months on the streets drinking dirty water or looking through the trash for food. Because no one could see his cinnabar mark and his beauty was covered by the soot, no one knew that Xu XiuLan was a Ger and thought that he was just a regular beggar on the street.

Over time, it proved to be very difficult for Xu XiuLan to live, as the other beggars would bully him out of food or kick him out of his resting area. He already had a hard enough time looking for resources because of his disability, thus this was just pushing him to his death by taking away what he had so painstakingly found for his use. By the time Tu HeJian had rescued him, Xu XiuLan was about to pay a visit to Old Lady Meng¹. He had come across the area as they were heading back to the imperial palace when he came upon a very emaciated Xu XiuLan. Tu HeJian felt sympathetic towards Xu XiuLan and took him back with him to his courtyard.

Xu XiuLan had seen the harshest in life and had only known cruelty so when he was met with Tu HeJian's kindness he was skeptic. He would be like an injured animal whose fur was standing on end and swiping it's paws at anything that came close, hiding it's injuries. It took a full half a year before Xu XiuLan was able to lower his guard and trust Tu HeJian.

As they spent more and more time together, Xu XiuLan grew to adore his savior. Xu XiuLan wanted to do whatever he could to help Tu HeJian as repayment for rescuing him, and so he volunteered to be an informant placed inside of one of Tu HeJian's secret establishments. The other reason was because, he knew that his love would be impossible with Tu HeJian. Not just how different their statuses were, it was also because he had given up on what his body was useful for. He did not want their children to have to go through the same difficulty that he had to and decided that he would watch from afar as he supported him.

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