Young Master (V)

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For the next six months, the same thing occurred. Long Zixi would come and visit Wei Xiao in the Wei manor. With every visit, Wei Yue's jealousy grew like a starved predator, she would look at Wei Xiao like he's her prey.

During that time, Wei Yue didn't get the chance to 'punish' Wei Xiao as ever since the day that he met Wei Yue, Long Zixi ordered a couple of his guards to protect Wei Xiao. During his visits he would bring a couple more and ordered for only Butler Wang, Mr. and Mrs. Wei, the doctor, the nurse, and a couple of maids to allowed entrance.

Wei Yue would gnash her teeth whenever she tried to gain access inside but would be denied. During this time, Mr. Wei and the others found out that Wei Xiao didn't receive any more injuries, although this was good news they wanted to catch the person who was doing it.

Wei Xiao wasn't idle, he would insight more jealousy to Wei Yue whenever he had the chance, he needed her mask to crack. Wei Xiao had a knack for learning new things, and he soon became the better actor between him and his 'darling' sister. Everyday he could feel his strength returning to his body, even though he could still be considered to be weak and frail, it was better than his original strength when he first entered this world.

After six months, Mr. Wei and Mrs. Wei had to be on go on a business trip overseas to complete a large deal, and so they left but not until they showered Wei Xiao with kisses and affection. Wei Yue wasn't forgotten about but she also didn't receive the same level of affections as Wei Xiao had gotten.

Coincidentally, Long Zixi had business to attend to and his visits started to thin down even to a point where they wouldn't see each other for a week. Wei Yue kept watch of their movements and sneered on the inside, soon it would be time to exact her revenge. She hummed to herself as she bathed, thinking of the methods of torture she would inflict onto Wei Xiao. Because his shields were gone, she could do whatever she wanted.

Wei Yue had also found out that there were cameras inside of Wei Xiao's room and outside of it. She slowly crept her way into the servants that were supposed to monitor the cameras, and bribed them to keep quiet and erase the tapes later. Most of them wanted to deny the request, they still treasured their lives but soon Wei Yue resorted to threatening them with their family and soon they all conceded to her request. They also swore at her in their hearts for her malicious actions and thoughts.

After three months, Long Zixi didn't come by and visit anymore but Wei Xiao and him would keep in contact with each other by texting or video call. This was the first time Wei Xiao had a 'friend'. From his past, Wei Xiao learned how to read a person and from that he would know their personality. He knew that Long Zixi was an honest man and he wouldn't beat around the bush when they spent time together.

They both enjoyed each other's company. For the first time ever besides meeting Bao Bao, Wei Xiao felt genuinely happy. Although he knew that after completing this mission, he would have to leave this world behind and his friend too he felt a bit sad. Sad, that was an emotion he hadn't known before until now. With the life that he had, he discovered many emotions that he never thought he had. Anger, happiness, sadness, joy, and laughter.

A couple of days after Long Zixi stopped visiting Wei Xiao, Wei Yue paid her first visit after nine months. After politely greeting the guards at the door she entered inside of Wei Xiao's room, her face immediately distorts. This time, she brought along some of her 'toys' so that she and Wei Xiao could play and enjoy them.

The moment Wei Xiao saw Wei Yue, he smirked. She had finally cave into her inner demons. From Bao Bao, Wei Xiao heard all about Wei Yue's deeds around the mansion and knew that she paid the servants who were supposed to watch and protect him be bought over to her side, willingly or not.

Wei Xiao decided to play along with her farce and he started trembling like a little lamb when he saw her demonic contorted face. His eyes began to water and he would look around the room as if trying to find an escape or seek help. Wei Yue smiled, she liked to be in control and this time, she will make sure that she will 'play' with him very slowly.

This was the longest that Wei Yue spent inside of Wei Xiao's room, she spent three hours playing to her hearts content. To make sure that he wouldn't make a sound? She gagged Wei Xiao. Wei Yue knew that her parents weren't going to be back any time soon and that her Xi gege was too busy with business and family affairs to come visit.

She had warned Wei Xiao to keep his mouth shut about what happened between her and him.

Without anyone noticing, it was already the beginning of spring already. It had been half a year since Wei Yue went on her torture craze with Wei Xiao. During this time, he gained a lot of scars and injuries. Just last week, she broke his right arm and his legs because she was too stressed out about things that happened at school and needed to vent her frustrations out.

Bao Bao would often curse and yell at Wei Yue about touching his host. He sounded more like a mother than a system. Wei Xiao found Bao Bao to be very amusing, if he had a human body instead of being a white fluff ball he would be 'cute'.

At first Wei Xiao thought it was weird that he labeled Bao Bao 'cute', he pondered over this issue for month before he finally accepted that he, who had never felt warmth or felt that he was even a human being was finally 'feeling'.

With Wei Yue's abuse, she also made Wei Xiao decrease his contact with Long Zixi because she didn't want her man to be in contact with such useless trash. He was going to be hers in the near future. Wei Yue had to make sure that he was pristine and clear without any blemishes. She would monitor what they sent ot each other and if she didn't find his response to be her liking, she would smack him or hit his hands with a metal ruler. By new years, Wei Xiao had completely cut off contacts with Long Zixi.

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