Knocked Up (B+A) (IV)

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His boastful voice could be heard outside greeting and flirting with all his female coworkers, it made one recoil in detest from hearing it. Xie Ying started on his assignments as he half heartedly paid attention to the fat slob outside.

Tan Kang invited himself inside of Xie Ying's office. He had extremely short black hair with eyes that were almost slits, a five o'clock shadow on his chin and jaw, a white dress shirt, blue tie with silver and yellow stripes, grey pants, and dark brown shoes. He had on a nasty smile on his face as he looked at Xie Ying, today he planned to go home earlier than usual. He snapped his finger, "Ey, Xie Ying. Go prepare my coffee for me."

Xie Ying's finger didn't even stop as he responded, "Be right there, boss."

Xie Ying already knew what Tan Kang wanted to do, it was what he had always done on Fridays. As he was about to stand up, he received a notification. Earlier he had installed a small bug in the company's system that would notify him of any work that was going to be sent to Tan Kang to handle.

He opened the file and briefly looked over it, and faintly smirked. He closed the window and locked his computer.

He went over and made Tan Kang's coffee using the old Xie Ying's memories. He didn't try to adjust anything to make it taste better, if he did it would only go to waste for someone like that. After he finished, he brought it over to Tan Kang's office.

Xie Ying knocked on the door, "Boss? Your coffee is ready."

Tan Kang's lazy voice came from inside, "Hurry up and bring it inside, Xie Ying."

Opening the door, you could see Tan Kang sitting at his desk leisurely while playing on his phone. Xie Ying placed the cup of coffee on the table, but didn't immediately leave the room. Tan Kang looked up at him in annoyance. What is he still doing here? Gosh, so annoying.

Tan Kang's tone had impatience written all over it, "Xie Ying, do you need anything else? If not go do the work pile that I sent over."

Xie Ying was a little intimidated by his tone of voice. He stammered a little, "Bo-Boss, I just wanted to let you know that I will be gone the following two weeks and won't be back until the last week of the month."

Tan Kang turned off his screen, "What?"

Xie Ying, "I had put in the request two weeks ago already, I even told you on that day."

Tan Kang's pig face scrunched up. He tried to recall if anything like that had happened but he couldn't. All he could remember was how he asked one of the other female workers out, his new laptop that came in, and that he got a pay raise. He was always too busy to pay any attention to Xie Ying, besides when he needed him to do something.

He checked the system and found that Xie Ying's time scheduled off was indeed in the system and the date and time stamp was two weeks ago. He rubbed his chubby fingers on his forehead and shooed away Xie Ying, "Go and do your work."

Now he was worried on who would complete his work for him now. When he first came he was indeed dedicated to working, but over time he became more and more lazier and dependent of Xie Ying. Up to a point where he didn't even touch it besides receiving it and sending it to Xie Ying.

Xie Ying stepped out of Tan Kang's office and went back to his small closet like space. The request for time off hadn't been requested by the old Xie Ying, it was rather the current one who did it. He hacked into the records and added in his request for leave. He was going to throw Tan Kang over the ledge and leave him there hanging.

He sat down at his desk and checked the time. 8:56 AM, he would get off a little late today, but he had enough time to finish everything that he would need to before he left. Xie Ying cracked his fingers and neck and started on the massive workload.


By lunch time, he was about 4/5 of the way done. It was certainly faster than his old speed at completing assignments. He didn't send in all of the assignments yet, as he needed to gradually increase his time and not finish it all in one swoop or else they would be suspicious of his actions.

For the first time in his eight years working, he finally took a lunch break. He needed to get back within the spectrum of normal and healthy, also his stomach was calling out to him. He took his packed lunch and ate his it inside of his small office. As soon as he finished putting the last piece of meat inside of his mouth, Tan Kang barged into the room, "Xie Ying, female employee B needs your help."

(A/N: As you can tell.... I'm getting lazy at naming mob characters... Haha...)

Xie Ying put away his lunch box without any hesitation and stood up to leave the room. Tan Kang's mouth drools as he gets a whiff of the aroma of Xie Ying's food. Ah, I should have him bring me food too. He pulled on Xie Ying's arm, "Where'd you get that?"

Xie Ying could see the gluttonous light in those slitted eyes as Tan Kang looked at him. Xie Ying, "Oh, I cooked it."

Tan Kang looked at him, "You did?"

Xie Ying nodded, "Yeah."

Tan Kang didn't quite believe him but ordered, "Xie Ying, you're responsible for my lunches from now on."

Xie Ying clasped his hands, "Um... Boss, I can't. I'm on a tight budget."

Tan Kang became irritated. When did Xie Ying have the nerve to deny his orders? Before his mouth could open, female employee B called for Xie Ying.

"Ying? Ah, hurry I need your help. What are you waiting for?"

Xie Ying didn't delay and pardoned himself, leaving Tan Kang there by himself. Tan Kang looked at Xie Ying's back that was getting farther and farther away. Just you wait Xie Ying! I will get back at you.

Tan Kang decided to be childish. After helping female employee B, every ten minutes he would send Xie Ying to go do minuscule tasks. No matter how insignificant it was, he made Xie Ying report back to him and if it wasn't to his liking he would make him go back and do it. This lasted until Tan Kang left the office for the day.

Xie Ying didn't take his childish attitude to heart, after all he would be paying a hefty price soon. He stayed in the office until nine o'clock before he finally sent in the last of the workload he had finished this afternoon. He spent the remainder of the day researching and making a small amount of income.

He was doing freelancing as he waited for the day to end. He earned up to 300,000¥ already and linked it to an offshore bank account so that it couldn't be traced back to him. Although it is considered a large sum, it couldn't compare to a speck of what he had in the past.

Once he got home he would start on his 'rebirth'.

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