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3 November 2000 - 5.15 p.m.

HILMAN and Jeslina had been waiting since 4.00 p.m. Hilman knew Mia Sara would return home today. He had called the Malaysian Embassy in Washington D.C to enquire about Mia Sara's departure. Datuk Jamsari, who answered the call, said Mia Sara would leave for Kuala Lumpur today on a Malaysian Airline flight MH 777, which was November 1st, the date in the United States. That would be November 2nd in Malaysia. 

Hilman calculated the time difference according to GMT time and guessed Mia Sara would arrive today after a long journey. He had the same experience the first time he went to that country the previous month. And another when he returned to Malaysia. 

Time went by slowly. Hilman and Jeslina sat and waited at the arrival hall. Hilman's heart beat faster waiting for Mia Sara's return. That was the reason for his restlessness, he would, every now and then, stand up, paced the floor, and sat again. 

"Dad... please tell me who your girlfriend is..."

"I want to surprise you, Jes," Hilman replied. 

Hilman smiled because Jeslina did not know the person he meant was really Mia Sara. 

Hilman looked at the watch on his wrist. 

"I'm going to the prayer hall now, Jes. I'll be back soon after the Asar prayer," Hilman said. 

Jeslina nodded. 

"Would you huld this bouquet for me, please." Hilman handed a bunch of roses to Jeslina. 

"Don't worry, dad. I shall look after these flowers the same way I look after myself," Jeslina teased her father with a giggle. How funny he was to her. 

Hilman pinched Jeslina on her nose and rushed to the prayer hall at the upper floor. 


MIA SARA stepped out of the Malaysian Airline flight MH 777. Moments ago, while the plane was landing over the runway, she could not hold her tears. This was Malaysia, her beloved country. She missed it all. Everything! Especially her loving mother and endeared family. Hilman? She had no idea where he would be. The voice in her heart told her that Hilman was safe. 

Mia Sara passed the immigration checkpoint, and collected her baggage. Her whole body felt fatigued after experiencing a long flight. She arranged her bags on the trolley, before pushing it out to the arrival hall. She planned to go straight to her home by taxi. She hadn't told her mother that she was coming home. She wanted to surprise her. 

Mia Sara queued to buy a ticket for a taxi. The fare depended on the destination one is headed for. On average, the fare to Kuala Lumpur would be around RM 60.00 per journey. 

"Hello..." someone behind Mia Sara's back called. 

"Yes...?" Mia Sara turned. 

Jeslina smiled. 

"Hey! Jeslina!"

Mia Sara stepped out of the line of people waiting to buy a ticket for taxi. 

"Wow! You're looking fine now," Mia Sara said. 

"I saw you just now, auntie. That's why I come to see you," Jeslina said not realizing the woman was the one her father had waited for. 

"You still remember me?"

Jeslina nodded.

"Hmm... what are you doing here?" Mia Sara asked. 

"Dad is waiting for his girlfriend," Jeslina replied, half whispering. 

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidWhere stories live. Discover now