Bearer of Thy Oath (III)

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(A/N: Ba Bumm there's only going to be two chapters today as it's the official release date of my second novel, 《 End of Salvation》!!!! I'll be removing the author's note and the snippets for the second novel as to not confuse others.... or would it be better to just leave it? I could just add that it's now closed or something like that.

Also... I'm doing an earlier day release as I'm going to be busy for the rest of the day and want you guys to have something to read. Thank you guys for your fabulous support!! I'll see you guys tomorrow. Hehe~)

(Edit: I had misspelled Adriel's name!!! *smacks forehead*.
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Somewhere in the mortal realm.

A young man with heterochroma eyes, one blue and one green was whistling as he fiddled with a gold ring inlaid with a beautiful ruby gem in his hand. On his left ring finger, was a black ring with silver vines. He had orion colored blonde hair, it was smoothed back showcasing his youthful and noble look.

His eyes narrowed with amusement as he looked at the inscription on the inner side of the ring.

【 Memores acti prudentes futuri.】

(A/N: Translates to 'mindful of what has been done, aware of what will be'.)

He had just received this as an inheritance gift from his grandfather. He had been his grandfather's favorite and received a lot of affections, as his parents despised him and were cold towards him. After he came into the world, his parents had forsaken him. They didn't even bother to name him. Only his grandfather, Ellias Fiennes took him under his care and gave him the name Adriel Fiennes, meaning god is my witness.

Adriel is now currently seventeen years old. Ellias had just passed away a month ago and his many things in his will was getting sorted out.

There was a huge fuss when the will was read by Ellias' lawyer. Everything had been left to Adiel, not a penny or blade of grass to his children's name. This angered them very much, how could Adiel compare to them? He was just a bastard that no one wanted. They all refused to believe that Adiel held even a drop of their Fiennes bloodline in him. Even his birth parents refused to acknowledge his existence and looked at him as if he was an ant.

They argued that their father was delusional at the time and that the will wasn't written in the correct state of mind, therefore it's invalid. They were all shot down by the lawyer. There were witnesses on the will stating that Mr. Fiennes was in a coherent and well state of mind during the time the will was established, and the were verified. Ellias knew his children's avaricious nature and had his most trusted friends there to serve as deponents.

They were seething in anger. All the riches and property was given to a boy, and to one that was still wet behind the ears. Since that approach didn't work, they decided to do another advance. They tried to butter up to him so that they could get their hands on the money and maybe snatch a few properties to themselves.

They thought that Adiel was naive and gullible, and tried to manipulate. This only made them look like a fool in his eyes. His grandfather had taught him well, he took advantage of their narrow mindedness and played them. He led them by their nose. Thinking that he was doing exactly what they wanted, they laughed gleefully in their hearts.

Only after they were left on the streets did they know that they were dealing with a sly little devil.

Adiel was smart beyond his years and he was tired of this humdrum world. When he received the ring, he felt something overcome him and he reached out for the ring. It was as if it was calling out to him. The moment he placed it on his finger, something stirred inside of him.

We are Solomon. Solomon is us. One we were once, and one we shall become again.

It took him by surprise and his lips curled into a devilish smile. It seems like his grandfather had left him a valuable treasure.

He murmured the word slowly, "Solomon."

Son of David and his wife Bathsheba. A man renowned for his great and vast wisdom, graced by God above. Bearer of the Lesser Key of Lemegeton and the Greater Key of Solomon. Governor of the netherworld, where all beings will bow to his grandeur.

Adriel is Solomon and Solomon is Adriel.




Uriel gracefully landed on the top of the Empire State Building, his mesmerizing six large red wings* close behind him. His hair swayed in the wind, his golden iris were like iridescent orbs. He glanced at the hustling and bustling of the world. Cars honking, music blasting, the sounds of life streaming across the present neoteric world of today.

(A/N: Uriel is associated with the color of red. He's also a cherub and they have six wings.)

His stoic face was flawless down to the non-existent pores on his face. Son of the great God. The archangel of war. He who is blessed with the flaming sword, Katharsi*. Guardian of the gates of Eden and denizen of Aravoth*.

(A/N: Well... they didn't have a name for the sword sooo I named it Katharsi - Greek for Purification, as in the the flames of purification. His sword does have fire so... eh Idk I tried.

Aravoth- The seventh layer of heaven, under the leadership of Cassiel. It is also considered the home of the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Hayyoth [heavenly living creatures].)

At a blink of an eye, the color of his midnight blue hair faded into soft orange brown colour. Hundreds of flaming red feathers scattered in the air and his wings retracted into his back. His lean and toned back was smooth and spotless. The wheat colored skin radiantly shimmered as it bounced off the rays of the sun. His profound facial features were altered, from mature and chiseled to a softer and mellower appearance.

His height dropped from 188 cm to 178 cm, his eyes from gold to blue, and his all white clothing dispersed to a school uniform that caught his eye. A navy blue blazer with four gold buttons, a white inner shirt, red tie, slim fit navy colored pants, and black shoes. His two bright yellow leaf shaped earrings disintegrated into the ear, only the triangle stud ring remained.

Uriel tilted his head and snapped his finger, thirteen red feather appeared around him. The feathers glimmer and glowed, a bright iridescent light enveloped it. Thirteen very beautiful humanoid beings with one wing appeared. The all saluted to Uriel.

""My liege.""

Their looks are comparable to those denizens of the upper realm. Each one of their looks were comparably different from each other. Their eyes weren't gold like those whose blood is pure, but they had crimson red eyes and they gave off a sanguinary and destructive aura. Birthed from the core of war and chaos itself, they were natural borne warriors thirsting for pandemonium and entropy.

Their names*: Adam, Pan Duan (Judgement), Le Qu (Pleasure), Yu Wang (Desire), Mo Yan (Wisely), Fu Bai (Corruption), Lian Min (Pity), Huang Yan (Deceit), Meng Xiang (Dreams), Kizuna (Bonds), Xiang Wang (Yearning), You Hou (seduction), and Cai Neng (Ability).

(A/N: I know that it's a lot of names but.... Yeah lolol. They are minor side characters. They won't pop up as often. Adam is named after the 'Adam' that was created with Eve.)

The thirteen apostles. They were loyal and devoted to Uriel, never failing his expectations or willing to betray him. After all they were once apart of him.

Uriel's voice ranged out clear and loud, "Find the Seal of Solomon."

He telepathically sent them the information on the ring. Although they cannot sense it's aura, they can tell the difference between the materials if they touch it, meaning they cannot be scammed. Red after images were all that could be seen as they dispersed from there.

Finally alone, a young elf who had been invisible to the apostles hovered in midair.

[Host~ Where to now?]

Ains, or rather Uriel responded, "We'll start here."

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