Bearer of Thy Oath (V)

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(A/N: Hello~ You guys had been speculating who our beloved characters will be and many of your comments are correct, if you still don't know it will be cleared up with these two updates... LOL! I'll see you guys tomorrow~ (○゜ε^○))

The moment Sitri made contact with him, he was smacked with a sense of familiarity... His heart beat sped up. An overwhelming urge surfaced in his heart to hold him in his arms. To protect him. Uriel froze and stared intently at Sitri who was hugging his chest. But why did it feel like this, like apart of his soul was there. There wasn't only that feeling though, something else was mixed in with it.

Uriel pushed Sitri back and held onto his shoulder. Two purple vertical slits looked back at him confused at his reaction. Unsure of what he was feeling, Uriel's eyes flickered with a perturbed light.

Bounded to his vessel's character, Uriel showed no emotion on his face, "What do you mean by this, Grand Prince Sitri?"

The young demon who was pushed back's eyes narrowed down in discontent, "You... Your soul resonates with mine. It feels comfortable here, next to you." A feeling of home. I feel at peace and secure with you.

He squeezed his arms around Uriel's chest and back, "Agapiti mou mitera*."

(A/N:  agapití mou mitéra - My dear mother in greek.)

Uriel remained silent, staring at the lavender locks that stood visibly in his view. His face remained unchanged from the endearment term he had just received, but his heart ached.

Astaroth looked at this scene with great interest. Based on the two's nature, this was something that was supposed to be impossible to see happen. Uriel, who is a great chieftain in the Heavens is someone who is not easily approachable by both his kind and the ones below, but here it was a mere prince that is able to touch his holy being.

The instinctual impulse that dwelled inside of their souls would've crashed as natural result. It was an unconditional response, one filled with the pure and holiness offered only in Heaven's realm and another filled tenebrosity and murkiness that is condemned by that very realm.

From Astaroth's knowledge, the two haven't met much outside besides the holy war that was going to be ensued eighty years ago. So... what kind of history does these two have that is hidden from the light?

Uriel's eyes caught the reflection of the light bouncing off a silver pendant and a complicated feeling fleeting across his chest. How could he not recognize who was in. He was happy, but at the same time he felt perplexed. It's simply not possible right? There's no way that he can be here.... If he is here, why? How?If he's here, wouldn't he had to experience death once before? Wouldn't he be pulled into this cycle of an unending life and death?

There were so many questions that Uriel knew that he would have no questions to. It agitated him for not knowing what he wanted to know.

Uriel took a step back, "Where is the Seal of Solomon?"

It would only make sense that the Seal of Solomon had found the rightful progeny to it. Otherwise, the demons would've taken it for themselves and not be here. It was too dangerous to have it fall into someone's hands.

No matter how much he wanted to pull Sitri into his arms, the inclination to take him and hold him close. He couldn't. At least maybe not in this world. It pained him greatly to know that something that he had longed for was so close, but he could never touch it. Many times he had dreamt of that little bundle of love in his arm, but it was always within the lands of his dreams. Never did he think that he would see his son here. Lin Jun Kai's soul had somehow managed to make it to this world....

The seed of hatred grew and began to germinate inside of him. It's roots slowly seeped into his very soul. Uriel's eyes darkened a little.

Astaroth shrugged his shoulder, his long black hair swayed, "Go find it yourself, Uriel. Isn't that why you've been sent here?"

Uriel replied solemnly, "En. Your words speak the truth, Duke Astaroth."

"It's also true that I should send you two back as well."

Sitri's and Astaroth's eyes opened their eyes widely, both for different feelings. Astaroth's was filled with disbelief at the monstrous power that Uriel held, he hadn't seen any archangels since the war. If Uriel has become this strong, what about the his brothers? Sitri's was filled with hurt, repudiation was clear to see in his beautiful eyes. Even the words that he wanted to say were stuck in his throat, he was unable to even utter a sound from the shock of refusal.

A large magic circle appeared below and shined brightly. It disabled them from moving and inch. White currents could be seen sparkling off their skins.

His one word sealed their fate of wanting to escape, "Epistrefo*."

(A/N: Epistrefo - Return in Greek.)

White tendrils sprout from the circle and gripped onto them and encased them. Soon their bodies turned into white cocoons. With a snap of his fingers the white bundles turned into white feathers and the demons were nowhere to be seen. The room turned stagnant from the pressure emitting from Uriel.

Uriel smiled bitterly. This was simply too grueling and tormenting, it clawed at him. He closed his eyes to stable the turmoil in his heart currently. Uriel self ridiculed. Deus qui accingit me fortitudine.

A single drop of red blood slid down from his eyes. The tear of an angel. It was a priceless treasure. Said to contain magical healing properties and also rumored to be able to give immortality. Also a treasure due to the scarcity of angels ever crying.

(A/N: Deus qui accingit me fortitudine. - 'god is my strength' in Latin.)

Uriel turned to leave, he became more detached and reserved. The image of Sitri's eyes twinged with woe, when he looked at him burned into his mind. Just what kind of future was awaiting for him here? Will he be forever stuck here in an never ending torment? Only God knew how long he ached to hold him in his arms again. He decided to switch off knowing how to 'feel'. There was nothing he could do.

This small minuscule act itself was a small breach in the character already.

Uriel knew that they could only stand on opposite sides and look at each other. Invisible chains bounded him to his role tightly. The amount of time he's spent in this world is laughable, as its only a blink of an eye in comparison to an angel's lifespan. 'Uriel' had long existed before this 'Uriel' came about, his character couldn't be changed as the others could previously. It would take him millions millennia before he could change it. 'Uriel' was really a devout child to this Father of his.

The term 'His Children' was just a beautification of the actual ugly truth. Dolls was what they were... Destined by fate to act as his hands, eyes, ears, and feet.

He was actually quite 'gentle' with Astaroth and Sitri in sending them back to the underworld. They only suffered light burns from his divine powers touching their bodies that have been 'defiled' by the sinfulness of the world. But other that, they hadn't suffered any other injury. Usually the angels would be more ruthless in sending back the demons.

It was only a temporarily thing though. The demons could always find their way to come up to the mortal realm.

The Seal of Solomon was somewhere in the school grounds. From the reaction of Astaroth, Uriel could conclude that one of the humans have it and they reside within the school. Otherwise, they would've found else where to set up their dwelling.

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