Bearer of Thy Oath (XXIX)

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The ivory blaze gorged into his very soul. It burned out the bond and connection to their Father, now he was 'free'. Severed from his obligations and burden that had tied him down. When the glorifying flames finally extinguished, all that remained was a demon.

In the blink of an eye he was surrounded by who he once called his brothers. Now that he had 'fallen', their bonds had been cut off as well. They pressed their weapons tightly against him. Their eyes filled with discomfiture as they looked intently down at him.

Raphael's cold voice cut into the air, "Uriel, by the laws of Heaven, we the sons of God will take you to receive punishment by our Father."

The demon opened his eyes, the vertical red slits of his eyes glistened, "Stand down, apostles."

Behind the archangels were the thirteen apostles, their weapons were drawn and pointed towards them. Their body emitted turbulent and hostile air. Who were they to come and trifle with their creator. To dare to draw their weapons against him? They certainly had a death wish. He was their father, their king; their God. No one else mattered but him. If given the word now, they would not spare the archangels.

Taking in the current situation, Uriel understood how his creations felt and he quelled their anger. He spoke to them telepathically. He did not want to shed unnecessary blood. Though he managed to calm the apostles down, the next words that were transmitted made them cry in distress and sorrow.

<I, Uriel abolish the bonds that connects us. From now forth, the chains that bind you have been absolved. Fly and be free, for that is what I created you for. Live on.>

<This is farewell.>

They stood rooted in the same spot as they watched Uriel go with the archangels. He did not look back once at them once they took flight. Their hearts cried out with desolation at the sudden loss of their Father. Even if they wanted to follow or stop them, they knew that it was impossible. If the angels wanted Uriel, they would do everything in their power to capture him. Another terrible war would start for their defiance and just how many would be caught in between? The apostles all understood Uriel and knew that he did not wish to claim lives unless it was necessary to do so. If it was avoidable, he would go down that path.

This was also their creator's will to go with them, he was stronger than four of them combined together. With them around to assist, Uriel could've escaped but he chose to silently follow. They had to respect their creator's decision, it was the least that they could do.

Adam, who was the oldest of the apostles and his first creation sank down to his knees. His eyes tightly closed shut as the waves of emotion washed over him. The other apostles followed ensued similar actions after him and crashed down onto their knees. Their crystal clear tears flowed down from their eyes.


Large cold cuffs and chains were placed upon his neck, arms, and legs. They were made from 100% pure angel's gold, an ore only found in Heaven. It is also the only material that is used for angelic weapons as it can mortally wound an angel. Runes were inscribed onto the metal restricting the usage of magic. They clinked as Uriel was escorted to Aravoth.

Many of the other angels kept their distance as they spectated the scene. An angel becoming a fallen, that as big news. It was even more so shocking as there hadn't been a condemnation in centuries.

It surprised many, as Uriel had been seen as an upright cherubim. For him to commit such a treacherous sin, it must've been enough to overturn the Heavens for the 'Heavenly Fire' to incinerate him.

His red eyes took in the familiar environment as he walked. These halls, those stairs, these golden doors, and this room, where their Father stayed in. Upon the chair sat their Father and around him were his brethren who guarded his throne, the Order of the Throne.

The Throne room was a magnificent placed that was simple yet extravagant in style. Dyed in gold, there were minuscule details were in red, green, and blue. The ceiling had paintings of the establishment of world and their creation painted upon it. The lights were that of a warm mellow yellow colour, just like the sun.

While he walked, they all held the same gaze as they looked at him with disappointment. How could he have done so? Did he not heed their Father's teaching? Why must he have been affected so deeply by the mortal affairs of the realm below theirs? They all shook their heads inwardly.

Uriel did not shrink back at their gazes nor did he look ashamed. He was unaffected by their judgement upon his actions. He held his head high and his posture was elegant and graceful, as he had always been. He was not ashamed of his actions. He did what he thought was correct, he did not have to explain himself to others. If they judge him solely because he became a demon and the words of Mikael, then so be it.

Only those who were involved would know the truth, but that was enough for him.

Once they neared within five feet of the Throne, he was forced to kneel before their Father. His head was lowered as a fallen, one could not look at him. Their Father's grace as not something that he could look upon anymore. It was too dazzling, too bright for his eyes to bear.

The room fell into silence. It was so quiet that a drop of a pin could be heard.

God finally spoke after observing this son of his for a while, "My son, do you have anything to say?"

His voice was very gentle and ethereal like but it held power within its words. Uriel replied with great respect in his voice, "I have nothing to say, Father."

He sighed, "I have been negligent... and you have suffered, my son."

Uriel, "I have only done what I had wished to do. The fault does no lie with you, Father."

God's golden eyes held a downcast light as he looked at Uriel, "You know that I cannot save you, my son."

Uriel, "...I know, Father."

He knew. He knew it when he first took in the sins of Mikael. He knew it when it entered inside of his body. From the moment it touched his soul, he knew. He understood it all, but still he did not falter or become afraid. There was no going back, he could only look forward and embrace his decisions. He integrated it into his body, it had unified together as one with him and became apart of who he was now. There was no way of separating it from his own body without killing Uriel.

God's voice ranged out loud and clear, "Boreis na eisai se aionia eirini.¹"


¹'Boreis na eisai se aionia eirini': Original translation -  'boreís na eísai se aiónia eiríni'. Greek for, "may you be at eternal peace".

 Greek for, "may you be at eternal peace"

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