Silence (VII)

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(A/N: Hai! Left you guys off on a cliff hanger yesterday. A little explanation.

*ahem* In this chapter you get more background information on Bao Bao. One of my readers felt that I didn't integrate Bao Bao into the story well enough. As in they're more just spectators.

He and the MC remained a little too aloof to the story, and I reread my work and understood what they meant. I'll try and give them more interactions and express their thoughts! I appreciate all of your comments and do my best to read all of them!

Thank you for your supporting, commenting, reading, and voting! See you guys tomorrow!)

Chen Ming stilled for a second. Chen Ming tilted his head, "Sairi?"

Yu Zian, "Yes. Sairi."

Chen Ming, "Who is that?"

Yu Zian shook his head, "I'm not sure, but he's.... important to me."

A light of disappointment glimmered in those eyes before it abruptly disappeared just as fast as it came. I was too hopeful. Chen Ming, "Are you alright, Zian dage*?"

(Dage - more formal way of calling an older male that you respect or look up to.)

Yu Zian, "I'm alright. Just got a little bit of a headache that's all. Are you hungry, Xiao Ming?"

The minute he finished, Chen Ming's stomach started making whale mating calls. He turned his head to the side and blushed, "Yes...."

Yu Zian chuckled and gestured, "I'll go make you some food. Hold on, okay?"

His laugh was hypnotic, drawing in Chen Ming's soul. Chen Ming smiled, "I'll come help you too."

Yu Zian raised an eyebrow, "You know how to cook?"

Chen Ming fiddled with his fingers shyly, "A little...."

Yu Zian reached out his hand, "Come, let's go together."

Chen Ming's adorable eyes lit up as he nodded. He had been afraid that Yu Zian would tell him no. They got to the kitchen and started taking out each ingredient.

They were going to prepare a simple dinner. Crispy pork belly, fried spring roll, plain congee, pan fried garlic green beans, and a chicken wonton soup. Yu Zian would patiently 'teach' Chen Ming how to cook.

After cooking, instead of sitting across each other, Yu Zian had Chen Ming sit down next to him. He would pick food and put it onto Chen Ming's plate from time to time. Also encouraging him to eat more. After dinner, Yu Zian sent Chen Ming to his room before going upstairs to his room.

Once inside of his room, Chen Ming leaned against the door. His eyes held a complicated look as his lips were pressed into a thin line.

<Host, are you okay?>

<En. It's just that I'm a little startled by what happened earlier.>


<System.... Do you think that perhaps he's.... another host with a system?>

<Ummm... Host~ that's one in a million chances that would be. Bao Bao can't verify it because Bao Bao doesn't have the authorizations to. Sorry, host.> Ahhhh, everything is always 'Not enough authorization'!  Why can't we just have a Baidu*, it would make searching a lot easier. *sigh*

(Baidu - chinese version of Google.)


<System, have you seen this before?>

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