Catastrophe (IV)

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Bao Bao's eyes lit up. He cackled to himself. Ohhh~ Hehe... I will get to see host cross dress! Ah, I wonder how cute my baby will look like wearing that skirt! His slender legs will be shown. That thigh high stocking that he will be wearing... Hehe~ It will be a trap! Have to take pictures of this precious moment.

If Allen heard his systems thought, he would've just chosen to wear his blood stained clothes. Allen turned to Bao Bao.

<How do you wear this?>

Although Allen lived through to lifetime, he was rather.... busy and didn't bother with things that didn't have to do with him. Bao Bao's eyes gleamed with a light.

<So, you see host. You put on this...>



<Ah, that goes there.>

<Good. Just like that!>

After Allen had put on the uniform correctly, he felt that his legs were too... exposed? The skirt was much shorter than the shendyt, that he was used to wearing. It reached down to the middle part of his thighs, and the lower part of his thighs and the rest of his legs weren't covered by it. A black silky stocking went up just below where the skirt ended. If he ran in the outfit.... it would be flipped by the wind. Allen looks back to his dirtied pants and sighed, he'll have to stick with this for now.

Bao Bao had taken pictures of it and nodded. Mnm, host looks good in anything he wears!

Allen also found a jersey sweater and wore that over his white uniform shirt. Allen searched around the room a little more for a bag. He had to leave the school ground.

He found an a bag at one of the beds and emptied it. After he shoved as much medical items into the bag as he could. It was a quite a large bag, so Allen was able to put in all the supplies. Next, he needed a new and more durable weapon. The broom stick looked like it could break at any moment and he didn't want to get too close to the zombies.

He didn't know if he could get infected by just touching them. From Allen's memories, whoever came into contact with the zombies had turned into one after. He needed to conduct further research if he wanted to find out.

Allen found a metal ruler, similar to the one he had gotten injured by before. If he could sharpen one side of it, he could use it as a sword. Too his expectations, there wasn't anything around for him to sharpen the fuller with. At least he could whack the zombies with it without worrying about it snapping in half.

Allen had resided in B city and it was one of the largest city, along sides A, S, T, and Z city. The population was much denser, making it even more difficult for him. From his estimation he could conclude that over 60% of the human population had turned into these man eating monsters.

Allen rubbed his brow, although he wanted to leave he wasn't sure where to go. Allen hadn't ventured into the city much, and so his knowledge of the city was very vague.

<System, can you give me a map?>

<Yes... but that'll cost you 15 points.> Don't think that Bao Bao is ripping you off, host... Bao Bao doesn't have control over the prices.... Of course Bao Bao wants to give it to host for free but it would cost Bao Bao 180 points... QwQ

<... Go ahead and charge.>

An almost translucent blue screen pops up in Allen's vision. It was worth the 15 points, it was more like a blueprint of the city than a map. It showed the structures of all the buildings, making it easier for Allen to plan an escape route if needed. He carefully studied the layout of the city, he memorized all the street names, the subway stations, building structures that he was going to be visiting, and landmarks. After marking the locations he wanted to hit in his mind, Allen closed the screen and proceeded to leave the school building.

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