Bearer of Thy Oath (XXXII)

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A/N: Hello~ Just a heads up that the historical events that are going to be mentioned is something that had historically occurred, (according to wikipedia-dono and gururu-sensei) but it has been mixed with fictional facts, adjusting it for the story. Thank you for voting, reading, and commenting! *cries* I have a feeling that many will want to kill me.

psst~ ̶T̶h̶e̶r̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶r̶e̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶p̶t̶e̶r̶s̶ ̶a̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ~


He had longed prepared for this outcome. He made those two dream a dream in which they longed for. Though he knows that his departing will only hurt them, he was already doomed the moment he stepped in this world. If he could give them an ounce of happiness even if its false, he would do it.


Mikael had just awoken and was taken to bear witness to Uriel's purification. It was as if he had awaken from a long dreary sleep. Everything that he saw and heard, he couldn't withstand the sickening and distasteful tactics that 'he' had done.

Mikael knew that there was no other way to save himself and for Uriel to do so, he had to wait until his heart had fully blackened for him to take it from him. That black mist... He had felt the chilling sensation as it eagerly devoured his sins from his body. If his heart hadn't fully blacken, he felt that he would've been consumed with it as well.

He looked upon Uriel who was pinned with the crime and looked at him in silence. After hearing their Father give out a death sentence to Uriel, Mikael couldn't hold it in any longer, the guilt was eating him inside. Only he, Uriel, and Lucifer knew of what had truly happened. He opened his mouth to spill out the truth, but then his eyes met with Uriels.

Uriel spoke to him in his mind.

<Be quiet and be still. Do not do anything rash, Mikael.>

His resolute scarlet eyes stare into his golden ones without an ounce of regret in them.

<I have pulled you from the abyss. Now live on, Mikael.>

'Why', was all that was running around in Mikael's head. Why would Uriel go so far to bear his sins for him? Why did he choose do go down this path? Why didn't he just turn him in? Why did he not report it to their Father about anything?

Then, it occurred to him. It couldn't be that one time, would it?

He recalled back to when they were still 'newborns'. Uriel had been sent away to rescue John¹ from the venomous hands of the King of Judea, Herod. It had been one Mikael's earlier schemes to spread the good word and influence of their Father in the mortal realm. He needed John alive as he is seen as a messianic figure, and would do much more good alive than dead. That day was marked down in history as, the 'Massacre of the Innocents'.

Many young males were executed within the vicinity of Bethlehem, not even the young innocent children and babies were spared. It was a result of Herod's fear of losing his throne to a new king, a true king whose birth had been foretold by the Magi². That was the very first time that Uriel had been sent down to the mortal realm. Although they were told to not be affected by the mortal affairs of the middle realm, Uriel couldn't help it at the time. He felt revolted by the darkness in human hearts and became perturbed by what he had seen.

Mikael had found him sitting in the Garden of Eden, looking distracted. He walked over and placed a hand on Uriel's shoulder, "Do not dwell on it."

Uriel took a deep breath and faced him. His eyes held a hesitant light as he asked, "Why do they, the lesser humans make those choices?"

Mikael rubbed Uriel's midnight blue hair, "It is in their nature to do so."

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