Young Master (IX)

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After seeing Long Zixi off, Butler Wang quickly pulled out his phone and called upon his master and madam. The phone only ranged for a couple of seconds before the other side picked up. Butler Wang didn't wait and fired off, "Master, Madam, you have to come home. Young master Xiao received new injuries."

The other side was quiet for a moment before an angry male voice answered, "What do you mean?"

Butler Wang didn't hold off any details and told everything that had happened since their departure. Mr. and Mrs. Wei were shaking with anger when Butler Wang finished retelling what happened. Mr. Wei, "How come we didn't get any notifications?"

Butler Wang, "I don't know master. Young miss Yue had forbidden me from meddling with young master Xiao's affairs. For the surveillance team, I don't know why they haven't contacted you. Since you weren't home, young miss Yue has been running the house."

Mrs. Wei's voice was exceptionally calm, too calm that it was scary, "We will be back tomorrow morning."

Butler Wang, "Yes, madam."

After the call, Butler Wang went straight to Wei Xiao's room but wasn't allowed entry. He shot the guards a look but they shook their heads helplessly, "It's young miss Yue's orders. She's still inside of the room and no one is to disturb her until she leaves."

By now Butler Wang could guess who the perpetrator was, he wasn't stupid. Anyone who had eyes and saw up to this point could clearly see what was going on. He was flabbergasted at the thought. Why would anyone think of harming such a innocent child? He hadn't done anything to wrong them. They were even twins, it could be thought that they should be closer than anyone else but this... this was bizarre.

Butler Wang didn't waste anymore time and called the Long residence to inform young master Long of what was happening.


Wei Xiao hadn't move from the floor and fell asleep in the same position. Wei Yue was pacing around her room, after she finally had some time alone to her self and she was able to collect her thoughts. She was panicking now, what was she supposed to do now? Others would see the injuries that she inflicted on Wei Xiao, she was consumed by her jealousy and hatred that she wasn't thinking clearly.

She scolded herself for being to rash, if only she had been a bit more patient and clear-minded she could've avoided this mess. She bit her nails as she tried to come up with a plan, she couldn't let all her hard work go away.

As Wei Yue was busy thinking about her next move, someone from the Long residence was radiating with a murderous intent. All the servants who walked pass the room would try and be as silent as they could be and stay far away, they still treasured their lives. They couldn't help but light a candle for whoever had big enough balls to piss off their young master like this.

Long Zixi was sitting in a black leather chair with a white dress shirt and black slim pants, outlining his fine figure and elegant long legs. His shirt wasn't buttoned up all the way and exposed his fairly toned chest and his alluring collarbone. It would be quite a sight if you ignored his freezing glare and the killing intent around him.

The air inside of the room was stifling, Mr. and Mrs. Long was also inside of the room. They glanced at their son, they hadn't seen him like this before. It looked like he was ready to kill everyone on sight.

Mrs. Long tried to comfort her son, "Xi'er, calm down. You have to think things thoroughly first."

Long Zixi clasped his hands together and placed his chin on top, "I am calm, mother."

Mr. Long sighed, their son had just informed them of what was going on in the Wei manor when he received a phone call. Right afterwards, the temperature in the room dropped to a freezing point and they could feel the murderous aura seeping out from their child.

Mr. Long, "Who called?"

Long Zixi, "It was Butler Wang, and he told me something quite interesting."

Long Zixi eyed his mother, "Right after I left, Wei Yue decided to go into the room."

Mrs. Long's mouth gaped open. This past year she had been trying to make her son agree with the engagement to Wei Yue, she had seen the child and took a liking to her personality and looks. She thought that they were a match made in heaven, and even though her son might not love her at first. They still had time to develop feelings for each other.

But hearing what her son had just discovered recently and with Wei Yue's visit to her brother's room. She already knew that that everything she saw about that girl was just a facade. For anyone who would do this to their own blood sibling, she couldn't even bother to think of what they would do to them when they got older. She felt ashamed of her actions.

Mrs. Long shook her head, "Xi'er, mother was in the wrong. Mother was blind and couldn't see the truth."

Long Zixi forgave his mother, he knew that she was only trying to look out for him. He wouldn't have minded if not for her malicious and black heart. He considered Wei Xiao to be a good friend of his and seeing that she wouldn't hesitate to harm him, he wouldn't take any chances in the future if they had gotten married.

Mr. Long, "What are you planning now?"

Long Zixi, "I will go pick up Mr. and Mrs. Wei from the airport tomorrow morning and we will head on over to the Wei manor."

Mr. Long nodded in agreement, "En, after we settle some business matters we will head on over to the Wei manor as well. As his godparents, we have failed him."

The three of them discussed some plans until it was late at night before they all retired to their respective room.

Wei Yue had accidentally fallen asleep as she was so stressed trying to think of ways to escape the blame. Unbeknownst to her, her doom was upcoming.

Wei Xiao had woken up at midnight because it was still winter, the weather was still rather cold. Wei Xiao had slept on the cold floor without any blankets and he had caught a cold. His body was heating up and he was shivering nonstop.

Bao Bao was crying for his pitiful host, first he got beaten by his shitty ass sister and now he got sick from sleeping on the cold hard floor.

<Wuuu~ Host, are you okay? Do you need any medicine? Bao Bao can give you anything.>

Wei Xiao didn't even bother to get up and remained lying on the floor. <No need. Don't worry, I'll be fine. This makes things even better.>

<...> Bao Bao was lost at how far it's host was willing to take things.

<Bao Bao is worried for host's health! Wuu~ Bao Bao only wants host to be healthy...>

<... No need. I need their sympathy.>

<...> Bao Bao felt dejected as it's host wasn't only a wooden block, he was a metal block.

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