Young Master (X)

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Bright and early the next morning, Long Zixi woke up and got ready. His irritation hasn't lessen one bit, it was more accurate to say that it worsen. Just thinking about how his friend was still staying with that demoness he was worried.

Long Zixi skipped out on breakfast and quickly drove to the airport to meet up with Mr. and Mrs. Wei. By the time he arrived, it was already 4:46 AM.

Mr. and Mrs. Wei's flight would be arriving at five o'clock. Long Zixi parked his car and entered the building through the VIP area. Long Zixi sat down in the lounge area with his legs crossed. Today he wore a simple attire of a black suit adorned with a black trench coat. His clothing clung onto his body, greatly showing off his physique.

Once it hit five o'clock, people start flooding in from the gates. It didn't take long for Long Zixi to find Mr. and Mrs. Wei as there were only a couple of VIP members on that particular flight. He strode over and politely greeted them, "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Wei."

Mr. Wei reciprocated the greeting back, "Xi'er, it's good to see you."

Mrs. Wei had on a gentle smile on her face, "Thank you for personally coming to pick us up, Xi'er."

Long Zixi gently shook his head, "It's no problem. Shall we be on our way?"

The other two nodded in agreement and the three of them made their way back to the VIP parking area. Mrs. Wei was a little agitated as she wanted to rush home and see her beloved son. Once everyone got into the car, Long Zixi started the car and drove. During the car ride Long Zixi updated Mr. and Mrs. Wei on what him and his parents had talked about.

After hearing their plan, Mr. Wei immediately agreed with it. However, Mrs. Wei was a little hesitant. Why? Because it would mean that she would lose her other child, how could a mother bear the pain to do so? But at the same time, she needed to keep her child safe. Mr. Wei had to coax Mrs. Wei for a little while before she finally gave in and agreed.

When they arrived at the manor, it was 5:35 AM already. Mr. Wei had called and informed Butler Wang ahead of time about their arrival and so when their car stopped at the entrance, there were some of the old trusted servants there and Butler Wang waiting.

Butler Wang bowed, "Welcome back master and madam. Greetings to young master Long."

Mrs. Wei glanced at the servants behind Butler Wang, "En."

Mr. Wei commanded, "Lead the way."

Long Zixi didn't say anything and followed everyone else in. Mrs. Wang was anxious and asked, "How are the children?"

Butler Wang sighed as he walked, "Young miss Yue is still inside of her room asleep. As for young master Xiao... I was denied access once again."

Mr. and Mrs. Wei's eyebrow scrunched up hearing the news. They soon reach Wei Xiao's room, the two guards immediately bow and greet them, "Greetings to master and madam."

A sharp light flashed in Mr. Wei's eyes as he looked at the two guards, "Gather everyone and have them down at the main hall in ten minutes."

The two guards felt a bad premonition but left and went to do as they were ordered to. Mr. Wei turned to Butler Wang, "Go wake up Wei Yue and have her in the main hall in ten minutes as well."

Butler Wang bid them farewell and departed to do his task, on his way there he shook his head. He had been with Mr. Wei since they were kids, and grew up with him. He knew all about his master's mood and his personality. He also knew that this time, he was truly angry. Blood related or not, he wouldn't be merciful to those who dare to harm those that he cared about.

They gently open the door because there were no lights on inside of the room, it was very dark. Mrs. Wei called out softly, "Xiao'er?"

There was no reply. Mrs. Wei tried again, "Xiao'er? Mommy's home."

Again there was no reply, there wasn't even the sound of someone breathing inside of the room. Mr. and Mrs. Wei grew more worried as time went on and they haven't received a response. Once it hit the five minute mark with no reply, Mr. Wei turned flipped the lights on. They all gasp in shock at what they saw.

Wei Xiao was curled up on the floor, his long platinum blonde hair was messy and flayed all around him, and his two legs and right arm was in a cast. But what they were focused on were the bruises and wound on Wei Xiao's face. His body was shivering from the cold, behind the purplish bruises on his cheeks were a tint of rosiness. He looked so defenseless and fragile as if a mere touch would shatter him.

Mrs. Wei cried out in surprise and ran towards Wei Xiao, "Xiao'er!"

Mr. Wei followed after, "Xiao'er!"

For Long Zixi, this sight for the first time in his life, made him worry. He quickly made his way over and reached Wei Xiao before Mr. and Mrs. Wei could. The moment he touched Wei Xiao's arm, he took his hand back. His face scrunched up and he clenched his fists tightly. He had just seen the lad yesterday and in one night, he had come to see this.

Long Zixi took off his coat quickly and wrapped Wei Xiao in it and princess carried him. Mrs. Wei was alarmed, "What's wrong?"

Long Zixi's voice was grave, "He's running a fever... A high one too."

Mrs. Wei almost fainted, there was just too much for her to take in at the moment. She knew that time was of the essence right now and took out her phone. She dialed their family doctor. Her tone of voice had no room for any negotiation, "You are needed right now."

Long Zixi and the others made their way to the main hall. Long Zixi could feel the heat radiating off of the tiny and weak body in his arms, the walk down to the hall could be considered to be quick but for him it seemed as if it was the longest walk of his life. He brought Wei Xiao over and gently laid him down on the couch.

Mrs. Wei had ordered for the maids to get freshly warmed blankets and other necessities for Wei Xiao. Within minutes, they had arranged a small bed for Wei Xiao to lie in. Long Zixi was holding onto Wei Xiao's small hands and stared at the non moving person. He was scared, scared because when he had found the person who was lying on the bed, his breathing was very shallow. If they were just a few minutes later, Wei Xiao would've died while lying there.

Long Zixi narrowed his eyes at the servants that were all filing into the hall, his glare made all the servants shutter as he gaze over them. They wanted to shrink away from the sight but how could they? Their employers had informed them to come here and they had no other choice but to stand there and await for what was to come. Mr. Wei also had Butler Wang separate them accordingly to those who were loyal and those who weren't.

No matter what, they were going to settle things today.

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