Knocked Up (B+A) (II)

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Ains felt weird looking at his system in a humanoid form, "System, you... bought a body?"

Bao Bao's face changed from sad to happy.

[Yes... Hehe~ Bao Bao wanted to surprise host.... but Bao Bao didn't think that host would kick Bao Bao.] His childish voice was charming in a way and matched his looks to a T.

Ains awkwardly went and stood by Bao Bao, he stiffly pat his head, "....Sorry, did it hurt...?"

Bao Bao scratched the back of his head, "Bao Bao doesn't know. Bao Bao forgot to turn on pain receptors...."

Ains pinched his glabella, "...."

[Host~ Bao Bao can be more useful to you now! With the current body Bao Bao has, Bao Bao can make temporary enter the world and physically touch items for 2 hours.]

Ains, "Is there a cool down?"

[Mmm... yes! It's three days....] That's so long....

Ains, "En...."

"Go put some clothes on, system."

Bao Bao laughed cheekily and touched his nose.


Bao Bao opened the store and bought some attire, a cyan tunic with silver embroidery, a long sleeved white shirt underneath, beige pants, and ankle high brown boots.

Ains, "Let's depart."

Bao Bao felt a little down, he wanted to talk with his host some more.

[En. Initializing transfer... 45 seconds until transfer... 30 seconds... 20... 10... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!]


Once he reopened his eyes, Ains found himself sleeping at a desk in a very small office crammed with piles and piles of paper. His head and stomach ached immensely. He also felt very dehydrated.

<Send me the information on the world.>

A screen popped up in front of Ains, his eyes scanned at the information. He shook his head after reading through it.

He was currently in a ABO modern themed world. The body he was currently in was called Xie Ying, who was just a regular beta. He was a low leveled office worker in one of the smaller departments for the Lin Corp. and he had been in the position for over eight years, but his position hadn't changed. One, because he was a little too quiet and easy to push around. Two, because he couldn't say 'no' and was a hard worker.

The office manager, Tan Kang was a fat slob and also a beta. His belly was as round as a drum and he was as lazy as a pig. Even though his title was an office manager, he threw his work load to Xie Ying and he would be flirting around with the female employees. They had both started at the company at the same time. So when he discovered Xie Ying to be an easy picking, he used it to his advantage and became an office manager five years after he started.

Xie Ying's life was mundane as it could be:

6:30 AM Wake up, shower, and get dressed.

7:00 AM Go to work, commute by train.

8:00 AM Work starts.

1:00 PM Lunch Break, most of the time skipped and is still working on 'his' work load.

4:00 PM Employees get off of work.

9:00-10:00 PM Finishing up work.

11:00 PM Go home and on the way, grab some food at convenience store.

12:00 AM Sleep

Xie Ying was treated more like a slave then a regular employee. He would have to make Tan Kang his coffee in the morning, clean up the office, bathroom if needed, grab supplies if running low, problem solve computer problems if IT is taking too long, and even help organize the pig's office and work. He would also be the person who was left out at group gatherings, never be invited.

His daily life was very unhealthy and many times he would collapse from exhaustion, but he needed to keep working to pay off the debt his parents left him as the loan sharks would come by and demand payment. When he was younger he was stupid enough and took out a loan for his parents as they promised to pay him back, but after getting the money they disappeared.

This happened when Xie Ying was in his first year of college, afterwards he dropped out and immediately took on another job.

His parents had always been money grubbers, they were extremely poor and always scrapping money to barely pass by. Xie Ying wanted a life without having to worry and wanted to go to college, but his dream was cut short.

He couldn't deny his parents what they asked, even though they didn't love him conditionally, they still fed him and clothed him. Xie Ying was very filial to his parents and never denied them of their requests. So when they asked him to work as soon as he entered high school, he did. He paid for the bills while his parents lazed around.

Only being nineteen years old then was hard, now it's been eight years since they've left him behind. He only has the last half quarter to pay for the loan and then he could finally be free.

As for his part with the female lead and male lead? He was just a mob character. The female lead, Fu Xinyi was only twenty two years old when she entered the Lin Corp.. Besides her looks she was also an omega which only made up 15% of the population. As usual her beauty was unparalleled and many guys swooned for her, but she was a bit of a dunce. She had come from a small low income family and saw the luxurious life of the rich.

She was too busy trying to curry favor with the young masters of the aristocracy to even think about school and so she didn't graduate. To get into the Lin Corp., she used her 'connections'. There, Tan Kang took a fancy to her and fawned over her. Her workload was usuall added to Xie Ying's pile, making him stay even later than usual.

One time, she accepted a project without paying attention to the details. It had been an important project with another large corporation. Xie Ying completed it and it was sent in under Fu Xinyi's name.

After the higher ups saw it, they thought that they found someone who was talented and had a great foresight. The male lead, Zhang Yunru was one of the executives that saw 'her' work and his first impressions were very well on her.

After bumping into her a couple of times, he found her to be lovely and adorable. Being an alpha, he felt the need to protect her and over time the feelings he had was amplified even more. Another person that had seen her proposal was Kuai Weimin, another alpha. He was apart of the partnered company, Kuai Entertainment.

He was the second male lead that had been the poor shield that helped her from the dark. Fu Xinyi naturally received some bullying from the jealous female coworkers, but she was protected by Zhang Yunru and Kuai Weimin.

One day, Zhang Yunru 'saw' that she was being harassed by Tan Kang, and that he was a little to close to Fu Xinyi and immediately promoted her to be his 'exclusive' secretary. Tan Kang was fired and never to be heard again afterwards.

With the constant shielding from Kuai Weimin and Zhang Yunru, the female lead lived a very carefree life. As for Xie Ying? He was never recognized for his hard work and he eventually passed away due to malnutrition and over working.

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