My Dear Emperor (XXIV)

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The sunlight peeked in from the window, it's amiable rays danced on a tiny figure. He clenched his eyes, he did not want to wake up from the memory yet. He had finally been able to meet the... Even if it was just a dream... Let him live in it for a little longer. The glaring sun made it impossible for him to continue to sleep, he rubbed his eyes and groggily opened them. Upon seeing that figure before him, he stilled for a second before he hugged them, "Mommy."

Xu XiuLan rubbed their head and kissed Lin Jun Kai's forehead, "Good morning, Xiao Jun."

Lin Jun Kai had still lingering fear that they will disappear if he turned around and turned back to look at them. He asked, "Mommy... You'll stay with Xiao Jun right? You won't leave again?"

Xu XiuLan pat their head, "Xiao Jun, mommy will have to go one day. Do you understand what I mean?"

He understood what they referring to and looked down, his grip tightened, "Mommy... Daddy can give you a godhead... You can live with Xiao Jun if mommy has a godhead right?"

Xu XiuLan smiled sadly and gave him another peck. He was aware that Lin Jun Kai was doing it for his best interest... But sadly, things never goes the way you want it to go. Xu XiuLan, "Xiao Jun, promise mommy that you won't say anything to daddy if I tell you, okay?"

Lin Jun Kai nodded, "Okay, mommy. Xiao Jun will keep it a secret between us."

He lifted his hand and hooked his pinky with Xu XiuLan's pinky, "Xiao Jun swears on it mommy."

Xu XiuLan smiled, "En."

He gave a simple explanation, "Xiao Jun, you see mommy doesn't belong where you and daddy are. One day, mommy will have to return to mommy's home and be put to rest as one with the earth."

He could feel the mood dampening by his words, but he had to make it clear. Xu XiuLan knew that his child was sensible enough to understand his words. He also wanted him to grow up and be independent for one day when he wasn't there. Xu XiuLan, "But for as long as mommy is alive, mommy will spend it by your side Xiao Jun."

Lin Jun Kai mumbled, "Xiao Jun will always be your baby, right mommy?"

Xu XiuLan chuckled, "En. Always mommy's baby. Mommy's only baby."

Lin Jun Kai squinted his eyes in elation, he was still his mommy's baby. Even if he's lived for a very long time and his mind was mature enough, he would delve himself into this moment and enjoy it to his content.

The rest of the morning, they stayed within the chamber awaiting for Tu HuaLi who had to attend to morning court. Xu XiuLan would listen to Lin Jun Kai talk and read inside of the room as they weren't allowed to leave the room until things were organized first.

When Tu HuaLi was finished attending to the internal and external conflicts, it was already wu hour¹. He would be returning back to this chambers to have his lunch with Xu XiuLan and Lin Jun Kai. Outside, news had spread of Tu HuaLi bringing back the future empress. They were said to be so beautiful that even the Jade Emperor was envious of Tu HuaLi, someone who was unmatched in history and in the land. It made many of the ministers curious who would be able to draw the attention of the metal pole Tu HuaLi.

Only one person knew and instead of being happy that his brother had finally taken interest, he was feeling conflicted and delighted at the same time. It wasn't because he was interested in the mysterious future empress, but because he was afraid that Tu HuaLi would hurt them. Tu HeJian waited until Tu HuaLi was departing to come and talk to him.

He cupped his fist and greeted Tu HuaLi, "Greetings to the Emperor."

Tu HuaLi was a little irritated that he had been stopped on his way back. He had wanted to spend time with his partner, but nevertheless he halted in his footsteps. Tu HuaLi raised his hand, "Rise, Duke Tu. It seems that you have urgent something to say to Us."

Tu HeJian kept his head bowed, "Yes, this official does."

"This official... Is concerned for Lan'er."

Tu HuaLi raised a brow slightly, "Do you think that We will hurt him?"

Tu HeJian, "Of course not, emperor. This official would just like to see him briefly."

Tu HuaLi flicked his sleeves and strode past Tu HeJian, "Come with Us then, Duke Tu."

Tu HeJian let out a breath of relief, at least his brother didn't deny them to meet up. He could not even foster the idea of meeting in secret as it would only lead to misunderstandings. Tu HeJian silently followed behind Tu HuaLi and they arrived at bedchambers. A soft but gentle voice was coming from the otherside of the door.

『Beyond that distant, distant recollection, a thought is trembling
"Who are you, who now has this pale face?"

What is lying at the end of those long, long years?
The water is flowing, and the dew teardrops won't stop too 』

There were two maids and two eunuchs outside of the room, they quickly got up to greet the emperor but was tarried in their actions. Tu HuaLi had given them a look, but it was enough for them to catch the hint and return to their position. Working with the emperor long enough, it would've been stupid and a wasted effort for working there so long if they couldn't even understand a simple things as not wanting to disturb the peace inside of the room.

Tu HuaLi was satisfied with the maids and servants, he signalled to the head eunuch who had been following him to reward them. They bowed with gratitude, they knew how to be appreciative to the one who treated them fairly. The old emperor was not as such, so many were glad for the change. At least they were treated like humans and not replaceable objects. Being killed for seeing or hearing things they had accidentally come upon or even taking the fall for another, they were mere accessories then.

Tu HuaLi pushed open the door and saw Lin Jun Kai sitting on Xu XiuLan's lap by the opened window in the soft orange glow of the sunlight. He was patting the other's back as he sung.

『I wonder why I'm so lonely
I can't understand why, but...

I'll wait forever (I'll wait)
I'll bid farewell to the summer, again (For you)
I don't even know about someone, about you, my dear (The memory is hazy)
You gave me the meaning of life, and taught me what warmth is (But still, now I'm just...)
I can't just forget all of this, I'll remember it

I'll exchange the flow of flowers of floating hearts with verses
Even though I know that they won't reach anyone
Rustling all along... the sound of the stream won't change...
Everything is flowing... 』

Xu XiuLan stopped singing upon hearing the door opened. He tilted his head as he sensed another presence besides Tu HuaLi. He stood up and bend forward, "Greetings to Emperor."

Lin Jun Kai helped his mother out. He whispered quietly, "Uncle is there too."

Xu XiuLan then turned to Tu HeJian, "And greetings to Duke Tu."

Tu HuaLi walked over and placed his hands on Xu XiuLan's shoulder, "Don't stand on formality, Lan'er... We told you before that there is no need to."

Tu HeJian was too surprised to say anything. He thought that Xu XiuLan would've felt repulsed by his brother's touch as that day, his brother looked as if he would kill anyone and anything, even turning over the heavens in search of Xu XiuLan. Since he had been house arrested, he had only the rumors to listen to. Looking around the room, he saw that maybe Tu HuaLie would've locked him in but here Xu XiuLan was sitting and enjoying his time in leisure. It seemed that he was worried over nothing. Tu HeJian smiled and shook his head, "You should listen to your future husband, Lan'er."


¹Wu hour: 11:00- 13:00.

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