End of Arc 5: Knocked Up (B+A) (XXII)

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A/N: Just a small edit... Ignore me.... had to fix it.


The moment they got back, Lin Xiu started arranging for his retirement and refused to let Xie Ying continue working. He was dead set on making him stay at home, scared that his lover might accidentally hurt himself or others might 'bump' into him.

He caused a wave at the Lin Corp. as he cleared out what needed to be cleared out and shoved Zhang Yuren as a CEO candidate. A week later, Lin Xiu got out and a new CEO was set in place.

Their home was now being baby proofed and many baby items were ordered, a crib, clothes, toys, more than what was normal amount for pacifiers, bottles, baby monitor, etc.. Anything you could name for infants, Lin Xiu bought it. He even renovated one of the empty rooms right by their bedroom to have it connected and ready for his child.

Xie Ying received extra care. From having help bathing to getting help getting dressed by his lover. His baby bump was staring to show as late as it is, and it seemed like Lin Xiu really like touching his belly. He would also place his head on the stomach and talk to both the 'mother' and child.

They would look at names for their child together, naturally Lin Xiu agreed with whatever his wife thought was good. His motto right now was 'whatever wife says goes'.

Xie Ying came up with two names. Lin MeiLi, Mei for beautiful and Li for capability and power. Lin Jun Kai, Jun for talented and handsome and Kai for triumph and victory. They decided not to find out the gender of their child, as they would rather find out when he gave birth.

Bao Bao was eccentric about finally having his grandchildren. He looked through the entire system store for something suitable for the baby.

Lin Xiu's family had been nagging at him to bring home his bride, the wanted to see their heir's wife. It was rare for him to even be in a relationship and they wanted to know who could be able to catch the eye of their son. They tried to talk to Zhang Yuren and Kuai Weimin but the two kept their mouths shut, afraid that they would get butchered by their uncle.

Sometimes, his sisters would come and try and visit to get a little sneak peak, but would always get kicked out. Lin Xiu became overly protective of Xie Ying. He would fend off others who would try and get close to his lover, even if they were his relatives.

He had wanted to get married to his wife before he went into labor, so he finally gave into meeting with his mother and sisters. The only rule of thumb was that they weren't to approach his wife until the wedding.

A month quickly flew by and their plans were set in stone. By now, Xie Ying's belly was a little larger and so Lin Xiu would take measurements as he hugged his wife. Everything had to fit perfectly.

By the end of the month, all the preparation was completed.

Xie Ying was currently sitting in a chair outside, taking a walk as it was recommended to take walks regularly. Lin Xiu was walking by his side, holding his hand. They were talking about visiting Xie Ying's grandparents, he still wanted to complete his side quest if possible. Lin Xiu didn't like his parents but didn't have any opinion of his grandparents, they weren't to be blamed for how their kids turned out. They were old enough to stop wearing diapers and were long out of the house.

Lin Xiu agreed, but it would have to be after Xie Ying gave birth. He didn't want him to stressed out if they turned out to be bad, he didn't need any unnecessary influence to be affecting the fetus and his wife. Their health and mental state of mind came first.

After they went inside, Lin Xiu brought Xie Ying into his arms as he sat down on the couch. He nuzzled his neck against Xie Ying's back. The scent emitted was the same as always, a feeling of home and familiarity.

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