1st Arc: Young Master (I)

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A/N: Some more quick edits~


The young man looked up at the white fluffy ball.

Bao Bao gulped. [Does host have any questions?]

"What about my body?"

[Host's original world's time has been suspended, once you've completed your tasks you will be sent back to your world at the same time you left it. Host doesn't have to worry.]

The young man nodded.

Silence sifted in the air between the two. Bao Bao: ( ̄Д ̄;)

Anything... else? Is that all the questions you have for Bao Bao? ...Bao Bao feels like this is going way to easy... >.>

Oh well. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

[Bao Bao will start initializing on transferring host to your first world then!

40 seconds until transfer... 30 seconds until transfer... 20 seconds until transfer... 10 seconds... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.]

The young man's eyes closed when the countdown reaches zero. When he opened his eyes, he was in another place. He was in a large spacious room filled with modern lavish furniture. His body felt very weak as if at any moment he will fall blackout and fall unconscious.

<Bao Bao, relay the information to me.>

<Yes, host.>

Bao Bao sent the memories and information on the current world to the young man. Hehe, host is going to be so proud of Bao Bao... Eh? I never ask host for his name! Gyah... "(>ლ)"

It's not too late is it...? Bao Bao was just too excited that Bao Bao forgot. Bao Bao is a good system... Bao Bao does his work...

Bao Bao was trying to convince himself that he's a 'good' boy.

Bao Bao took a peek at its host and decided not to bother him until after he's finished reading through the information.

The young man felt his head pulsating as the streams of information flowed into his mind.

He is currently in the body of Wei Xiao, son of Mrs. and Mr. Wei. He's the younger twin brother to the female protagonist, Wei Yue. Wei Xiao was born with a congenital heart disease, he easily got sick if he stayed outside too long and he couldn't take extreme fluctuation in his emotion because of his weak heart.

His parents doted on him because he was their only son and he was very frail, causing extreme jealousy of of Wei Yue. She tried whatever she could to gain their attention, but they would only glance at her before turning their attention back to Wei Xiao.

Because of her thirst for attention, Wei Yue sought out people and put on the white lotus facade paired with her innocent and pure look, many fell for it.

Everyone inside the Wei manor adored Wei Xiao, he was their star child. His looks would leave Wei Yue in the dust if they stood next to one another. Wei Yue would always feel inferior to her younger brother, she should've been more beautiful, she should've been more doted upon but he took everything from her.

She would often visit Wei Xiao and abuse him, either physically taking her anger out on him or threatening and beating down his self esteem. She never left any bruises where others would see as she wanted to maintain her 'perfect' daughter image.

This made Wei Xiao become introverted and timid. He wouldn't be able to look another person in their face and he wouldn't talk much. Whenever Wei Yue was around, Wei Xiao would tremble because of the trauma he received from her abuse.

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