Meow~? (IV)

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The next couple of weeks, Sairi honed his predacious skills and gained more battle experience. It was very different from his training back in the training grounds of his space, where he would use practice against the dummies.

The plot side tracked from it's original route, Rose wasn't with Sairi, the they didn't meet the poachers, and Sairi didn't get captured by them. Sairi stayed in the forest for another five weeks before he decided to leave the and take his first steps into becoming stronger. He was going to start challenging the top rank were-cat fighters.

The first major city Sairi hit was Eloris, the city of the gold. When Sairi first arrived in Eloris, he saw a large magnificent golden gate. There was a line of people outside of the gate. Sairi was wearing a black coat with a hood and a satchel filled with his some of his provision.

When it was Sairi's turn, the guard at the gate asked Sairi to take off his hood. Everyone was shocked at Sairi, after all the snow leopard clan had disappeared for over a century.

With the disappearance of the snow top mountains, the snow leopard clan's population plummeted. They fled to their only sanctuary, the illustrious forest but it still couldn't save them. Like a tragedy, they simply disappeared until they were forgotten about.

This was the first appearance of the snow leopard in after so long, everyone was shocked at what they saw. Were-cats were inherently taller from there genes. His height reached 196 cm, almost two meters tall.

He also looked much more dignified, than Sairi did when he escaped from the poachers. The aura that surrounded him gave off a sense of noble superiority but not in an arrogant way. They knew right away that Sairi was strong, very strong.

Sairi handed his satchel over to the guard, "Here."

The guard finally snapped out of his dazed state and took Sairi's bag and searched through it. Seeing that there wasn't anything that was illegal, Sairi was good to go. Sairi was calm when he took back his satchel and walked past the guard. Were-cats who had already passed through made way for him as he walked pass them.

In the distant a man with black hair and amber eyes was staring at Sairi with intensity. As if he noticed, Sairi turned his head but only caught a glimpse of a tall man's back with long flowing black hair.

<System. Where is the Ivon?>

<Mmm... host, he's currently in the city square in a brawl with another challenger.>


Sairi heads down to the town square to see one lion fighting with a tiger. The two clash with each other, the lion was much larger in size, he bared his teeth at the tiger. The tiger gives a low growl and swiped it's paw at the other.

The lion barely dodged the tiger's attack. Sairi was studying their their battle styles and taking mental notes on their fighting techniques.

How challenges work, only those who are in the top ten can be challenged a duel. Those who are being challenged can only refuse up to three duels before they are forced to either give up their position or accept. Once a duel starts, it can only end once one of them concedes or they die.

You can challenge anyone in the top ten ranks. Once you've defeated them, you will take their place. There are no breaks between duels, once one ends another will begin as soon as it's accepted.

Ivon is ranked eighth, he's a pure blood lion. Ivon is known for a his powerful strikes, just letting one hit you can break your bones. Sairi wanted to test their strength, so that he could plan accordingly so that he could reach the top.

<System, can you gage out his strength.>

<Sorry host, Bao Bao doesn't have that ability unlocked. But Bao Bao is sure that you will win.> Hmph just a puny lion think that it can take on my baby? In your dreams. Σ(-᷅_-᷄)

Their duel soon ended as the tiger flew pass Sairi, his throat was ripped out and gushing out blood like a waterfall. The tiger had gotten cocky and underestimated Ivon, he received a smack on his neck rendering him almost immobile.

Then, Ivon took this chance and tore open the tiger's throat in one fellow swoop. Ivon roared out loud triumphantly and changed into his human form, his long golden locks swayed in the wind, and his eyes were a beautiful deep orange color with his blood dripping down his chin.

The onlookers were cheering and screaming with excitement, the blood riled up everyone there. Even Sairi's blood began to boil and his sapphire eyes seem to glow.

Ivon shouted with arrogance, "Who dares to step up to the challenge?"

The crowd quiets down. No one wanted to challenge Ivon after seeing his merciless. Some of those who wanted to challenge afterward backed off, their spirit was destroyed from seeing their match. They were all simply to weak and dare not approach, afraid that they would be simply throwing away their life.

Sairi walked out of the encirclement, "Me."

Ivon scoffed seeing Sairi's physique. He was slimmer than Ivon as he was a hunk of muscles, but what Ivon forgot was that underneath that cloak there were layers of muscles that could rival anyone of them there.

Ivon beckoned Sairi with his finger and replied in a condescending tone, "Come to daddy then."

Sairi didn't react to his retort, he grabbed his cloak and pulled it off. His slightly bronze skin was very alluring with his toned abs showing and his lickable mermaid line. There were scars that could be seen on his abdomen and back, but they only made him look more sexy. Sairi had on a white pants that outlined his well muscled long legs.

Many of the female were-cats drooled from this sight. Ivon clicked his tongue in annoyance. He thought that Sairi was showing off and couldn't wait until he pummeled Sairi and showed him where his place was.

Sairi slowly stepped towards the middle of the encirclement and as he got closer, the pressure he released became more intense to Ivon. Sairi's eyes narrowed down with a dangerous light in them.

Sairi stopped when he was an arm away and kept his eye contact with Ivon not backing away.

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