Bearer of Thy Oath (XXII)

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A/N: *cough* another update~ Please don't hate me (though that is impossible.... but at least don't kill me) (シ_ _)シ (シ_ _)シ spare me orz.... We're finally getting to the main point in the arc. I will see you guys on the 14th of August~


As the massacre was coming to an end, the three silhouettes in the middle mass had disappeared and only the remains of the two's blood was left behind. Many of the demons were 'killed' during the onslaught, tilting the balance in favor of the angels. They charged with grace against the now weakened league of demons.

Cries of glory and roars of destruction echoed throughout the world. They were loud and emphatic enough that they shook the very core foundation of the Earth. There wasn't a single place left that hadn't been overshadowed by this war. This event was noted down in history as, the 'Ierí Apallagí¹'.

Before the hails of spears stopped, Uriel had activated the Evil Eye of Secrecy. He took both Adriel and Kasimir into the void, both still strapped inside of the white blobs of tendrils.

Lifting a finger, Uriel conjured up two magic circles that glowed underneath the two cocoons. White chains flowed out of the circle like water, their movements were fluid as if they were strings instead of chains. As soon as they touched the white cocoons, the white shell shredded apart. Like confetti, they fluttered and danced in the air.

The two within had long fallen asleep and laid still, as the chains added a layer of restraint. Both of their consciousness was pushed far into the recess of their subconscious. Though they were technically 'asleep', their bodies will still react out of natural preservation instincts and try and stop Uriel.

Uriel walked forward to Adriel first. Standing by his side, Uriel gently place his slender fingers and traced the contours of Adriel's face. His eyes lingered at Adriel's sleeping face, soon it would all become a memory for him. He placed a kiss onto Adriel's lip and a small drop of blood slid from his eyes and splashed onto Adriel's cheek.

Uriel touched his cheek and smeared the crimson liquid on his cheek and finger tip. He gave out a low chuckle as he clenched his fists. He murmured, "I wished I could've spent this life time with you."

His voice holding a ineluctable sorrow at the fate he had chosen. His eyelashes drooped and overshadowed his golden eyes, "By the time you wake up.... I will be no more... My love."

He wiped his tear off of Adriel's cheek, taking in the warm feeling underneath his fingers. He opened his hand. Pulling out what he had stored within himself, in his palm emerged the Mark of Cain. He then, lowered his hand and entered Adriel's chest. The moment his hand passed through the first layer of his chest, Adriel's body tried to resist the invasion. The chains clinked as Adriel struggled unconsciously. Once he had reached the heart, Uriel started to merge the mark with Adriel's soul.

The sweet thick taste was flowing up his throat. He coughed up a mouthful of blood. His forehead had a sheen of sweat covering it.

As he was in the process of merging, more blood dripped down Uriel's mouth. He felt as if his soul was forcefully being shredded and taken out of him. His blue veins became more profound on his porcelain like skin, as he tried to protect his soul and complete the ritual simultaneously.

Even with his body seemingly to be riddled with pain, he remained concentrated on task. One mistake and it would damage Adriel's soul.

On the sideline, Bao Bao prayed for the first time in over two thousand years as he helped try and sustain, Uriel's soul. The last time he had ever prayed was for the safe homecoming of that 'person'. For a system, he felt utterly useless. Why does it always seem that he can never do anything? He couldn't stop his host from this decision... He can't stop his host's soul from from slowly being destroyed. He couldn't even grant him a split second of happiness in this world...

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