Silence (VIII)

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Bao Bao reverted back to his normal self by the morning. He didn't want to wallow in his own pity and set off immediately after Chen Ming woke up. Chen Ming let him with only four words, which made Bao Bao feel warm and loved.

<I'm here for you.>

Yu Zian and Chen Ming spent the next three days side by side. Yu Zian would attentively watch over Chen Ming and would talk to him. They did some minor activities together but majority of the time, Chen Ming would be painting inside of his room. Yu Zian helped him store whatever paintings he finished.

Their days were leisurely and restfully spent. When it came time for lunch or dinner, Chen Ming would help out around the kitchen. As for breakfast, Yu Zian usually made it as he got up earlier.

When spring break came to an end, Chen Ming had to go back to school. Yu Zian would personally drop him off in the morning and come pick him up when school was over.

Chen Ming waved goodbye to Yu Zian and made his way to inside. Many of the students were looking over at Chen Ming. He ignored all of their stares and walked without shrinking. At his locker, a couple of the bullies came up to him.

Bully A, "Hey Ming, haven't seen you in a long time."

Bully B, "Ah, you look so much better now, Ming~."

Chen Ming frowned a little but ignored them, "..."

Bully B got a little irked at Chen Ming, "Hey, we're talking to you. Don't try and ignore us!"

Chen Ming took out the school slippers exchanged it for his shoes, "..."

Bully A snorted and 'bumped' into him making him drop his shoes, "See us after school. You know where."

The rest of the day, Chen Ming would have 'accidental' encounters with his bullies.

One time it was right by the infirmary. Liu Jiao opened the door right on time to see them push Chen Ming to the wall. She was one of the younger and newer employee in the school and had a sense of immaturity in her. She didn't have the calm composure or maturity that came with experience, she was quick to respond to her feelings.

Liu Jiao grew up in a regular and common household. Showered with love from her parents and siblings, she had a good common sense and morals. So when she saw Chen Ming's bruises on his body, she decided to keep an eye on him. Over time the abrasions on his body only accumulated and so she decided to talk to Chen Ming. She found out that he was withdrawn from the others and was weary of everyone else.

She had also seen some 'playing' around with Chen Ming and seven different male students, but whenever she asked him he wouldn't say anything. This was a common sight to see, but it didn't discourage her from trying to help him.

Liu Jiao's eye brows knitted, "Hey, what are you guys doing?"

The bullies, "Nothing at all, just playing around."

Liu Jiao turned to Chen Ming, "Is that so?"

The bullies replied and walked away. "Yes, doc."

After the bullies left, Liu Jiao looked at him, "Were they bullying you?"

Chen Ming just grabbed his bag that fell on the floor and pat off the dust on it. He gave Liu Jiao a nod as if acknowledging her and walked off. Liu Jiao scratched her head, "Aish, he walked away..."

After school was finished, Chen Ming decided to 'hang out' with the bullies. He intentionally strolled past the open doors to the infirmary. Liu Jiao was going to find Chen Ming, she had been trying to talk to him for a long time now. Since, he had gone to the hospital and took some time off of school, she wasn't able to talk to him. Class had just ended, she could go find him.

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