Bearer of Thy Oath (II)

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(A/N: Fore Warning! None of this is correct or true in pertaining to the originality of which it was taken from, they were ideas formulate by me. I only referenced from information I found online, there will be context that will be taken out of the Bible or somewhere else, but this doesn't mean that this arc will have anything to do with religion or anything of that sort. It's just something I used to base off for this current arc! Thank you guys and enjoy!)

In all levels of Ouranos, chaos ensued everywhere. Many pairs of wings were fluttering about. Voices buzzing around. The angels were all in distress.

"Where did it go?"

"Ah, it suddenly disappeared!"

"What would our lords think?"

"Find it!"

They were all scrambling to find something precious that had gone missing. Something that is worth more then all the jewels and riches in the world, even magic cannot compare.

For if owner, one would rise and become the ruler of the middle realm, Earth. They could even claim the three realms if they wanted to.

- - -

In the highest level in Ouranos, Aravoth. In an enchanting white building surrounded by the blueness from the sky and clouds, seven figures with six pair of wings were standing around a circular table. All wearing beautiful white robes laced with gold and silver, their dazzling radiance could blind anyone. They all had alluring golden eyes with a bewitching halo around their irises.

Their faces grave and solemn and they seemed to be in a heated debate.

An angel named Barachiel drew his lips together, "How can you not be concerned? The Seal of Solomon is gone! His next of kin has probably found it already by now. If someone somehow manages to get the inheritance of Solomon, who knows what good or bad they'll do!"

"King Solomon was a great man and Father had bestowed him a great gift for his deeds, but many of his kins after have failed his legacy and were tempted by the dark wills of Tatarus. The last one we had to put down, we lost many of our brethren!"

Barachiel has beautiful mint colored hair that reached down to his shoulder, he had a golden wreath on his head. His golden bangles clinked as he slammed his hand on the table. He had been involved in the last incident. He could recall the smell and sight, it was something one could simply not forget. It was a horrible sight to see an angel die, and there he saw hundreds of them all fall.

Mikael raised his hand, "Barachiel, you're too hasty. It has been not gone for more then a mere day. For one to come upon such luck is extremely rare. Our brethren have already been dispatched and is looking for it. There's nothing else we can do but wait. We cannot descend to the mortal world, you know that as well as we do."

"We also cannot judge who it falls onto if found, we can only simply wait and see how they will turn out. It is not like us to scrutinize them beforehand."

Mikael, also know as God's favorite had back length glimmering wavy blonde hair. His face was refined and sharp.

Barachiel seemed to want to say something else but held his tongue. Mikael was right, what could they do? It's not like they can sense the ring. It was bounded to King Solomon, a gift from their father to him. A special magic was placed on it where only Solomon would be able to sense it, angels and demons alike could not. It was like a regular ring in their presence, the only difference is the materials it was made out of. Gold from the tree of life itself and a ruby colored gem that was from the eye of the snake guarding the tree. Its existence was priceless.

Cassiel, the leader of the seventh heaven sighed, "It is a worry with the lesser and greater key, we are all at risk."

"Our pact with the demons of underworld has been upheld for millennia... We balance the evil and good in life, if somehow the next kin of Solomon inherits his will... We can only hope that he wasn't like his previous kin or else we are at risk of another holy war."

They continue to talk amongst themselves, Mikael stood by the side and shook his head. Worry about what one can see and not what is eluding us for if not, we will become blind to everything. Mankind is unpredictable, one should not judge base on what had happened before.

- - -

Down in the underworld, the demons are restless. Many were excited while others were wary of the news that they had heard. Many whispers travel the air.

"Do you think they'll free us?"

"Ah, I hope that they do. I have grown to ache being so idle."

"Un. I agree, our pact with the angels has made of us weak."

"Shall we go upstairs to find them?"

"We don't want to cross paths with them up there in that domain. If we need to be careful."

A young man with short pale lavender blue hair that was shorter in the back and longer in the front with two beautiful purple eyes, was staring down at the crowd of lower and mid demons from a stone balcony. His face remained impassive, around his neck was a beautiful silver necklace. One of his hands gripped it and he seemed lost in thought.

A voice brought him back, "Sitri~ What are you doing?"

Sitri turned around, "Astaroth, what are you doing here?"

A handsome man with long braided black hair and dark eyes with a very beautiful black robe that hugged his fine figure, walked up to Sitri. He smiled, his eyes narrowed down, "Of course to come see you, love."

Sitri looked back down at the demons below, "Do you think that he'll be back?"

Astaroth puckered his lips, "Maybe~ Shall we go and see?"

Sitri raised his eyebrow, "In the mortal realm?"

Astaroth could understand Sitri's words and winked at him, "We can sneak our way~ No one will know."

- - -

After much debate, the archangels had come to an agreement to only find the ring and one who was to inherit it's will. They will send one of the archangels who will watch over this next of kin. If they show signs of becoming a threat, then they are to get rid of them before they become trouble later.

For who was going to be sent down? No one could come to an agreement. Six of them bickered back and forth, one wanting to go, another wanting another to go. While only one of the archangel leaned against the wall with his eyes closed and arms crossed. He had been silent the entire time.

He had a refine figure, his short midnight blue hair sparkled as the rays of sunlight danced upon it. Two gold leaf earrings dangled from his ears, it added to his elegant demeanor. On his right ear, there is a triangle stud earring besides the golden leaf.

Mikael shook his head and said in a stern voice, leaving no room for rejecting, "Uriel, you'll go."

The man with midnight blue hair's eyes suddenly open. They were extremely beautiful, able to captivate anyone's soul at a glance. His golden irises seemed to glow brightly.

His voice flowed fluidly like music to one's ears, it would make you drunk from hearing it, "En."

Chasing You (Arcs 1-7)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن