My Dear Emperor (XI)

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It has been two weeks since his arrival in this world and it was time for the event of the 'Plum Blossom Banquet'. It was held annually in honors for the emperor in hopes that a fair maiden or a young Ger would catch his attention for all these years, Tu HuaLi doesn't have a single flower in his garden and the dust and cobwebs were settingling down. Although he may be a cold emperor that reigned over them, their economy and living conditions had improved by leaps and bound from the past. They would want to wish well for the emperor to live a prosperous and lasting life and be able to have children to carry on his legacy.

All the ministers were pushing for him to marry and numerous of offers had been displayed before him, but Tu HuaLi had declined it all. Still they did not give up and decided to host this banquet. It would just be like placing honey to lure in the bees and birds. Maybe the reason he did not decline was because he had been searching for someone for many long years, and perhaps this event would somehow lead them to meet each other. He had dreamed for millennia about them, but they would always slip through his fingers.

The original would've always avoided this event, the current Xu XiuLan did not know what to expect out of these events. It wasn't because he was busy or didn't like crowds but because this event wasn't only for choosing a concubine for the emperor but it was also one for Tu HeJian. If by chance he found someone, the original Xu XiuLan did not want to be there at that time. Just because he couldn't see doesn't mean that the heartbreak would be any smaller, then if he could see. He wasn't so kind hearted where he could wish the lucky person well with a smile on his face. He knew of the emotions of envy and jealousy and understood that he wouldn't be able to let go of Tu HeJian.

The current Xu XiuLan was planning on going to the event. There he would confess 'his feelings' for Tu HeJian. That would get rid of two side missions in one go and perhaps he would be able to meet the emperor, then he can start on his main task.


Soon the time for the banquet had finally arrived. Xu XiuLan was going to be there as a guest. He had yet to receive any further information from Tu HeJian and there was nothing to report, and so there hasn't been any communication between the two. As for Bao Bao's investigation, it had been fruitless so far. Bao Bao described Zuo NaLi as a decaying green tea shabi, it caused great confusion for the poor and naive Xu XiuLan. Bao Bao had to explain his words of choice to his baby and sighed in his heart. Maybe he should let Xu XiuLan meet with his jie jie to learn a couple of lessons.

He explained that Zuo NaLi was worse than a green tea b*tch because at least all they did was scheme, but he was hanging a sheep's head while selling dog meat¹ and even seduced both fathers and sons. Even if he didn't lose his purity, he was already soiled beyond any means of redemption.

The Plum Blossom banquet would also be where Zuo NaLi gets his hands on the left prime minister, one of the crucial pillars of support for Tu HuaLi. Xu XiuLan was too tired to scorn at the others despicable method and so Bao Bao would be the one to flick them off for him.

All the nobles and merchants were busy getting dressing themselves up for the event. The radiant light of the sun poured through the clouds, the streets were rather quiet this morning. Xu XiuLan stepped out from the back of the establishment, a plain horse drawn carriage was awaiting for him there. If anyone saw him, they would be truly astonished by how different he looked now from when he was entertaining.

Instead of those vibrant red or plum colored robes and his usual enchanting makeup on, Xu XiuLan had on a simple light green robe and a nude face without any makeup on it. Only two accessory accompanied him, the jade hairpin that he had gotten from Tu HeJian and a veil for his face. He looked refreshing and serene, and his aura changed from that of an enchantress to a noble scholar.

In the time it takes an incense stick to burn², the carriage had arrived at the field of plum blossoms. Following everyone else, he enters past the large gates and mixes in with the entourage of guests. Their voices held with the same anticipation as last year, some are hopeful that a change in the winds might occur and others complained that the emperor will not find his empress amongst the vast flowers.

Xu XiuLan only listened on how the event's flow was like. Dancing, singing, poetry, calligraphy, and chess were the main events that took place where many could showcase their skills. Many have spent their whole boudoir life training for this day, being filled in incessant hopes and dreams of being the phoenix that flew besides the raging dragon.

Xu XiuLan had received many looks along the way, curiosity and judgemental remarks were made on why he wore a veil. Was it because he was too ugly or was it because he was too pretty? Their outward countenance was already very appealing. No matter who, they were curious to see what lies beyond the veil that obscured that face but none could gather the courage to ask. He chose to ignore all the flies that buzzed by his ears. It was tiring to come out here already, he did not want to waste his energy on redundant things.

In an empty field surrounded by the plum blossoms, a large circular birch stage stood. Right behind it was two chairs one was a magnificent chair that stuck out like a sore thumb. It was placed with height and was right in the middle of the seats, that was where the emperor would sit. The second chair was just a step lower, that would be for Duke of Xian, Tu HeJian. All the other ministers and officials would be placed on either the left or right side of the stage and before the stage would be the commoners and merchants.

Xu XiuLan sat with the commoners, it didn't really matter where he was as long as he could hear what was going on. The chairs were filled as many scuttled in. Not long after a eunuch called out in a clear voice, "His majesty has arrived!"


¹Hanging a sheep's head while selling dog meat: an idiom about deceiving others. Dishonesty.

²Time it takes an incense stick to burn: A measurement of time, it could be either 5 or 30 minutes. In this sense whenever this idiom is used in this arc, it will be thirty minutes.

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